Redrum presents BEN KLOCK (Berghain/Panorama Bar, DE) 18.10.2008 @ Helsinki

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Posts: 499

#1 • • Edited Katerina Snoopy Detective
Redrum Sound Lab presents!
*Saturday 18th October*

BEN KLOCK (Berghain/Panorama Bar, Berlin)
SAMULI KEMPPI (Ostgut Ton, Valtimo)

Sat 18.10.@ Redrum / 9 €


About ben klock

in his sets ben klock is aiming at creating an atmosphere that is based on a deep sound, accumulates over long phases into something euphoric in order to explode at the end in brief: euphoria with a rough bass.

"...even a party atmosphere where hands are up in the air should include a certain class and a deep undertone. my sound spectrum graps everything from dry and hearty minimal beats to a heard-opening rave orgasm. i like to combine old tracks - may it be chicago, detroit or european dance music - with new ones."

bens musical roots are very manifold. as a kid he already startet playing the piano and recorded his first studio sets on his keyboard. later on he played in a rock band (vocals, guitar) and listened to a lot of different musical styles. what drives him most is to explore new sounds.

"for me the electronic music movement and all the new sound worlds of the 90ies were like a liberation after the musically rather superficial and poppy 80ies. the experience of the club culture in berlin after the wall came down affected me very strongly."

being a berlin based dj in the 90ies ben klock got know through his gigs at the tresor, wmf and cookies . since the opening of the legendary club berghain he has since been a regular dj and there finds the freedom to go for more rougher, harsher sounds.

"berghain is a place that perfectly keeps the idea of a big and excessive techno night and at the same time serves as a gamete for new things. i really like that club a lot and its not a secret anymore that berlin has become the centre of the electronic music scene worldwide, i think."

with his releases on bpitch control, its sub label memo and ostgut-ton, ben klock established himself a reputation beyond germany. also he started his own label "klockworks" with success.

Posts: 544

#2 • • Sam
Hienoa, että saadaan Ben lauantailattialle Helsingin parhaan soundsystemin puikkoihin. Mukava myös itse päästä tositoimiin.

Posts: 105

#4 • • Dirt Chiken hunting
herran Freedom Bar -keikka jäi todistamatta mut tänne todellakin!
dj upi

Posts: 1,835

#8 • • dj upi
Jos vihdoinkin ehtisi :)

Posts: 131

#9 • • Hiekka
Ei maltaisi odottaa

Posts: 499

#10 • • Katerina Snoopy Detective
current top 3

Carl Craig & Moritz von Oswald - ReConfigured - Deutsche Grammophon

Two of the most influential musicians in techno colaborated here to reinterpretate the classical music of Ravel and Mussorgsky. It's subdiveded into eight parts but basically it's one piece that is about one hour. There might be parts that are kind of annoying when you first listen to it but when you listen to the hole thing it all makes sence. I like the way they used the classical pieces "Bolero" (Ravel) and "Pictures at an Exhibiton" (Mussorgsky) as inspiration without falling into cliché and without composing some cheesy techno/classical crossover. You can hear Craig's and Oswald's hands all the time during the track. Sometimes it even sounds like Steve Reich and I really like that. I think this work deserves respect. It's very carefully done and it's a nice Berlin/Detroit connection.

Terrence Dixon - Emergency - Meakusma

This is a beautiful trippy track that could go on for hours. It also reminds me a bit of Steve Reich with its patterns and atmosphere. I like Terrence Dixon for his unconventional off-key techno tracks. This one is maybe less sick but more beautiful instead!

Silent Servant - Violencia (Kalon Mix) - Sandwell District

The new Sandwell District is cool stuff! There are a lot of new oldschool dub techno tracks out there right now but most of them just don't have the intensity that Basic Channel or Downwords had. This one is different. It's a dark and beautiful chord monster!

Posts: 655

#11 • • paupau Tuhma Bambi
Hiukan toipumista tässä ja eiköhän lauantaina olla taas kunnossa tanssilattialla *iloinen*
Ben Moroder

Posts: 63

#13 • • Ben Moroder
vois tulla verestämään muistoja elokuiselta Panorama visiitiltä. ehkäpä.

Posts: 1,270

#14 • • terraluna Agentti
Lauantaina pärisee! Näyttäs tulevan pitkä viikonloppu :D

I think you are ready
now its time to join the party!


Posts: 29

#15 • • minimal_me
Nähty Freedom barissa, ja tullaan todellakin näkenmään myös yli huomenna! Hell yeah!

Posts: 397

#16 • • uniqe suski
Ai caramba! Tätä kylläkylläkyllä!

Posts: 173

#17 • • stelmo
huomenna bileet o/

Posts: 544

#18 • • Sam
Kyl kyl, huomenna todellakin bileet. Suosittelen aikaista saapumista kahdesta syystä: paikka tulee olemaan täynnä ja mulla pakissa niin hävyttömän kovia lättyjä jotta housut kostuu! :)
Phonour Boyz

Posts: 150

#19 • • Phonour Boyz
Tulossa heti paikalle kun TÄHihieltäni Jyväskylästä kykenen.

- Juho

Posts: 627

#20 • • wammi
can't wait!! ensin vaan hoidettava duunipäivä alta sit kyl AH!