Blow! 2D with LUCAS (TIP-World/10Kilo, UK) 10.4.2009 @ helsinki

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Posts: 33

#1 • • Edited Blow!
Blow! 2D with Lucas (TIP-world/10Kilo,UK) @ Playground



22-04 / K20 / 10€

Iso Roobertinkatu 10
00100 Hki

Lineup & Chedule

Main Room:

22.00 - 00.00 KLABI & JAQUES (Helsinki Underground Collective)
00.00 - 01.00 ORION (Misc / Ylex)
01.00 - 02.30 LUCAS (TIP-world/10Kilo,UK)
02.30 - 03.30 LIONEL TIGER (Blow!)


23.00 - 00.00 ALPINE (UK / Beatnicks)
00.00 - 01.00 INDIGO (Unity)
01.00 - 02.00 JUJU (Aero)
02.00 - 03.00 JAN-PETER (Konemetsä)


About Lucas


It all began in the mid eighties as a hip-hop,
electro and funk DJ with a fascination for psychedelic
and electronic music (and dancing in warehouses all night)!

In the early nineties, I moved on to the techno scene playing
at clubs and events including Club UK, The End, Heaven,
Fabric and Tribal Gathering. Since then I've been lucky enough
to travel across the globe playing many styles of dance music,
most commonly psytrance and techno/electro sets
(In 2007 I have toured in Japan, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Isreal,
Serbia, Portugal and Greece).

After guesting at a TIP party in 1998, the TIP crew asked me to
represent their label and in early 2001 I became label manager
of Flying Rhino Records.

I have worked with friends and artists such as Aphid Moon,
Laughing Buddha, Raja Ram, Hallucinogen, Prometheus, Eat Static,
Tristan and Dickster. My most recent projects have involved working
with Raja Ram, Aphid Moon, Prometheus, Laughing Buddha, Pogo and Sybarite.


Blow! is a monthly club providing quality techno, house, electro and deep beats from the global headquartes of current electronic music scene. We feature top notch international artists from the global underground and add a domestic edge to lineups with our local friends.

The ultimate goal of Blow! is to gather finances in purpose to fly the production crew of the club to outer space. We want to be among those first who will travel as tourists to space. To fulfill our goal we have chosen Virgin Galactic as our flying company. As the possible trip to Rutan's base in Mojave desert can cause serious thirstness, we can happily announce, that PepsiFinland is willing to sponsor and help us in this issue :)

Blow is located at Helsinki City´s top underground venue Club Playground but events are produced outside our headquarter as well.

Thank you for your support!

Blow! Crew

Blow! @ Facebook

Next Blow! 08.05 with IGAL MAGITMAN (brisker&magitman [Isr]
#2 • • jesus Guest
Lucas oli hyvä ainakin sillon joskus kamasiineilla. Pitää tulla kuuntelee! *piis*

Posts: 113

#5 • • hllsngn Pälli
Lucaksen kokkarit on ollu hyviä ja konemetsän setti oli kans kova. Luotan että pistää hyvää elektroo/teknoo, vaikkei ihan lempparigenreihin kuulu. Mestoil *piis*

Peace, Love, Unity and Rape.


Posts: 33

#6 • • Blow!
Lineup & Schedule..
Lionel Tiger

Posts: 719

#7 • • Lionel Tiger [Blow! TIIKERI]
Tosiaan. Lucakselta tiedossa perjantaina päräyttävä elektro/tekno -setti.
Kaveri lentää tänne Isseistä tuoden hieman lämpimiä tuulia vielä kylmään ja koleaan kevääseen.

Itse tulen tapani mukaan luukuttamaan täysillä vikassa slotissa*pahis* ja salettiin muutkin pistävät parastaan heti klo. 22 alkaen*jiihaa*

Ei siis kannata jäädä himaan sluibaamaan*hih*


Posts: 918

#8 • • Indigo
Vaihdettiin Jan-Peterin kanssa soittoaikoja baarin puolella eli


23.00 - 00.00 ALPINE (UK / Beatnicks)
00.00 - 01.00 JAN-PETER (Konemetsä)
01.00 - 02.00 JUJU (Aero)
02.00 - 03.00 INDIGO (Unity)

Posts: 17

#9 • • Jan-Peter
Pitkäperjantain kärsimyksen vastapainoksi Blow! esittää näytelmän.

Pääosaa (Jesus) esittää DJ Lucas (Tip World / UK).
Opetuslapsina: Orion, Juju, Jan-Peter, Lionel Tiger, Indigo, Klabi, Jaques ja Alpine (UK).

Näyttämönä toimii Playground (Iso-Roba)
Näytlemä alkaa kello 22.
