87 posts, 5 pages, 19,768 views
tomii, 10.4.2008 20:34:
Oho... aika härkänen buukkaus!Pitänee tulla mestoille, jos lopputyö on jo tos vaihees valmis.
Timmo, 10.4.2008 22:34:
Ja se on muuten ihan sama onko valmis vai ei. Sillon ku atmojunkan kummisetä on suomessa, niin sitä ollaan kuuntelemassa. ;]
Kerrankin jotain parempaa ulkomailta, näin niinku junkan kannalta.
Progression, 10.4.2008 20:32:
Just had to re-post here :)
Was saying earlier in a post that LTJ Bukem goes in my all time top 3 artists! A legend who produces such beautiful harmonic, atmospheric 'Intelligent Drum n' Bass'!!! The original (and almost the only) instigator of spreading that sound in the UK back in the early 1990's; esp in 1992-1993!!! @ the Dreamscape raves ;)
Surfed Youtube for a laugh to see if i could find some footage of the duo themselves spinning @ the early 'Dreamscape' Raves i used to attend held in the now closed 'Sanctuary Leisure complex' in Milton Keynes, England.
If only one could go back in time to the Old Skoolevents with that vibe, those cool lasers and dirty MASSIVE sound systems (80k) :D
LTJ Bukem @ Dreamscape, Milton Keynes, England
... But to have him in HKI is more than great! LTJ & Conrad have progressed so much... yet still have their own unique style. True Legends.