Inigo Kennedy - Ignoring The Obvious - Asymmetric|MP3|013 - FREE!

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#1 • • ik_ik_ik
Inigo Kennedy announces Ignoring The Obvious - a timely thirteenth release for his Asymmetric|MP3 project.

Ignoring The Obvious is available as a free MP3 release and consists of five new tracks. It is downloadable at no cost via the Asymmetric website at

The tracks, Immaculate Timing, A Sordid Return, Relentless Calm, Your Selective Brian and Paternoster trample over the electronic landscape as always.


Immaculate Timing is as pure as it gets before A Sordid Return delivers a dark, seedy and very atmospheric slice of techno. A breathless assault in the shape of Relentless Calm comes third with a trademark Inigo Kennedy contrast of melody and brutality. Born of a fortuitous circumstance in typography Your Selective Brian swerves in a sinuous and gritty-bitty electro direction before finally Paternoster slows things down and playfully toys with its panoramic melodic patterns.

Paternoster is the first fruit of a bespoke polyrhythmic sequencing program of the same name designed and built by Inigo Kennedy.

The tracks are encoded using LAME extreme to reach an average bit-rate well in excess of 256Kb/s.

For more on Asymmetric:

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For enquiries regarding this press release please contact [email protected]

This press release is available online at

Posts: 544

#2 • • Sam
Yes! Played 'Your Selective Brian' and 'A Sordid Return' on my radio show couple weeks ago. Solid stuff, as always. Full approval from me.

You've been listening to Mantronix lately, hehe?

Posts: 254

#3 • • introvert focussed inwards to the soul
Cool new tracks, thanks for sharing! Been listening to your releases on the site for a while now, nice moody & melodic idm / techno stuff which I mostly like.