Fraktaali. 1V 25.10.2008 @ Oulu

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#1 • • Fraktaali.

Viime vuoden lokakuussa aloittanut Oulun ainoa vakituinen drum’n'bass-, breaks- ja dupstep-klubi, Fraktaali, täyttää nyt vuoden. Yksivuotiaan klubin kunniaksi Fraktaali tuo Ouluun isoimman Drum’n'Bass-lineupin, joka Pohjois-Suomessa on koskaan nähty.

Paikalle saapuvat jo aikaisemmin Oulussa käyneet MUFFLER ja L.A.O.S. sekä ensimmäistä kertaa Oulussa vieraileva Contour.


With a host of releases on UK labels, MUFFLER a.k.a KONSTA has certainly made an impact. He is one of the few producers who have had releases on almost all top drum ‘n bass labels including MOVING SHADOW, HOSPITAL, DSCI4, COMMERCIAL SUICIDE, FORMATION, FREQUENCY, URBAN TAKEOVER and his own SIGHCO RECORDINGS

Early releases back in 1999-2000 on Urban Takeover were accepted worldwide by both clubbers and DJ’s and his CD album on Urban Takeover “Soundz Of The Future” has got a warm welcome too. To date Muffler has released over 50 vinyl singles, two CD albums and featured on various compilations. It’s often been said that he is one of the most profilic producers in the drum ‘n bass scene.

As a DJ, besides known for his fast doubledrop mixing skills, Muffler always plays dubplate heavy selection with latest cuts from himself and other producers.


L.A.O.S. (Large Amount of Soul) is a collaboration of three oldschool beatheadz abraham, d-bex and JayEM. They have known each other for several years but not until 2002 they understood the obvious fact that they should join forces in music production. They share the same passion for music and their taste of music is expectionally identical.

L.A.O.S. has a bunch of releases lined up on labels like Hospital (UK), Raw Canvas (4hero remix) (UK), Spearhed (UK), Defunked (UK) and Midnight Sun Recordings (FI). Their release Panda Style has gained worldwide recognition and future will tell will these boys be known for inventing “endangered species step” music genre. L.A.O.S. sound is mainly melodic, dancefloor oriented drum and bass but their wide aspect in music wont hold them in one genre.


Contour got involved in drum and bass originally in 2003 and soon after that he released his debute “12 (”Its You” / “Somatic”) on UK’s Media Recordings . That was followed with a host of releases on labels including Jerona Fruits, Rubiks, Midnightsun, Blindside, Cymbalism and Blu Saphir. Currently Contour resides in Helsinki, Finland and is engaged in a lot of new interesting projects aswell as collaborations with other artists.

Saturday 25.10.2008
HTC, Uusikatu 22, Oulu
6 eur + service

Posts: 2,954

#2 • • mza Erikoismies erikoistehtävässä
Ui! Nyt on lineuppi kohdillaan.
Kansa tahtoo PandaStylen!

Posts: 208

#3 • • DjAplusplus
Jeeppp... Näitä partyjä en kyl jätä väliin, meinaan voi olla "hieman" tiivis tunnelma! *iloinen*

Invaders must rave!!


Posts: 83

#4 • • Venom
Nää tuleen olemaan tiukat tamppisessiot perkele.. :D

Posts: 297

#6 • • Burma
lineupppiin lisäyksenä dj BURMA

Posts: 208

#7 • • DjAplusplus
Jaajaa.. varmasti kovimmat Fraktaalit ikinä! Ei voi missata.. perkele, alkas jo! *pahis*

Invaders must rave!!


Posts: 82

#8 • • Dot nauskis-mau
Panda style *sydän*

Posts: 36

#9 • • TimC

Posts: 16

#10 • • rolfrauf
JOOJOO! ei paljo haitannu vaikka jäi infected vällii :P toimi! :)

Posts: 39

#11 • • gee202
huhuhu hauskaa oli kyllä *jiihaa* vaikka tultii vähä myöhässä. suuret kiitokset kaikille, ei ees enää harmita ettei lähetty helsinkiin infectediä kattomaan *hymy*

Posts: 208

#12 • • DjAplusplus
Huhhuhhhuhh.. olipa kinkerit!!! *plur* Kiitti järkkäreille ja artisteille just siitä musiikista mitä tulemme jatkossakin kaipaamaan! Nii.. ja kiitti kaikille frendeille jotka oli messis, oli KIVVAAA!


Invaders must rave!!