Futuristics presents Parvati Label Party 30.5.2009 @ Tampere

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Posts: 156

#1 • • Edited joonas^
Futuristics presents:


30.5.2009 @ Klubi, Tampere // 21:00-04:00 // 15e (+ cloakroom payment)



Jahbo (Parvati, Denmark) myspace
Papiyan (Parvati, Denmark) myspace
Vertical (Parvati, Futuristics, Finland) myspace


Giuseppe (Parvati label manager, Denmark) myspace



Klubi, Tullikamarinaukio 2, 33100 Tampere


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21:00 - 22:00 Giuseppe dj set
22:00 - 23:00 Vertical live
23:00 - 00:30 Papiyan live
00:30 - 02:00 Jahbo live
02:00 - 03:30 Giuseppe b2b Jahbo dj set

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Jahbo was born as Roelike Bunzendahl in 1981 in a hippie society in the north of Denmark. As a basic member of Parvati Records he started to appear on this label acts like a pioneer in the psytrance scene since it's beginning as well as the confidential person for Giuseppe, and relentless helped building up this special base for the extraordinariness in the music scene.

Working in a music shop in his real life he is always refining his production skills meticulously to define his extraordinary and most definitely recognizable style at his recent state of the art and his tracks basically have this special charme of a tripped out mushroom atmosphere.

Morphing soundscapes, wobbling basslines and an immense potion of the right humor spangled with a lot of twisted effects and surrealistic leads are a defined earmark of Jahbo tracks and so he was playing all around the globe on almost all important festivals with his exceptional live gigs and absorbing sets.

He appeared on many releases, mainly on his homelabel in Denmark as well as on leading psytrance labels with the ideology of twisted trippy psytrance, with his solo project Jahbo as well as with the different projects he is also doing, like the most recent appearance on latest Parvati CD, "No strings attached", with Mussy Moody forming Psilo Cowboys.

His dj sets are dedicated to the trippers on the dancefloor, and he is able to move it night or daytime with his crispy and of course typical Aarhus styled attitude to send the crowd on his wings of psytrance.

He always finds time between working on his debut album and handling his job responsibilities to play on special events around the globe.

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Papiyan are Zim & Mnemo from Århus, Denmark

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I am born and raised in Italy, right after school I moved to Denmark, Aarhus, where I have been based since. There, in the early 90´s, I got introduced to Psychedelic Trance Music by my friend Byzught who was visiting Goa (India) every year collecting music. At that time Psychedelic-Trance music was quite unknown in our town. Byzught slowly introduced and organized the first parties and in the middle of the ´90 we founded the club "INSTANT KARMA" having parties with Total Eclipse, Dino Psaras, Koxbox and more.

During the summer of 2000, with the help of Byzught and other friends, I founded Parvati Records. The vision was, and still is, to create a platform for young talented producers from the underground milieau. Since the start I have tried to pay attention to artists who try to explore and push the borders of electronic psychedelic trance having allways a friendly approach to the dancefloor: being not full experimental but always innovative and avandgarded in order to reach and stimulate a wider audience.

Since 2004 I have started to play at parties, presenting a selection of the music released on Parvati and the demos arriving at the label.

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Vertical is 24 years old Joonas Lehtinen from Finland and has been producing electronic music since 1998. In 2002 he got interested in psychedelic trance and soon after he started to produce some of his own. Today his project Vertical aims to make the dancefloor in the forest (or indoors) go crazy at night.

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Posts: 260

#3 • • isoM

Posts: 438

#4 • • Lippe
Täällä alotetaa kesän ryyppyputki! Parasta.

Posts: 1,097

#6 • • Auacusha Koneradio

Ootko hieman ryynejä vedellyt kenties kun aivot tuntuu vähän flippaavan?
(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 260

#7 • • isoM
tästä todellakin lähtee kesä käyntiin niin että jytisee

Posts: 1,569

#8 • • Decion Koneradio
eipähän tarvi enää miettiä mitä koulujenloppuna tekee *hymy*

-Bulletproof NRG Slaughter-

#9 • • Krankkenhakken Guest
Tänne ois jees tulla synttäreitä viettään! *jiihaa*

Posts: 54

#11 • • stewie cloud-9
Todellakin tulossa........

Posts: 260

#12 • • isoM
ennakkoliput: Klubi, Epe's, Swamp Music

Posts: 736

#15 • • Vendela e-ra2co
Mitenköhän mä esitän mun kaverille, etten pääsekään tuona päivänä sen yo-juhliin jonnekki Vaasaan *justjoo* No, onneks sillä ollee muitakin kavereita ku mäh. *piis* REiWOUN!

The one who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.


Posts: 438

#16 • • Lippe

sativa, 19.5.2009 18:31:
Mitenköhän mä esitän mun kaverille, etten pääsekään tuona päivänä sen yo-juhliin jonnekki Vaasaan *justjoo* No, onneks sillä ollee muitakin kavereita ku mäh. *piis* REiWOUN!

Kerkeehä Vaasasta yöks vielä Tampereelle :) ei kai nää päiväbileet oo..

Posts: 260

#17 • • isoM

Hemppa, 19.5.2009 18:38:
sativa, 19.5.2009 18:31:
Mitenköhän mä esitän mun kaverille, etten pääsekään tuona päivänä sen yo-juhliin jonnekki Vaasaan *justjoo* No, onneks sillä ollee muitakin kavereita ku mäh. *piis* REiWOUN!


Kerkeehä Vaasasta yöks vielä Tampereelle :) ei kai nää päiväbileet oo..

pitää olla mestoilla terävänä heti startissa klo 2100

Posts: 736

#18 • • Vendela e-ra2co

Hemppa, 19.5.2009 18:38:
sativa, 19.5.2009 18:31:
Mitenköhän mä esitän mun kaverille, etten pääsekään tuona päivänä sen yo-juhliin jonnekki Vaasaan *justjoo*


Kerkeehä Vaasasta yöks vielä Tampereelle :) ei kai nää päiväbileet oo..

Mulla asuu 50% lähisukulaisista Vaasas ja sit ne loukkaantuis, jos en jäisi sinne hengaan joten paras vaan alottaa aikasin ja lopettaa tooooodella myöhään, pitkästä aekaa ku Tampereella pamahtaa *joo*

The one who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.


Posts: 438

#19 • • Lippe


pitää olla mestoilla terävänä heti startissa klo 2100

Lupaan olla yhtä terävä ku sääki! :D
Ei vaan, näin pienet tytöt nukahtaa ennen yhtä jos heti menee mestoil :(

Posts: 156

#20 • • joonas^

21:00 - 22:00 Giuseppe dj set
22:00 - 23:00 Vertical live
23:00 - 00:30 Papiyan live
00:30 - 02:00 Jahbo live
02:00 - 03:30 Giuseppe b2b Jahbo dj set