DEEP SPACE HELSINKI @ Basso Radio w/ Samuli Kemppi & Juho Kusti

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Posts: 1,018

#61 • • Edited J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
15.4.2010 soittolista.

1.rhauder feat. paul st.hilaire - no news - ornaments
2.move d - aspiration - soul people
3.furthr - entra - enypnion
4.steffi feat. elif bicer - kill me (crushed soul mix) - ostgut ton
5.rick wade - melancholy - harmonie park
6.melchior productions ltd - damsel in distress - perlon
7.tazz - underground 11 - underground quality
8.marcel dettmann - vertigo (wincent kunth remix) - ostgut ton
9.horizontal ground - ghosts on acid - horizontal ground
10.substance & vainqueur - immersion - scion versions
11.substance - relish - chain reaction like me vs tommy four seven - london town (berlin dub) - shooting elvis
13.sascha rydell - contraire - fachwerk
14.peter van hoesen - terminal - time to express
15.silent servant - la noche - historia y violencia - think quick - metroplex
17.peter van hoesen & donato dozzy - talis - curle
18.martyn feat. spaceape - is this insanity? (ben klock mix) - 3024
19.EQD - 003b - equalized
20.marcel dettmann - apron - mdr
21.jerome sydenham - circus of life - apotek
22.function - variance (ch-signal laboratories edit) - sandwell district
23.modus vivendi - modus vivendi - warp

kiitoksia sale mukavasta palautteesta!

Posts: 544

#62 • • Sam
Captains log, stardate 22042010:

1. prince - the future - warner brothers
2. do not resist the beat - untitled (#04) - do not resist the be
3. unknown - untitled (#004, a1) - frozen border
4. edit-select & gary beck - ploy - edit-select
5. pegaz - this music - enypnion
6. skudge - ontic - skudge records
7. marcel dettmann - vertigo (wincent kunth remix) - ostgut ton
8. skudge - melodrama - skudge records
9. mike parker - protolanguage - spectral
10. juho kusti - the big black - demo
11. infiniti - game one - metroplex
12. näköradiomies - ruska - demo
13. robert hood - sandman option - m-plant
14. robert hood - internal empire - m-plant
15. jeff mills - expanded - axis
16. dbx - phreak - accelerate
17. samuli kemppi - ice ice iceland - demo
18. tekonivel - gulab jamoon - tension
19. mike parker - untitled (gph014, b1) - geophone
20. jeff mills - untitled (sits002,b1) - something in the sky
21. mike parker - untitled (gph014, a1) - geophone
22. jeff mills - unttiled (ax-009f) - axis
23. e-dancer - velocity funk - kms
24. x101 - g-force - underground resistance
25. the minutemen - ok, alright - smokin

Posts: 1,018

#63 • • Edited J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
29.4.2010 soittolista

1.rhauder feat paul st.hilaire - no news - ornaments
2.ryo murakami - dive a elevate - pan records
3.furthr - away - enypnion
4.marvin belton - any day (electro mix) - ferris park
5.stl - cranky - something
6.reggie dokes - until tomorrow - royal oak
7.steve oh - work dat shit - soul people
8.kerri chandler - digital love affair - large music
9.levon vincent - double jointed sex freak - novel sound
10.skudge - convolution - skudge records
11.marcel dettmann - wound up (wincent kunth remix) - ostgut ton
12.herman - prototype - fine art
13.unknown - ghosts on acid - horizontal ground
14.mike dehnert - lautschrif - tclone basement serie
15.jacek sienkiewicz - before x - recognition
16.sigha - rawww - hotflush
17.cio d'or - organza (samuli kemppi remix) - prologue
18.dvs1 - running - klockworks
19.martyn feat. spaceape - is this insanity? (ben klock mix - )3024
20.claro intelecto - new life - modern life
21.roman lindau - fluide - fachwerk
22.smallpeople - a place called dream - laid
23.mike dehnert - dico b - fachwerk

Posts: 1,018

#64 • • Edited J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
6.5.2010 soittolista

1. jussi-pekka - where - kaato
2.nick höppner - umbrella pitch - ostgut ton
3.stl - in my dreams - something
4.burial - untrue - hyperdub
5.milton bradley - interdimensional entity - prologue
6.samuli kemppi - untitled-
7.lycra - wishmountain (matt herbert mix) - klang
8.unknown - untitled (B1) - horizontal ground 04
9.kirk degiorgio - membrane (c2 remix) - planet e
10.juho kusti - shadow o a doubt - demo
11.forward strategy group - code#01 (donor/truss remix) - perc trax
12.adtrs - warm in here (john selway remix) - islr
13.planetary assault systems - haiku - mote-evolver
14.ur hardlie (aaron carl remix) - underground resistan
15.neil landstrum - ds attack - peacerog
16.fred 3 - bald and clean - missile - boldhead - djax-up-beats
18.tribal ghost - malaria index - over drive
19.samuli kemppi - untitled-
20.kitkatone - figure it out - demo
21.michaelangelo - dimensional wormhole (james ruskin remix) - labrynth
22.portion reform - reduction - downwards
23.roman lindau - fluide - fachwerk
24.robert hood - alpha - m-plant

Posts: 1,018

#65 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
13.5.2010 soittolista:

1.keith worthy - rockit science (the deeproit deepstrumental) - aesthetic audio
2.rick wade - night station - music is records
3.stl - wasabi flavoured - something
4.missing linkx - can't u get a grip? - philpot
5.bluetrain - where's burt? - bluetrain
6.marcel dettmann - drawing - ostgut ton
7.marcel dettmann - captivate - ostgut ton
8.marcel dettmann - viscious - ostgut ton
9.marcel dettmann - screen - ostgut ton
10.luke hess - many 2 many (ben klock remix) - kontra-musik
11.unkown - frozen border 04 a - frozen border
12.skudge - convolution - skudge records
13.juho kusti - saved by the bell - demo
14.silent servant - discipline - sandwell district
15.robert hood - museum - m-plant
16.planetary assault systems - x speaks to x - ostgut ton
17.martyn feat. spaceape - is this insanity? (ben klock mix) - 3024
18.mike dehnert - md2 b - md
19.mike dehnert - dico b - fachwerk
20.mike dehnert - two - fachwerk
21.mike dehnert - one o eight - fachwerk
22.mike dehnert - brauchbar - fachwerk
23.mike dehnert - regelschrift - clone basement serie
24.mike dehnert - ke me - fachwerk
25.forward strategy group - code#02 - perc trax
26.maurizio - eleye - maurizio
27.parallel 9 - dominus - music man
28.steve rachmad - sinosphere - sino

Posts: 1,264

#66 • • samlainio
Oli muutes Juho hyvää teknoo! Meitsille on kans alkanu maistuu tollanen halli soundi.

Posts: 1,018

#70 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki

Replying to DEEP SPACE HELSINKI @ Basso Radio w/ Samuli Kemppi & Juho Kusti:

samlainio, 15.5.2010 09:59:
J.Kusti, 15.5.2010 09:29:
samlainio, 14.5.2010 07:13:
Oli muutes Juho hyvää teknoo! Meitsille on kans alkanu maistuu tollanen halli soundi.


kiitos, Samppa! no ei kai toi nyt mitään hallisaundia vielä...


No hallisoundiakin on tietty moneen eri makuun, mut tosiian just noi mistä Upikin mainitsi, sopis musta kyllä aika maukkaasti varastobileisiin :)

no olkoon sitten. mulle hallisaundi on nopeempaa ja brutaalimpaa. mutta menköön. :)
dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#71 • • dj upi

Replying to DEEP SPACE HELSINKI @ Basso Radio w/ Samuli Kemppi & Juho Kusti:

J.Kusti, 15.5.2010 10:52:
samlainio, 15.5.2010 09:59:
J.Kusti, 15.5.2010 09:29:
samlainio, 14.5.2010 07:13:
Oli muutes Juho hyvää teknoo! Meitsille on kans alkanu maistuu tollanen halli soundi.


kiitos, Samppa! no ei kai toi nyt mitään hallisaundia vielä...


No hallisoundiakin on tietty moneen eri makuun, mut tosiian just noi mistä Upikin mainitsi, sopis musta kyllä aika maukkaasti varastobileisiin :)


no olkoon sitten. mulle hallisaundi on nopeempaa ja brutaalimpaa. mutta menköön. :)

Haha, pakko muuten viel sanoo. Istuin just sillon broidin kans autossa ja totesin et "tää toimis kyl hemmetin hyvin jossain isossa tehdashallissa!" Volat kaakkoon, valot vihreiks ja viidettä linjaa ylös :P

Posts: 1,018

#72 • • Edited J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
20.5.2010 soittolista

1.keith worthy - rocket science (deeptroit deepstrumental mix) - aesthetic audio
2.anton zap - captain storm - underground quality
3.missing linkx - got a minute? - philpot
4.rick wade - melancholy - harmonie park
5.marcel dettmann - drawing - ostgut ton
6.mlz - new analogue century - modern love
7.stl - cranky - something
8.silent servant - lo profundo - sandwell district
9.skudge - convolution - skudge
10.edit-select - bauer - ostgut ton
11.eqd - 001 b - equalized
12.ray valioso - get the strings? - real soon
13.luke hess - many 2 many (ben klock mix) - kontra-musik
14.jerome sydenham - circus of life - apotek
15.peter van hoesen - trusted (norman nodge reconstruction) - time to express
16.the parallel - mind reverse - komisch
17.ed rush & nico - defect (pvh twisted spine mix) - perc tracks
18.g-man - quo vadis - styrax leaves
19.enhanced - melancholia 1 - ssr records
20.wighnomy brothers - freiekksemplar - freude-am-tanzen
21.mike dehnert - brauchbar - fachwerk
22.eqd - 003 a - equalized
23.james ruskin - the outsider - blueprint
24.unknown - 001 a - horizontal ground
25.shed - increase that - solo action

Posts: 544

#73 • • Sam
27.5.2010 soittolista:

1. STL - third ear - something
2. sebastien san - continental - echocord colour
3. boo williams - mortal trance - rush hour
4. appointment - get on - live jam records
5. redshape - brick brack - present
6. vinalog - rework - relative
7. realmz - night gaunts - sonic groove
8. nuel - untitled - aquaplano ltd
9. jeff mills - untitled (SITS#3) - something in the sky
10. tadeo - winds of glory (marcel dettmann remix) - cyclical tracks
11. circular star - red - trapez ltd
12. samuli kemppi - kosmos - komisch
13. kenny larkin - glob (ben klock remix) - planet e
14. unknown - untitled (a1) - wax #30003
15. raiz - raiz (silent servant edit) - historia y violencia
16. samuli kemppi - untitled - -
17. function vs jerome sydenham - white light - ibadan
18. monobox - untitled - m-plant
19. marcel dettmann - screen - ostgut ton
20. mike dehnert - meck - fachwerk
21. dexter - 1992 - dolly
22. sp-x - sp14 - komisch
23. samuli kemppi - untitled - -
24. inigo kennedy - the shard - token

Posts: 1,018

#74 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
3.6.2010 soittolista:

1.rhythm & sound - no partial - rhythm & sound
2.stewart walker vs theorem - minor explosions - minus
3.hugg & pepp - tratt - dahlback records
4.keith worthy - space rockit (deeptroit deepstrumental) - aesthetic audio
5.stl - wasabi flavoured - something
6.guido schneider - as dry as i can - poker flat
7.pigon - koto - dial
8.missing linkx - can't u get a grip? - philpot
9.unknown - unknown - unknown - 20_4 - scb
11.fever ray - when i grow old (van rivers mix) - rabid
12.juho kusti - saved by the bell - demo
13.marcel dettmann - captivate - ostgut ton
14.kenny larkin - glob (ben klock remix) - planet e
15.marcel dettmann - vertigo (wincent kunth remix) - ostgut ton
16.peter van hoesen - liss01 (pendle coven remix) - time to express
17.stefan robbers - backxpin - ifach
18.eqd - 003 (a1) - equalized
19.silent servant - discipline - sandwell district
20.cio d'or - organza (samuli kemppi remix) - prologue
21.balance - relaxation (shinedoe remix) - outland records
22.ed rush & nico - defect (pvh twisted spine) - perc trax
23.kevin gorman - shakey stripped - mikrowave

Posts: 1,018

#75 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
10.6.2010 soittolista

1. missing linkx - untitled - philpot
2. ricardo miranda - urbanism - rush hour
3. da posse - it's my life (aluh mix) - clone classics
4. oracy - funk advice - mojuba
5. luke hess - many 2 many (ben klock remix) - kontra-musik
6. efdemin - shoeshine - dial
7. martyn - miniluv - ostgut ton
8. obx - it's all we know (trippin on air) positive science remix - ascension
9. scb - 20_4 - scb
10. redshape - brick brack - present
11. sebastien san - continental - echocord colour
12. darko esser - phobia - perc trax
13. juho kusti - saved by the bell -unsigned
14. spx - sp17 - komisch
15. james ruskin - graphic - ostgut ton
16. goldwill - blush - wandering
17. kenny larkin - glob (ben klock remix) - planet e
18. samuli kemppi - - -
19. marcel fengler - thwack - mote-evolver
20. michaelangelo - dimensional wormhole - labrynth
21. roman lindau - keppra - ostgut ton
22. samuli kemppi - - -
23. virta - resurface chewing gum - proform series
24. theo parrish - when i'm gone - rush hour

Posts: 1,018

#76 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
17.6.2010 soittolista:

17.6.2010 soittolista

1.rick wade - night station - music is records
2.tevo howard - without me (boogiedisco mix) - beautiful granville
3.marvin belton - the letter - ferris park
4.reggie dokes - until tomorrow - royal oak
5.missing linkx - can't u get a grip? - philpot
6.tazz - underground 11 - underground quality sync - ratcatcher - irdial discs
8.skudge - convolution - skudge
9.martyn - miniluv - ostgut ton
10.roman lindau - sonnerie - fachwerk
11.juho kusti - the big black - unreleased
12.raiz - raiz (nueva) - historia y violencia - 20_4 - scb
14.wax - 30003 b - wax
15.sigha - shake - hotflush
16.van rivers - wood sequence (dvs1 woodblock remix) - f002
17.kevin gorman - 7 am stepper - ostgut ton
18.marcel dettmann - vertigo (wincent kunth remix) - ostgut ton
19.mark broom & james ruskin - no time soon - blueprint
20.kenny larkin - glob (ben klock remix) - planet e
21.jark prongo - m-tech - a.r.t.less
22.martyn feat. spaceape - is this insanity? (ben klock remix) - 3024
23.pigon - koto - dial
24.silent servant - b (regis edit) - sandwell district

Posts: 1,018

#77 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
24.6.2010 soittolista

1.massive attack - protection - wild bunch
2.pigon - koto - dial
3.taron-rekka - mr. no (where's the magic) - freude-am-tanzen
4.samuli kemppi - track 5 - williams - mortal trance - rush hour
6.john swing - black weekend - live jam records
7.unknown - untitled (wax 30003) - wax
8.obx - it's all we know (trippin on air) positive science remix - ascension
9.oleg poliakov - jungle warfare - eklo sync - storm - fortune
11.claudio prc - diving point (rossella dark room rmx) - elettronica romana
12.jeff derringer - principle (samuli kemppi rmx) - subtrak
13.circular star - burner - trapez ltd
14.dino sabatini - kromosoma - prologue
15.function vs jerome sydenham - illusion - ibadan
16.roman lindau - heck - fachwerk
17.james ruskin - graphic - ostgut ton
18.orphx - stillpoint - sonic groove
19.jeroen search - untold (epic depth rmx by mr mau) - orbis
20.samuli kemppi - massa - komisch
21.michaelangelo - dimensional wormhole (james ruskin rmx) - labrynth
22.ozka - show patternz - mowar
23.systemic - synesthesia - duality
24.mike dehnert - meck - fachwerk
25.rhythim is rhythim - it is what it is - transmat

Posts: 1,018

#78 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
1.7.2010 soittolista - think quick - metroplex
2.rick wade - night station - music is records
3.delano smith - the explanation - third ear
4.van rivers - wood sequence (dvs1 woodblock remix) - f002
5.stl - jump and run - something p.funk - can't boogie - strength music
7.jon slocum - space station - mout - 20_4 - scb
9.redshape - brick brack - present
10.pigon - koto - dial
11.dvs1 - pressure - transmat
12.wax - 30003 b - wax
13.martyn - miniluv - ostgut ton
14.roman lindau - heck - fachwerk
15.a made up sound - alarm - a made up sound
16.fever ray - when i grow up (van rivers mix) - rabid
17.mike dehnert - dico b - fachwerk
18.marcel dettmann - unrest (norman nodge remix) - ostgut ton
19.surgeon - unknown - counter balance
20.claro intelecto - new life - modern love
21.mark broom & james ruskin - hostage - blueprint
22.marcel dettmann - captivate - ostgut ton
23.enhanced - melancholia 1 - ssr records drivers - elwico - cabinet
25.eqd - 003 b -eqd

Posts: 1,018

#79 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
8.7.2010 soittolista

1.dvs1 - pressure - transmat
2.levon vincent - invisible bitchslap - novel sound
3.john roberts - lines - dial
4.redshape - the lesson - present
5.sebastien san - continental - echochord
6.donato dozzy - time out the gap - railyard recordings
7.function - variance (ch-signal laboratories remix) - sandwell district
8.marcel dettmann - drawing - ostgut ton
9.klockworks - red handed - klockworks
10.roman lindau - keppra - ostgut ton
11.session view - high above - enypnion
12.stl - cranky - something
13.delano smith - a special kind - third ear
14.raiz - raiz (nueva) - historia y violencia - 20_4 - scb
16.kenny larkin - glob (ben klock remix) - planet e
17.roman lindau - adipeux - fachwerk
18.wax - 30003 b - wax
19.mark broom & james ruskin - hostage - blueprint
20.samuli kemppi - kosmos - komisch
21.silent servant - b (regis edit) - sandwell district
22.claro intelecto - new life - modern love
23.james ruskin - graphic - ostgut ton

Posts: 1,018

#80 • • Edited J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
29.7.2010 soittolista

koska huomenna 30.7.2010 on deep space helsinki-ilta kuudennella linjalla joihin tulee vieraiksi SENDAI ja PETER VAN HOESEN niin soittelin hieman poikain saundia. kaikki huomenna mestoille. HOT TIP! 313 - infinit-1 (remodel) - echospace
2.delano smith - the explanation - third ear
3.andy vaz - mumbai dweller - yore
4.samuli kemppi - untitled - unreleased - md2 a - md
6.peter van hoesen - face of smoke - komisch
7.peter van hoesen - resol - morse
8.donato dozzy & cio d´or - menta (peter van hoesen remix) - time to express
9.ed rush & nico - defect (peter van hoesen's twisted spine mix) - perc trax
10.sendai - rottingbauh - time to express
11.sendai - sustaining the chain - time to express
12.peter van hoesen - terminal - time to express
13. peter van hoesen - trusted - time to express
14.peter van hoesen - continued care - komisch
15.martyn feat. spaceape - is this insanity? (ben klock remix) - 3024
16. milton bradley - desperation - do not resist the beat!
17.silent servant - untitled (a1) - sandwell district
18.4.26. - untitled - frozen border 05
19.martyn - miniluv - ostgut ton
20.seldom felt - 6 a - seldom felt 6
21.wax - 30003 b - wax
22.traversable wormhole - superluminal - traversable wormhole
23.mark broom & james ruskin - no time soon - blueprint