Ja noita paraatejahan ON järkätty ympäri maailmaa eri kaupungeissa, mutta kyllä ne aina ovat käsittääkseni olleet kytköksissä tähän "viralliseen" Love Parade organisaatioon. IMO mua ei ainakaan houkuta jonkun toisen tahon nimellä luvattomasti järkätyt bileet, varsinkaan jos itse järkkäri ei ole tietoinen Loveparaden syvimmäisestä olemuksesta.
Wikipedia kertoo seuraavaa:
Legal issues
The Love Parade is a very special case. By German law the state has to pay for security during political demonstrations as well as cleaning up the streets after the demonstration. In case of a commercial event however, the organizer has to pay for all this. For a large event like the Love Parade the costs are quite high: an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 Euro.
The Love Parade was initially held as a "political demonstration" to save costs; however it is organized by two companies set up just for the Love Parade. The name of the demonstration, Love Parade, is a registered trademark and the organizing companies have been busy getting license fees for the use of their name. This not only included merchandise and CDs but also fees for participating clubs, vendors of soft drinks and the like along the streets and even broadcasting fees for the TV stations MTV and Germany's counterpart, VIVA, along with, for the first time, Germany's RTL 2. Love Parade 2006 was the first time in that Berlin's RBB did not broadcast direct from the Siegessäule.