DEEP SPACE HELSINKI @ Basso Radio w/ Samuli Kemppi & Juho Kusti

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Posts: 544

#21 • • Sam
12.3.09 soittolista:

1. massive attack - protection - wild bunch
2. intrusion w/ paul st. hilaire - little angel - intrusion
3. robert henke - metropol - imbalance computer music

kotimaan teknokatsaus:
4. anton kuntu - huuma - demo
5. näköradiomies - ch polarity - demo
6. zentex - once more - demo
7. reinoh - demo 0.0001 - demo
8. samuli kemppi - rymd - demo

9. vierasmiksaus: dj inigo kennedy @ berghain 14.2.09

10. discogs - real love eq (donato dozzy & giorgio gigli remix) - wagon repair
11. norman nodge - untitled - mdr
12. giorgio gigli - high earth orbit - mgltd
13. ben klock - before one - ostgut
14. mike dehnert - brauchbar - fachwerk
15. norman nodge - untitled - mdr
16. stl - moonlight reflections - something
17. soulphiction - the royal pennekaums (chocolettes nervous mix) - musikkrause

Posts: 544

#23 • • Sam
Hoi! Tänään illalla '3.4. Kotimaan Teknokatsaus @ Kuudes Linja' mehusteluspessu. Studiossa molemmat sällit, Kusti ja mä.

OBS! HUOM! Skaba ja hyviä palkintoja!

Le Coq Sportif tuotepaketti lähtee skaban voittajalle. Ole siis kuulolla tänään kuudelta.

Posts: 544

#24 • • Sam
Pelilista 26.3.09:

1. dasha rush - paris spring - fullpanda
2. intrusion - little angel - intrusion
3. deepchord & mike huckaby - sound of thought (rod modell remix) - cache

kotimaan teknokatsaus / domestic techno inspection
4. monoder - saunakalja - pakkas levyt
5. näköradiomies - ch. polarity - demo
6. crc - deuteros - demo
7. rasmus hedlund - lisko - resopal
8. justin space & paul easy - europa (1917 mix) - planetaria
9. samuli kemppi - afrocubanteshsmash - demo
10. artificial latvamäki - merel linen - demo
11. juho kahilainen - black stream - prologue
12. sleazemasters - peany's - frozen north
13. samuli kemppi - huurubingo - demo

14. giorgio gigli - spazio - prologue
15. gowentgone - point-blank (sven weisemann remix) - vidab
16. sendai - system policy (peter van hoesen remix) - time to express
17. technose distrikt - unknown - technose distrikt
18. r play - dither (damon wild subdub) - synewave
19. n/a - variance (function edit) - sandwell district
20. sendai - below k-pun one - time to express
21. peter van hoesen - attribute one (mlz remix) - time to express
22. samuli kemppi - rymd - demo

Posts: 544

#25 • • Edited Sam
OBS! HUOM! Skaba jatkuu 2.4. asti.

Kysymys: kuinka monta julkaisua 'Kotimaan Teknokatsaus @ Kuudes Linja' artistit ovat yhteensä julkaisseet. Mukaan lasketaan kaikki aliakset, yhteistyöt yms. julkaisut. Remiksejä ei lasketa. Helppoa? Jo vain!

Oikein vastanneiden kesken arvotaan mahtava Le Coq Sportif -tuotepaketti.

Vastaukset -> mail_at_deepspacehelsinki_dot_com

ps. Arkistossa 19. ja 26.3. shout:

Posts: 1,018

#26 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
2.4.2009 soittolista

RSD - Forward Youth - Tectonic
2562 - Enforcers - Tectonic
F - Phantom - 7even Recordings
Resoe - Moorpark - Baum
Even Tuell - Untitled - Workshop
Prosumer & Murat Tepeli - Serenity (Soundstream´s Dusty Machine Mix) - Ostgut Ton
STL - Moving Deep - Something
Daniel Bell - Work That S##t - Klang Elektronik
Dj Qu & David S. - Warrior Dance - Strength Music
Ron Trent & Chez Damier - Morning Factory - Prescription
Gowentgone - Love & Respect (Oracy´s Dusty Basement Attempt) - Vidab
Deepchord - All It Takes (Mike Huckaby Synth Mix) - Cache
Quadrant - Infinition - Basic Channel
Maurizio - Eleye - M-Series
Jens Zimmermann - Compression - Snork
Ben Klock - Before One - Ostgut Ton
Planetary Assault Systems - Haiku - Mote-Evolver
Peter van Hoesen - Trusted (Norman Nodge Reconstruction) - Time To Express
Perception - Abandoned Building In Mono - Underground Resistance
C.Craig & Moritz Von Oswald - Movement 8 (C2 Version) - Deutsche Grammophon
Samuli Kemppi - Orbiter - Promo

Posts: 544

#27 • • Sam
9.4.09 soittolista:

1. theo parrish - moonlite - sound signature
2. theo parrish - walkign thru the sky - sound signature
3. stl - all nite long - something
4. dreamer g - i got that feeling - madhouse
5. soulphiction - in dub - music krause
6. sk - untitled - demo
7. alex medina - else 01 (donor remix) - miniscule
8. cio d'or - pailletten (version) - demo
9. delta funktionen - silhouette - ann aimee
10. reinoh - kovikset - demo
11. ben klock - subzero - ostgut
12. r play - dither (damon wild remix) - synewave
13. sendai - below k-pun one - time to express
14. giorgio gigli - tempo - prologue
15. donato dozzy & cio d'or - menta - time to express
16. peter van hoesen - continued care - komisch
17. jark prongo - bad breath - jp records
18. unknown - untitled - frozen border
19. peter van hoesen - face of smoke - komisch
20. villa nah - ways to be - keys of life

Posts: 544

#28 • • Sam
23.4.09 soittolista:

1. leonid - shortwave - sistrum recordings
2. freund der familie - sark (sven weiseman remix) - fdf
3. teemu t - latitude - demo

4. crc - live @ kotimaan teknokatsaus -

5. donor/truss - watson - dilek
6. the thrillers - tin drums - persona
7. unknown - untitled - frozen border 002
8. steve poindexter - feen for rhythm - trax
9. bam bam - where's your child - tresor

10. näköradiomies - live @ kotimaan teknokatsaus -

11. j. mellouw - anthem - demo
12. sachrias & aslak - slaves to neon - demo
13. ron trent - altered states - djax-up

Posts: 1,018

#29 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
30.4.2009 Spesiaali Vappuaatonlähetys teemalla J.Kusti plays Sanna Grav Favorites eli hyvän ystäväni Sannan valkkaamia biisejä jotka sitten mun piti miksata. Eli vanhoilla ja uusilla hiteillä mentiin. Only for you, only for vappu.

Blaze - Lovelee Dae (20:20 Vision Accapella) - Playhouse
Pepe Bradock - Deep Burnt - KIF
Dj Qu & David S. - Nite Ride - Strength Music
Aaron Carl - Crucified (Vocal) - Millions Of Moments
Chez Damier - Can U Feel It (M.K. Dub) - KMS
Laid - Punch Up (Frankie Feliciano Original Edit) - Symple Sound
Aural Distortion - Plasma (Peter Dildo Remix) - Tsuba
Lazy Fat People - Low Profile (2000 And One Remix) - Perspectiv
Gowentgone - Love & Respect - Vidab
Mari Boine - Vuoi Vuoi Me (Henrik Schwarz Remix) - Universal
Radio Slave - Neverending... - Ostgut Tonträger
Mathew Jonson - Marionette - Wagon Repair
Ben Klock - Subzero - Ostgut Tonträger
G-Man - Quo Vadis - Styrax Leaves
Ben Klock - Coney Island - Ostgut Tonträger
Jens Zimmermann - Compression - Snork
Frozen Border - 001 - Frozen Border
Planetary Assault Systems - Kat - Mote-Evolver
Gerald Mitchell - Resurrection - Los Hermanos
The Persuader - What´s the Time, Mr.Templar? - SVEK
Cassy - A Night To Remember - Perlon
Population One - Rush Hour (Rolando Remix) - Rush Hour

Posts: 544

#30 • • Sam
7.5.09 soittolista:

1. artist unknown - untitled (a2) - hauntologist 001
2. freund der familie - sark (marko fürstenberg remix) - freund der familie
3. leonid - potsandpans - sistrum
4. nicuri - thousand points of light - smr
5. mike parker - highway oil - integrated rec
6. m.pittman - dirty - fxhe

kotimaan teknokatsaus
7. reinoh - 44 inches - demo
8. u&k - tumpelo - demo
9. juho kahilainen - kuolonkellot - prologue

10. rasmus hedlund live @ ktk - various

11. loco dice - black truffels in the snow (mike huckaby remix) - desolat
12. arne weinberg - black flower - keynote
13. robert hood - home - m-plant
14. giorgio gigli - self reflection - prologue
15. the thrillers - mamba - persona
16. peter van hoesen - attribute one - time to express
17. mike parker - substratum - orange groove
18. virta - emmätiedä - escape from synthesis

Posts: 1,018

#32 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
14.5.2009 soittolista

Aaron Carl - Crucified (Rod Modell Like A River Mix) - Millions Of Moments
Melchior Productions Ltd. - In The Spirit - Perlon
DJ Rasoul - Untitled - Large Music
Mr. Fingers - Can U Feel It - Trax Records
Brothers´ Vibe - Te Necesito - Mixx Records
Kenneth Graham - Premonition - Magnified
Moodymann - Track Four - Planet E
Plastikman - Aquatik - Minus
Soulphiction - Masai Mara - Philpot
Maurizio - Domina (C.Craig´s Mind Mix) - M-Series
Redshape - Slow Monday - styrax Leaves
Tim Xavier - Ride The Matterhorn - LTD400
G-Man - El Jem - Styrax Leaves
Compass - Gliding - Cabinet
Studio 1 - Rot B2 - Studio 1
Fym - High tech Kool Aid Falsity - Telegraph
Sendai - Sustaining The Chain - Time To Express
Silent Servant - Lo Profundo - Historia Y Violencia
N/A - Variance (Function Edit) - Sandwell District
Radio Slave - Neverending... - Ostgut Tonträger
Sound Stream - Love Jam - Sound Hack
STP - The Fall (Peverelist Remix) - Subsolo

Posts: 1,018

#33 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
28.5.2009 studiossa vieraana Dj Cib ja tässä soittolista:

Intrusion - Tswana Dub - Echospace
Round Four w/ Paul St. Hilaire - Find A Way - Main Street
Marko Fuerstenberg - Repentence - Artless

Dj Cib:
Sven Weisemann - Amity - Mojuba
Modul - Pillow Case - Subotnik
De:Se - The Cold Sand - Pro-tez Records
Rozzo - Azzurro - Secretsundaze
Nhar - Dolido´s Groove (Ripperton & Masya Remix) - Mina
Niggermann & Poppcke - L`aurora - Moon Pool
Sian - Apple Tree (Efdemin Remix) - Aus Music
Solar & Poppcke - Night Train - Dynamic
Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Holunderbaum - Musik Gewinnt Freunde

Pigon - Kamm - Beatstreet
STL - Secret Place - Something
Deepgroove & Jamie Anderson - The Clock (Ben Klock Remix) - Rekids
Cassy - Plea For Me - Cocoon
Ricardo Villalobos - H.E.I.K.E. - Lo-fi Stereo
Ultramarine - Hooter (Carl Craig Remix) - Real Soon
Paul Brtschitsch - Under - Ostgut Tonträger

Posts: 544

#34 • • Sam
04.06.09 soittolista:

1. ike - humongous - philpot
2. nebraska - off ramp - rush hour
3. motor city drum ensemble - raw cuts #3 - motor city
4. story - on the way back - story records
5. october - my left tool (tobias. remix) - perspectiv records
6. kassem mosse - untitled (a1) - workshop (08)
7. stereociti - untitled - mojuba
8. stl - six in a row - smallville
9. donor/truss - indifference 2 - demo
10. teemu t - the echelon - demo
11. kitkatone - don't get one - demo
12. samuli kemppi - metal space - komisch
13. cari lekebusch - flatcher - hybrid
14. tommy four seven - surma (chris liebing remix) - electric deluxe
15. audio injection & drumcell - cell injection (tim xavier remix) - droid recordings
16. jacek sienkiewicz - connections - cocoon
17. stansilav tolkachev - fifty - labrynth
18. inigo kennedy - 2009_05_03 - demo
19. ovr - interior - blueprint records
20. inigo kennedy - 2009_05_05 - demo
21. levon vincent - solemn days - deconstruction
22. michaelangelo - logos consciousness - labrynth
23. n/a - variance iv (regis edit) - sandwell district
24. blake baxter - ride em boy - ten records

Posts: 1,018

#35 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
11.6.2009 soittolista:

Soulphiction - Black Woman - Freude Am Tanzen
STL - Subway Hustle - Something
STL - That Mnml Track - Perlon
STL - Birdart - Something
Larry Heard presents Mr. White - The Sun Can´t Compare - Alleviated
Kerri Chandler - Track 1 - Shelter Records
Mixworks - Berlin Dub - Mixworks
Syntec - Salabumtschaek - Geopark
Adam Beyer - AWC part 3 - Truesoul
Aardvarck - Nuts - Rush Hour
Levon Vincent - Woman Is The Devil - Deconstruct
Choice - Acid Eiffel - Basic Groove
Deepgroove & Jamie Anderson - The Clock (Ben Klock´s Timepiece) - Rekids
Samuli Kemppi - Rymd - Unreleased
Sendai - Sustaining The Chain - Time To Express
Pacou - Modular - Cache
Shawn Rudiman - Ruffcut - Matrix
Frozen Border - Unknown - Frozen Border 02
Slam - Positive Education - Soma
Jens Zimmermann - Compression - Snork Enterprises
Dettmann & Klock - Dead Man Watches The Clock - Ostgut Tonträger
Technoose Distrikt - Unknown - Technoose Distrikt
Blaze - Lovelee Dae - Playhouse
STL - The Taphead - Something

Posts: 1,018

#36 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
25.6.2009 soittolista

Junior Delahaye - Working Hard For The Rent Man - Wackies
Round Four feat. Paul St. Hilaire - Find A Way - Main Street
Leftover - Release - Styrax Leaves
STL - From A Distance - Smallville
Belton Marvin - A1 - Ferris Park
Bobby Konders - The Lost Nu Groove Track Mix 2 - Nu Groove
Rick Wade - Intelligence - Laid
Daniell Spencer - Ravenous - Ultrasound
Rick Wade - Feel It (Original Mix) - Quintessentials
Goldwill - Matikal - Liebe Detail
Donnacha Costello - B1 - Look Long
Second-Hand Satellites - Orbit 1.4 - Blakkat Music
Neurotic Drum Band - Fill The Blanks (Abe Duque + Selway Remix) - Abe Duque
Belton Marvin - B1 - Ferris Park
Dreamer G - I Got That Feeling - Mad House
Cassy - A Plea For Me - Cocoon
Deepgroove & Jamie Anderson - The Clock (Ben Klock´s Timepiece) - Rekids
Mike Dehnert - Two - Fachwerk
0/V/R - Interior - Blueprint
Deuce - Twerp Wiz - Ostgut Tonträger
Mark Verbos & Tim Xavier - Frozen In Time - LTD400
N/A - Variance IV (Regis Edit) - Sandwell District
The Selph - Reboot - Fear Of Flying
Jerome Sydenham - Jor-El - UK Promotions
Planetary Assault Systems - Mark Me (Long Edit) - Ostgut Tonträger
Jeroen Search - Region 1 - Figure SPC

Posts: 1,018

#37 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
9.7.2009 soittolista

Round Four - Found AWay - Main Street
Tony Allen - Ole (Moritz Von Oswald Remix) - Honest Jons
Maurizio - M7 - M-Series
STL - From A Distance - Smallville
Redshift - Standing Still - Gourmet
Omar-S -Day - FXHE Music
Anton Zap - Captain Storm - Underground Quality
Belton Marvin - B1 - Ferris Park
Rick Wade - Intelligence - Laid
Wax No. 10001 - A - Wax No. 10001
Donato Dozzy - Tropical One - Railyard
The Vision - Detroit: One Circle - Metroplex
Perc - Submit - CLR
Jerome Sydenham - Jor-El - UK Promotions
Aril Brikha - On And On - Transmat
Dario Zenker - Would Be Nice - Vakant
Phylyps Trak - II - Basic Channel
Frozen Border - Unknown - Frozen Border 01
Silent Servant - Violencia - Sandwell District
O/V/R - Interior - Blueprint
Deuce - Twerp Wiz - Ostgut Tonträger
Equalized - Unknown - Equalized 01
Mike Dehnert - Two - Fachwerk
Second-Hand Satellites - Orbit 1.4. - Blakkat Music

Posts: 1,018

#38 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
16.7.2009 soittolista

Matt Thibideau - Archenar - Cynosure
A Made Up Sound - Late Drive - Philpot
Manmadescience - Times And Senses - Philpot
Belton Marvin - B2 - Ferris Park
MXM - Move Me feat. Jemima - Philpot
Redshift - Standing Still - Gourmet
STL - Silent State - Smallville
Secon-Hand Satellites - Orbit 1.4 - Blakkat Music
Jon Slocum - Space Station - Mout
STL - Secret Place - Something
Roman IV - Altes Testament - Playhouse
Levon Vincent - Early Reflections - Novel Sound
Agnes, Chaton & Ripperton - +91 Ahead (Los Barrios Mix) - Plak
Round One - I´m Your Brother (Chicago´s Twisted Mix) - Main Street
Function - Disaffected - Sandwell District
Mike Dehnert - Two - Fachwerk
Planetary Assault Systems - Mark Me (Long Edit) - Ostgut Tonträger
The Vision - Detroit: One Circle - Metroplex
Los Hermanos - Resurrection - Los Hermanos
Population One - Rush Hour (Rolando Remix) - Rush Hour
Ignacio - Organon - Music Man
Sendai - Sustaining The Chain - Time To Express
Mark Verbos & Tim Xavier - Frozen In Time - LTD400

Posts: 1,018

#39 • • J.Kusti Deep Space Helsinki
23.7.2009 soittolista:

Rhythm & Sound w/ Paul St. Hilaire - Jah Rule - Burial Mix
STL - Six In A Row - Smallville
Donnacha Costello - Gatsby - Look Long
Patrice Scott - Motions - Sistrum
Kenny Dixon Jr - Lti #2 - KDJ
A Made Up Sound - Late Drive - Philpot
Rick Wade - Feel It (Original) - Quintessentials
Chez Damier - Help Myself (C. Craig Reconstruction) - KMS
Deep Fellow - Flow - Wave Music
Tama Sumo & Prosumer - Play Up - Ostgut Tonträger
Brothers Vibe - Cliero Para Mi Gente - Jersey Underground
Frozen Border - Unknown - Frozen Border 02
Dario Zenker - Would Be Nice - Vakant
Sons Of The Dragon - The Journey Of Qui Niu (SQX Reconstruction) - Echospace
Len Faki - BX 3 - Ostgut Tonträger
Pacou - Multipass - Cache
Planetary Assault Systems - Om The Def - Ostgut Tonträger
Mike Dehnert - One - Fachwerk
Robert Hood - Museum - M-Plant
Planetary Assault Systems - X Speaks To X - Ostgut Tonträger
Jeroen Search - Region 1 - Figure SPC
Jens Zimmermann - Audio 8 - Snork Enterprises
Pacou - Cem - Cache
N/A - Variance IV (Marcel Dettmann Remix) - Sandwell District
Scuba - Ruptured (Surgeon Remix) - Hotflush

Posts: 544

#40 • • Sam
6.8.2009 soittolista:

1. donnacha costello - fathoms deep - look long
2. jc freaks - the rock (oracy remix) - wondering
3. donor/truss - ease - demo
4. donato dozzy & cio d'or - menta - time to express
5. samuli kemppi - slk (peter van hoesen remix) - pakkas levyt
6. giorgio gigli - extrospection - prologue
7. andrea ferlin - black back moniqa - 500
8. eavesdropper - a code some time - morse
9. sven weiseman - trakz - a.r.t.less
10. unknown - untitled - wax #20002
11. modern heads - monotoys - demo
12. unknown - untitled - horizontal ground
13. marcel fengler - twisted bleach - ostgut ton
14. ben klock - goodly sin feat elif bicer (robert hood remix) - ostgut ton
15. peter van hoesen - strikethrough - morse
16. chris jackson - lost in the sun - labrynth
17. sub space - nitro - token
18. obscurum - the dom (reeko remix) - mechanism industries
19. steve rachmad - just having fun - spiritual records
20. ben klock - subzero (function-regis remix) - ostgut ton