Underground Clinic presents: Great Stuff 5th Anniversary Tour with TOMCRAFT (GER) 9.4.2009 @ Playgro

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#1 • • Edited -Clinic-

Underground Clinic presents: Great Stuff 5th Anniversary Tour @ Playground
Thursday 9.4.2009 // 22:00-04:00 // Age 20

Iso Roobertinkatu 10
00100 Helsinki

Operation room:


Paul Easy (Clinic)
Coma (Clinic)

Observation room:

Hans Zcykkel


22:00 Paul Easy
00:00 Coma
01:30 Tomcraft

Clinic visits booked in advance: 8 incl. bf.
(from www.tiketti.fi & Street Beat)
Charge at the Clinic reception: 10

Various Artists - 5 Years Of Great Stuff CD01

Best Of Great Stuff – mixed, mashed and edited by Tomcraft & Lützenkirchen


Clinic information:

X-rays: marX & the boys



Great Stuff 5th Anniversary Tour

One of the most powerful labels in dance music and biggest success stories turns 5. Great Stuff looks back with pride on its countless fantastic releases and amazing artist family.
It all began back in 2003 in Munich with a few nice tracks by founding member Tomcraft, the British duo Coburn and from Gusgus, the labels very special friends from Iceland. These not only lead towards highly acclaimed album releases by Gregor Tresher, Butch, Coburn, Ramon Tapia and Luetzenkirchen but also to numerous international underground club hits.

Some even appealed to a broader audience and climbed up into the single charts. Great Stuff clearly started as one of THE leading electro-house labels, breaking into unknown territories with genre defi ning releases like Coburn’s – „We Interrupt This Program“, The Egg – „Walking Away / Tocadisco Remix“ und Mason – „Exceeder“. Though it was never about only that one sound for GSR. The musical direction has always been clear:

Peaktime club tunes from any genre – be it house, electro or techno, from minimal to maximal. It was always about the premier league of tasteful club anthems, the future classics with that extra melody or vocal rather than just about pure dj-tools. Just like the steady change of the club scene with its constantly evolving styles and genres Great Stuff’s sound moves and develops accordingly. Releases by Gregor Tresher, Martin Eyerer, Lützenkirchen, Namito and Butch are very clear signs that the times of electro house are over.

For the A&R Rainer Weichhold spotting new talents goes hand in hand with the steady renewal of the Great Stuff sound. Lützenkirchen, Butch, Swen Weber, Mason etc. quickly became new global players in the electronic scene and started a great career from zero to none. And the next future hero is about to take off: Ramon Tapia from Belgium.

Every innovation still has its roots in the past, that’s why the Great Stuff Roots Edition pays respect to special classics and lost treasures. Great originals by Rockers Hi-Fi, Whirlpool Productions, Nicolette and Pressure Drop have enjoyed new interpretations by different remixers. In the spring of 2009 it will be time for another jewel: Luomo’s “Tessio” with new mixes by Stimming and Spektre.

Also compilation wise Great Stuff is trying new concepts and possibilities. „Great Carnival Stuff“ and „Great Summergames Stuff“ (for the Olympic Games 2008) have only been the start of these compilations including exclusively produced tracks only. In late summer 2009 it will be „Great Oktoberfest Stuff“ with the best music you can imagine strictly from Bavaria.

The double cd „5 Years Of Great Stuff” gives you the perfect overview and outlook of the divers sound of Great Stuff: CD 1, presented by Tomcraft & Lützenkirchen lets you travel through the back catalogue with their Best Of Great Stuff mix: 35 classics mixed, mashed up and edited, from left to right, from the big classics to the latest tunes. CD2 exclusively consists of brand new versions from the current Great Stuff artists, remixing their respective favourites out of the GSR Catalogue. Plus a very
special highlight: the birthday serenade from Tomcraft & Lützenkirchen


Tomcraft bio

We are writing the history of 2007. For well over a decade, as TOMCRAFT, Thomas Brückner has been an important part of today’s electronic music scene and one of its most highly regarded ambassadors in foreign countries near and far. If you wanted to sum up TOMCRAFT’s life in recent years in a couple of lines, they would look something like this: three albums, two children, two of his own labels, dozens of successful singles, a No. 1 hit in the UK, countless remixes for acts such as Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, Simple Minds, Sonique and many more. Even that does not do full justice to this Bavarian DJ and producer.

TOMCRAFT is after all one of the early pioneers of electronic music and from 1995 to the present, with tracks like “This Is No House,” “The Mission,” “Silence,” “Prozac,” “Dirty Sanchez” and “Quelle Heure Est-Il” and the albums “All I Got” (2001), “MUC” (2003) and “HyperSexyConscious” (2006) he has built himself a fan base that continues to provide him with countless bookings – in particular abroad, from the USA to Japan. But the proverbial prophet is also very welcome in his own country.

His recognised hit “Loneliness” that was released in 2002 may have been responsible in part for this when it shot straight to pole position in the British sales charts. Whereas up to this moment TOMCRAFT had been better known among the initiated for his functional club sound, now, if not before, it became clear that mass compatibility was also possible in the club sector without it being seen as betrayal of the scene, as a commercial sell-out. Collaborations followed with Aggro Berlin front man SIDO, with whom TOMCRAFT remade the track “Sureshot”, Bloodhound Gang member Jimmy Pop, with whose microphone performance was created “Broadsword Calling Danny Boy,” and Xavier Naidoo who sang the vocals to “People Like Them.” Works like these and remixes for international artistes opened new ears, hearts and doors to him.

With this recognised status in the bag and his constant search for higher levels in his mind, in October 2003 TOMCRAFT set up his first independent label, Great Stuff Recordings, followed by Craft Music in 2005, on which national and international acts such as GusGus, The Egg, Rockers Hi-Fi, Lützenkirchen and Oliver Koletzki released records and the imprint with its high-quality tunes which went on to become the most popular in the world in the shortest possible time. The range is as varied and open-minded here as with TOMCRAFT himself and in this way the one-time trancer has long since become a musical polyglot with ambitions from Techno to Electro.

All this and the fact that TOMCRAFT has always remained as he was when he started his career and to whom the glitter of stardom is alien and his wife and children sacred, have made him a very popular figure in the German electronic music scene. His down-to-earth nature and his constant efforts to take himself and his music one level further guarantee many interesting developments to come – on both the decks and in the studio.



Posts: 651

#2 • • Playground
Rose Garden on kokenut viimeisten kuukausien aikana suuret muutokset sisustuksen, äänentoiston ja omistajan vaihdoksen suhteen, niinpä nyt onkin aika kuopata Rose ja aukaista paikalle uusi klubi, Playground.

Playground jatkaa siis siitä mihin Rose Garden jäi. Viikonlopusta toiseen elektronisen musiikin tähtiä ympäri maailmaa, musiikkityyleinä ennen kaikkea teknon ja housen eri alalajit unohtamatta kuitenkaan drum n’ bassia tai elektroa.

Kotinsa Playgroundista ovat löytäneet yllämainittujen lisäksi mm. seuraavat klubit: Underground Clinic, e2e2, Local Underground, Deepscan, Planetaria, Secret Garden, Beatnics sekä Blow

Posts: 838

#3 • • -Clinic-
Ennakkoliput myynnissä huomisesta alkaen Street Beatissa sekä Tiketissä.

Posts: 243

#4 • • hane
mitääh, oikeesti tomcraft! *hymy* kaikkii hyvii biisei...

- Luulotauti paranee tiedolla -


Posts: 555

#5 • • iBOU marX escobar
Tomcfraft kyl veti viime syksynä Rosessa semmosen keikan et oksat pois :). Eiköhän taas ole odotettavissa huikeat bileet!

Posts: 838

#6 • • -Clinic-

22:00 Paul Easy
00:00 Coma
01:30 Tomcraft

Posts: 146

#7 • • Flink

iBOU, 17.3.2009 17:15:
Tomcfraft kyl veti viime syksynä Rosessa semmosen keikan et oksat pois :). Eiköhän taas ole odotettavissa huikeat bileet!

Kyl kyl. Yhet parhaista viime vuonna. Ja täähän on jo ens viikol :)

Posts: 1,022

#8 • • leenuliinu Kenen kaveri
LU:lla jälleen pakkoedustus.

Local Underground Helsinki

SPRAIT! @ mbar 18.01.2014 ja 15.03.2014


Posts: 838

#10 • • -Clinic-
Observation Roomissa ihastuttaa kiirastorstain tunnelmissa mr Hans Zcykkel.

Posts: 3,605

#12 • • Raver71 Elämäntapa reivaaja, dj raver
Siihen asti musiikki tarjonta oli koko illan sopivaa kunnes väsymys vei voiton ja tuli lähtö ennen täyttä aikaa. Tomcraft heitti parhaan setin sen mitä kerkesi kuulemaan. Ekaa kertaa paikassa ja ug clinicilla. Tulen varmaan toisenkin kerran.