DEEP SPACE HELSINKI @ Basso Radio w/ Samuli Kemppi & Juho Kusti

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Posts: 219

#221 • • DSH
11.6.2013 soittolista

1.tom dicicco - plate subduction - run out run
2.donato dozzy & dino sabatini - penelope - outis music
3.hiss 1292 - known for being ethereal - demented
4.october - unstable phenomenon (joey anderson remix) - voodoo down
5.reggy van oers - sinuosity (ness remix) - affin
6.joey anderson - press play - latency
7.terrence dixon - lost at sea pt. 1 - surface records
8.adriana lopez - sequel - grey report
9.hxb - planet g alt - hexibeats
10.antigone - menace of the species - concrete music
11.petter b - drummer 1 - bond
12.octave - nervous breakdown - silent steps
13.oscar mulero - transversal - modularz hyperactive - 25 hours - droid recordings
15.philippe petit - scrape - decision making theory
16.stojche - cobalt - tangible assets
17.kowton - tfb (karenn remix) - all caps
18.rödhåd - the wall - dystopian
19.nihad tule & bauri - solk - random island
20.thomas hessler - captured particle - clft
21.psyk - somewhere - mote evolver
22.mark broom - two - token
23.clouds - chained to a dead camel - overlee assembly
24.armand van helden - witch doktor - strictly rhythm
25.abstract division - solitude - dynamic reflection

Posts: 219

#222 • • DSH
18.11.2013 soittolista

1. Vesa-Matti - Lankeemus
2. Artefakt - The Other Sun
3. Dino Sabatini & Donato Dozzy - Telemacus
4. Passarella Death Squad - Blue Lips
5. Redshape - Path
6. Arttu - Hallu Ci Nations
7. Woo York - Cinema Club
8. Vesa-Matti - Pacifist
9. Unam Zetineb - Black Out (Groof remix)
10. Truncate - 31 (DJ Hyperactive remix)
11. Dib - Prosaic
12. Lodbrok - Flussesenc (Dave Miller remix)
13. Billy Johnston & Gennaro Mastrantonio - Carpet (Lance Blaise remix)
14. Synus0006 - Far
15. Radial - Asiel
16. Tom Dicicco - Mist of 1807
17. Pär Grindvik - The Planets
18. unknown - untitled
19. Dj Hyperactive - 25 Hours (Raiz remix)
20. Staffan Linzatti - The Contraption
21. Arnaud Le Texier - Loudness Contour
22. The Automatic Message - Whisky (Mike Parker remix)
23. Annuled User - Ending #02
24. Oscar Mulero - Rotula (Truncate remix)
25. Reggy Van Oers - Evasive (Jonas Kopp remix)

Posts: 219

#223 • • DSH
25.6.2013 soittolista

1. alessio pili & nax acid - uchronox - aconito ltd
2. reggy van oers - evasive - affin
3. joey anderson - attitude - latency
4. levon vincent - no regrets - novel sounds
5. deflecting - treatment (roman lindau remix) - techno gypsy
6. october - unstable phenomenon - voodoo down
7. truncate - coaster (esoteric remix) - truncate
8. donor & truss - spacial - mrec ltd grey series
9. adriana lopez - lines of fracture - grey report
10. imugem orihasam - excessive self consciousness - semantica
11. tadeo - speaking aliens - another intelligence
12. architectural - the summer of love - semantica
13. pfirter - ahora (jonas kopp remix) - mindtrip
14. robert hood - black technician (ur mad mike remix) - music man
15. maan - trow (steve rachmad remix) - non series
16. radial - asiel - mord
17. samuli kemppi - more than parsec - mrec ltd
18. nx1 - 014 - nx1 05
19. myk derril - see - knotweed
20. psyk - arcade - mote evolver
21. dj hyperactive - 25 hours (raiz remix) - droid recordings
22. juho kusti - twin oaks - semantica
23. charlton - hypersalvation - mord
24. joey beltram - energy flash - r&s

Posts: 219

#224 • • DSH
2.7.2013 soittolista

1. prince of denmark - traumwurm - giegling
2. inland - solstice - counter change
3. cassegrain - joule - prologue
4. markus suckut - strength (rod remix 2) - sckt
5. echologist - crossing over - prologue
6. max m - afterwards - woods n bass
7. mary velo - foundations - semantica
8. terrence dixon - lost at sea pt. 1 - surface ltd
9. ghosts on tape - nature's law (lando kal remix) - unknown
10. dvs1 - break away - klockworks
11. sleeparchive - a man dies in the street 4 - Tresor
12. voices from the lake - repticulus - geophone
13. mike parker - elliptical (svreca remix) - semantica
14. robert hood - black technician (ur mad mike remix) - music man
15. inland - support - figure spc
16. bleak - sixteen crude - delsin
17. octave - analog - silent steps
18. thomas hessler - captured particle - clft
19. tripeo - trip #5 - tripeo
20. nihad tule & bauri - loksyra - random island
21. the blacknecks - untitled a1 - the blacknecks
22. petter b - jacker - bond
23. alien rain -untitled alien rain 2 - alien rain
24. rrose - cavity - eaux
25. aux88 pres black tokyo - astral projections - puzzlebox

Posts: 219

#225 • • DSH
9.7.2013 soittolista

1. Juan Atkins & Moritz Von Oswald - Electric Garden
2. Marcel Fengler - Break Through
3. Peter Van Hoesen - Attack On The Reality Principle (Sigha remix)
4. Jeff Rushin & Nicole Rosie - Red Velvet (Re-Edit)
5. Ajtim - Notime (Svreca remix)
6. Datura Dilemma - Alfa Centauri
7. Ender - Mirrors
8. Jonas Kopp - X
9. o.utlier - For One Of The Least
10. Marcel Fengler - Trespass
11. Consoless - 23EC 56
12. Sanys - AFC
13. Dimi Angelis & Jeroen Search - Profound
14. Tadeo - Release
15. Teersom - No
16. Hubot - VCH 1
17. Gaja - untitled
18. Scalameriya - Alternate Observer (Reeko remix)
19. Truncate - Ratio (Luis Flores Remix)
20. Floorplan - Eclipse
21. Monix - MAT.TER
22. Inigo Kennedy - Collector
23. Staffan Linzatti - Look Closer
24. Dimi Angelis & Jeroen Search - Species

Posts: 219

#226 • • DSH
30.7.2013 soittolista:

1. Echologist - Impossibility - M_REC Grey series
2. Fred P - Moving Systems - Studio R
3. Woo York - Abandoned City (Deepbass & Ness remix) - Planet Rhythm UK
4. S/SS - Siglo 4 - Jealous God
5. Peru, like the country - Assassinator (Markus Suckut remix) - Micro.fon
6. Sub Culture - Dreams (Tribal mix) - Tresor
7. Adriana Lopez - Acta - Modularz
8. Attemporal - Att 5 (Deep Space Helsinki remix) - ATT Series
9. Lodbrok - Flussesenc (Dave Miller remix) - Gynoid
10. DBX - Live Wire - Accelerate
11. Alex Cortex - Dense - Skudge
12. Tadeo - Speaking Aliens - Another Intelligence
13. Oni Ayhun - OAR004-B - OAR
14. A&S - Nucleotide - M_REC Ltd
15. Takaaki Itoh - Dusker - Modularz
16. Chris Stanford & Dax J - Moonraker - Ear To Ground
17. Craft - Seq interrupted - The Final Experiment
18. Marcel Dettmann - Let's Do It - MDR
19. PSYK - Arcade - Mote-Evolver
20. Phase - On The Edge - Token
21. Steve Stoll - Model T - Novamute
22. Juho Kusti - Twin Oaks - Semantica
23. Charlton - Hypersalvation - Mord
24. Oscar Mulero - Transversal (Sleeparchive remix) - Modularz
25. James Ruskin - Prevention Beyond Cause - Blueprint

Posts: 219

#227 • • DSH
6.8.2013 soittolista

vril - cto - giegling
tom dicicco - plate subduction - run out run
ss/s - siglo 2 - jealous god
eduardo de la calle - sripped denominator - semantica
sigha - untitled - hotflush
function - psychic warfare - ostgut ton
ventress - typhon (svreca remix) - edit-select
miss sunshine - shelter (hd substance remix) - microfreak
juho kusti - audrey - deep space helsinki
mattias fridell - coveled - affin
markus suckut - strength (rod remix one) - sckt
donor/truss - ease - m_rec ltd grey series
terrence dixon - lost at sea part 1 - surface records
attemporal & ness - undefined timelapse - synewave
recondite - cleric - dystopian
mattias fridell - the cornered savage - space
maan - trouw (steve rachmad remix) - non series
adriana lopez - sequel - grey report
shifted - cold light (sektor a) - avian
bas mooy - dust - planet rhythm uk
ellen allien - go (marcel dettmann remix) - bpitch control
radial - asiel - mord
seelow - fatal chord - t.f.e.
antigone - menace of the species - concrete music
choice - acid eiffel - fragile

Posts: 219

#228 • • DSH
20.8.2013 soittolista

samuel kerridge - from the shadows that melt the flesh 1 - downwards
ben gibson - vapour - chronicle
lady blacktronica - sprinkling crystals redux - sound black
unbalance - rhythm slave (steffi remix) - rebalance
marcel fengler - jaz - ostgut ton
couch lock - allure - hidden recordings
4.26. - mages - frozen border
ryan elliott - stepmode - ostgut ton
jeroen search - informa experiments - informa records
staffan linzatti - a succession of events - searchlights
vedomir - dreams (marcel dettmann remix) - dekmantel
tom dicicco - physical - run out run
truncate - ratio (luis flores remix) - truncate
petter b - tool 4 - bond
subjected - 005.7 (shifted reduction) - vault series
developer - random attractions - mote evolver
takaaki itoh - rooster - planet rhythm uk
adriana lopez - sequel - grey report
elyas - adiccion - modularz
benjamin damage - delirium tremens (long version) - 50 weapons
demdike stare - dyslogy - modern love
inigo kennedy - emitter - token
dax j & gareth wild - engineer's revenge - ear to ground
maan - trow (steve rachmad remix) - non series
charlton - perish - krill music
head high - keep on talking (dirt mix) - power house

Posts: 219

#229 • • DSH
27.8.2013 soittolista:

1. Stenny - Trilithe (Paul Du Lac remix)
2. Abdulla Rashim - Alem Maya, A1
3. SNTS - S8
4. Eduardo De La Calle - Stripped Denominator
5. DSX - Low Frequency
6. Reggy Van Oers - TRC_02 (Developer remix)
7. Philippe Petit - Mud
8. Smell The Flesh - Hail Congo
9. Cozzy D - Casio (Nicola Gala remix)
10. Subjected - 005.7 (Shifted reduction)
11. Eduardo De La Calle - Skeletalism
12. Surgeon - Patience EP B1
13. Marco Zenker - Morpho
14. Planetary Assault Systems - No Exit
15. Spherical Coordinates - SCJKN-13
16. Cadans - Fix
17. unknown artist - untitled-1
18. Cadans - Samsa
19. Rolando - We Will
20. Stevie P - Arachnid
21. Johannes Heil - P.A.X.
22. Dualit - Proteus
23. unknown artist - untitled-2
24. Miss Sunshine - Backyard
25. Fuse vs LFO - Loop
26. Surgeon - Patience EP A2

Posts: 219

#230 • • Edited DSH
3.9.2013 soittolista:

snts - end I - snts
abdulla rashim & axel hallqvist - skog - semantica
fred p - storm clouds - the corner
joey anderson - attitude - latency
anthony parasole - my diary - mdr
truss - redbrook (fred p remix) - prime numbers
steffi - attacke - bleep
etapp kyle - drama - klockworks
hannu ikola - escape pod - etherwerks
woo york - vacuum (samuli kemppi remix) - dynamic reflection
aiken - eternal dreamer - chronicle
jeroen search - a2 - informa records
christian wunsch - black lab - semantica
benjamin damage - 010x (truncate remix) - 50 weapons
philippe petit - mud - decision making theory
oscar mulero - spring - semantica
jeroen search - momentum - figure spc
truncate - 31 (jonas kopp remix) - gynoid audio
takaaki itoh - rooter - planet rhythm uk
rich oddie - bloodstream - surface records
inigo kennedy - collector - token
surgeon - as you breathe here now - semantica
dax j - la haine - weekend circuit
spherical coordinates - scjkn-13 - pole group
setaoc mass - nicmos - animal farm
peter van hoesen - inspection in solitude (marcel fengler remix) - time to express

Posts: 219

#231 • • DSH
10.9.2013 soittolista:

1. Tin Man - Rocky
2. Lodbrok - Plage C (Chevel remix)
3. Abdulla Rashim & Axel Hallqvist - Mark
4. Wire - Drom
5. Acronym - Epiphyte
6. Henning Baer - The Promise
7. Reeko w/ Architectural - Startling Idea
8. Simon Haydo - Track 25
9. Giorgio Gigli & Obtane - Industrial Assaults (RRose remix)
10. Mary Velo - Manhattan Project (Silent Servant remix)
11. Mosca - Press Up
12. Ad.lib - Yamato
13. Mark Morris - Mente
14. Christian Wünsch - Unexplained Lights
15. Tripeo - Trip #8
16. Wire - Rail
17. Fundamental Interaction - Regulation (Lee Holman remix)
18. Jake Conlon - Jabbermouth
19. Pfirter - Iteration
20. Duster Traum - Chordrizim
21. Yuuki Sakai - Picasso (Oscar Mulero remix)
22. Fundamental Interaction - 1995 (Aubrey remix)
23. Staffan Linzatti - Succession Of Events
24. Donato Dozzy - 200.3
25. Envoy - Dark Manoeuvres

Posts: 219

#232 • • Edited DSH
24.9.2013 soittolista:

!. Hiss 1292 . Known For Being Awkwardly Shaped Spaces - Demented
2. JC Laurent - Grey - Grey Parts
3. Marco Shuttle - Simmetria Delle Stringhe - Eerie
4. Klartaum - Kazantrip (D. Diggler live dub) - Lucidflow
5. Drumcell - Wonder Back - CLR
6. Giorgio Gigli & Obtane - Industrial Assaults (Rrose remix) - Prosthetic Pressing
7. Ray Kajioka & Diego Hostettler - Early Bird - 1:53.2
8. Anthony Parasole - Off The Grid - MDR
9. Kobosil - Osmium - Unterton
10. Merino - Coming Back - Woods N Bass
11. Reeko feat. Architectural - Dualities - Pole Group
12. James Ruskin - Into A Circle - Jealous God
13. Jonas Kopp - Telergia - Indigo Aera
14. Thomas Hessler - Eclipse - CLFT
15. Ben Gibson - Siphon (Thomas Hessler remix) - CLFT
16. Solenoid - Colony - Graphene
17. Thomas Hessler - Outburst - Graphene
18. Solenoid - Featherman - Graphene
19. Thomas Hessler - Lost - Graphene
20. Solenoid - Pandemic - Graphene
21. Thomas Hessler - Captured Particle - CLFT
22. Sloboda - Svemir - Sloboda
23. Marcel Dettmann - Corebox (James Ruskin Event mix) - MDR
24. Planetary Assault Systems - Undertow - Mote-Evolver
25. Rich Oddie - Bloodstream - Surface Records
26. James Ruskin - Excerpt 1 - Jealous God

Posts: 219

#233 • • DSH
1.10.2013 soittolista:

reeko feat architectural - string theory - pole group
christian wünsch - gamma - semantica
UZB - margen position (markus suckut remix) - sleaze
fred p - storm clouds - the corner
jon hester - tension ware - edec
mono.xid - kevlar - heaven to hell
alpha code - recto (tadeo remix) - rectoversion
truncate - fourty four - mote evolver
chris page - the last mrs tangueray - sonntag morgen
4.26. - mages - frozen border
samuli kemppi - tha last day on earth - scr dark series
truncate - ratios (luis flores remix) - truncate
armando - 100% of disin' you - warehouse
inland - nightfall - figure spc
staffan linzatti - a succession of events - searchlights
charlton - heavenly in the cemetary - ldn white
james ruskin - into a circle - jealous god
benjamin damage - 010x (truncate remix) - 50 weapons
takaaki itoh - rooter - planet rhythm uk
the vision - detroit: one circle - metroplex
dax j - prophet - weekend circuit
shed - i come by night - 50 weapons
and - 001 - and
mush - the descent - technorama
marcel dettmann - corebox (james ruskin blueprint mix) - MDR
mark broom - two - token

Posts: 219

#234 • • DSH
8.10.2013 soittolista:

1. AIken - Image I - Chronicle
2. Conforce - Excess Mortality - Delsin
3. Refracted - Convolution 3 - Reaktivate
4. Jeff Rushin - Obscuur - Wall Music
5. Darkcell - Fragmenter - CLR
6. Steevio - Heddwch - Mindtours
7. Eduardo De La Calle - untitled - Non Series
8. Simian Mobile Disco - Tong Zi Dan (Mike Dehnert remix) - Delicasies
9. MTD - Nonsense (Myk Derill remix) - Retrometro
10. Kernel Key - Unchained (Ambivalence remix) - Greta
11. Miss Sunshine - Ground Loop (Markus Suckut remix) - Decoy
12. Roman Poncet - SSSN02 (Truncate remix) - Figure
13. Phase - Distracted - Token
14. Woo York - Solar Diet - Soma
15. Thomas Hessler - Reaction - Nowhere
16. Juho Kusti - Twin Oaks - Semantica
17. Aiken - Interpretation - Chronicle
18. Uron - G28 - Refluxed
19. Angel Costa - Black Arrow - Illegal Alien
20. Lag - Sama Doma (FSG remix) - Mord
21. Alpha Code & Future 16 - Recto (Tadeo remix) - RectoVersion
22. Relapso - Persistencia (Mike Parker remix) - Relapso
23. Samuli Kemppi - Analog Jam 1.2 - unreleased
24. Prince Of Denmark - Cut 02 - Forum
25. NX1 - Informa Experiments - Informa
26. Nihad Tule & Thomas Andersen - Oblik - od n.t i t.a.
27. Marcel Dettmann - Lightworks - Ostgut Ton

Posts: 219

#235 • • DSH
15.10.2013 soittolista

1. monica hits the ground - reduced life expectancy (regis remix) - horizontal ground
2. skirt - wish in the maze (inigo kennedy remix) - semantica
3. beau wanzer - balls of steel - l.i.e.s.
4. cosmin trg - new structures for loving (marcel dettmann remix) - 50 weapons
5. eduardo de la calle - b1 - non series
6. dan curtin - got me (truss me remix) - holic trax
7. monclova - b1 - monclova
8. detect audio - syncronize - syncrophone
9. prince of denmark - cut untitled cut - forum
10. pvs - arsenal - mrec ltd
11. kobosil - osmium - unterton
12. unknown - unknown - white label
14. roman poncet - route of pain (truncate remix) - figure
15. audio injection - charge - ldn white
16. lag sama doma (fsg remix) - mord
17. planetary assault systems - no exit - mote evolver
18. 400 ppm - piquette plant - avian
19. thomas hessler - reaction - nowhere
20. stanislav tolkachev - dog saves dog - semantica
21. luis ruiz - dilmun (reeko remix) - krill music
22. ctrls - displacer - token
23. dax j - something in the woods - deeply rooted
24. a model authority - pieces of me - a model authority
25. giorgio gigli & obtane - industrial assaults (rrose remix) - prosthetic pressing
26. nx1 - eod3 - end of dayz
27. appointment - untitled - appointment
28. stenny - how the story ends - ilian tape

Posts: 219

#236 • • DSH
22.10.2013 soittolista

1. Rod Modell - Luminescent
2. Skirt - Wish In The Maze
3. Society Of Silence - To The Maggot
4. P.E.A.R.L. - Order Decay II
5. Patrick Krieger - Access (Donor remix)
6. Say DJ - Decadimento
7. PVS - Intercellar (Max M remix)
8. Ken Karter - Synaptoc X13.2
9. Svreca - Övergång
10. unknown - Analog Jam 3.1
11. Herz Bass - IX12 (Nahs Boufmyhre remix)
12. J.C. - Ghetto Blaster
13. unknown - Analog Jam 4.1
14. Woo York - Ancient Light
15. SS - Siglo 4
16. Luis Ruiz - Dilmun
17. Spherical Coordinates - SCFLS 11
18. Birth Of Frequency - The Woman By My Side
19. Will & Ink - Second Wilson
20. Spherical Coordinates - SCFLS 17
21. Alex Bau - Diversions
22. Luis Ruiz - DNA from Sirius
23. Svreca - Övergång (Oscar Mulero remix)
24. Dario Zenker - Karlim
25. Stanislav Tolkachev - Simple As A Miracle

Posts: 219

#237 • • DSH
29.10.2013 soittolista:

1. //no - untitled - hidden hawaii
2. - skirt - wish in the maze - semantica
3. population one - 6:35 - reduction two
4. stanislav tolkachev - simple as a miracle - semantica
5. pehr genlogue - disobedience - disträ
6. marcel dettmann - lightworks - ostgut ton
7. chaton + hopen - life is wonders (donato dozzy remix) - plak
8. delroy edwards & funkineven - xx - apron
9. beau wanzer - two orders - l.i.e.s.
10. stl - phasendreher - something
11. peter van hoesen - to alter a vector (phase remix) - token
12. ctrls - modular framework - token
13. mary velo - manhattan prokect (silent servant remix) - frozen border
14. chevel - entanglement - non series
15. raiz - cored 4 - vrv
16. truncate - ratios (luis flores remix) - truncate
17. troy - friction - dynamic reflection
18. 400 ppm - piquette plant - avian
19. roman poncet - sssn02 (truncate remix) - figure
20. shed - the dirt - 50 weapons
21. jeroen search - momentum - figure
22. takaaki itoh - rooter - planet rhythm uk
23. robert armani - ambulance - dance media
24. takaaki itoh - dusker - modularz
25. dax j - d1 - deeply rooted
26. james ruskin - untitled - blueprint
27. answer code reques - peripetia (war easy made remix) - answer code request
28. surgeon - those who do not - dynamic tension

Posts: 219

#238 • • DSH
12.11.2013 soittolista:

1.wunderblock - wood people (acrodub) - wunderblock
2.shifted - core of stone - bed of nails
3.alhek - inertia (ness remix) - several reasons
4.abdulla rashim - aksum 2 - abdulla rashim records
5.positive merge - reject (marc brunes remix) - main concept
6.pehr genlogue - disobedience - disträ

entropy-haastis osa 1

7.ryan elliott - stepmode - ostgut ton

entropy-haastis osa 2

8.pacou - levitate - cache

entropy-haastis osa 3

9.shifted - pulse incomplete - bed of nails
10.couch lock - allure - hidden recordings
11.pvs - intercellar - mrec ltd
12.antony parasole - transform - mdr
13.kobosil - appregate - unterton
14.silent servant - doom deferred - sandwell district
15.a vision of love - our education - avian
16.raiz - cored 2 - vrv
17.ctrls - modular framework - token
18.dax j - from the grave - ldm white
19.and - bow#2 - modal analysis
20.400 ppm - piquette plant - avian
21.roman poncet - sssn02 (truncate remix) - figure
22.paul birken - funnel fiends - mord
23.mark broom - two - token

Posts: 219

#239 • • DSH
19.11.2013 soittolista

1.wunderblock - red oktober (arcuation dub) - wunderblock
2.blind observatory - and the flying saucer - I/Y
3.eduardo de la calle - b1 - non series
4.truss - redbrook (fred p remix) - prime numbers
5.donato dozzy & dj say - your eyes - attic music
6.abdulla rashim - aksum 4 - arr
7.400 ppm - lean manufacturing - avian
8.marcel dettmann - corridor - ostgut ton
9.samuli kemppi - the last day on earth - scr dark series jones & chris colburn - flavour a - rohrmaterial
11.kike pravda - amplitude - senoid
12.planetary assault systems - no exit - mote evolver
13.uzb - another ganz (groof remix) - android muzik ltd
14.shifted - pulse incomplete - bed of nails
15.mind machines - ldt d - heaven to hell
16.chevel - entanglement - non series
17.daniel bell - blip (chicago style) - tresor
18.psyk - somewhere - mote evolver
19.takaaki itoh - duster - modularz
20.a vision of love - a modern romance - avian
21.ctrls - displacer - token
22.lag - sama doma (fsg remix) - mord
23.dax j - prophet - weekend circuit
24.marcel dettmann - corebox (james ruskin blueprint mix) - mdr
25.a model authority - pieces of me - a model authority
26.demdike stare - dyslogy - test pressing

Posts: 219

#240 • • Edited DSH
26.11.2013 soittolista:

1. dars - conflicting principles of behaviour - balans
2. dj red - awake track - bpitch control
3. bruno sacco - deformed (frank valat remix) -
4. chevel - harsh times - non series
5. p.e.a.r.l. - anomalies - unknown
6. rödhåd - patient zero (function remix) - dystopian
7. 400 ppm - piquette plant - avian
8. pfirter - tide (exium remix) - mind trip
9. ctrls - encrypted sex - token
10. ctrls - analogue lies - token
11. ctrls - social vector - token
12. ctrls - program - token
13. ctrls - modular framework - token
14. phase - binary opposition (ctrls remix) - token
15. pvs - arsenal (ctrls remix) - mrec ltd
16. ctrls - evident mechanics - token
17. ctrls - displacer - token
18. ctrls - socket - token
19. developer - the prologue - modularz
20. phase - dirtro ii (robert hood remix) - token
21. spherical cordinates - scfls 17 - token
22. svreca - disorder (oscar mulero remix) - warm up
23. unknown - untitled - white label
24. felix k - stone edge (pär grindvik remix) - dystopian
25. aerts - 5.2 - apew
26. surgeon - patience a2 - dynamic tension
27. aphex twin - isoprophlex - r&s records