Clinic Presents Rui Da Silva (PT) @ Åbo Diskotek, Turku 6.6.2008

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Posts: 838

#1 • • Edited -Clinic-

Clinic @ Åbo Diskotek
Friday 6.6.2008 // 21:00-04:00 // Age 18

Åbo Diskotek, Aurakatu 3
20100 Turku

Operating Room:

Rui Da Silva (PT)
Easy Coma (Clinic)
Burdock (X-Rust, Butane)
Nenna Vs. Reb (Salo Ug)

VJ: Punos
X-rays: marX
Decoration: Clinic

Time table:

21:00 Nenna Vs. Reb
22:45 Burdock
00:15 Rui Da Silva
02:00 Easy Coma

Pricing total:
Clinic visits booked in advance:
7 from Åbo Diskotek

Charge at the Clinic reception: 7


Rui Da Silva Biography -

Rui Da Silva is without doubt Portugal’s ambassador of quality electronic music; his production work and DJ skills have gained him worldwide recognition. From his early nineties’ releases as Underground Sound of Lisbon on the legendary Tribal America to the gargantuan number one house hit ‘Touch Me’ in 2000 and now into the minimal house sound, Rui has always evolved with his time and left a significant imprint on each genre he’s ever approached.

Inspired by things like Japan, David Sylvia, Brian Eno and Sonic Youth, Rui’s debut release in ’92 was experimental to say the least. That’s when he formed the label Kaos Records. Rui’s innovative and quality sounds elevated ‘Kaos’ to the pinnacle of the house movement, while securing him a licensing to the late ‘Tribal Records’ and more recently to ‘Twisted Records’ (USA). Rui’s success with ‘Kaos’ ensured global exposure and provided him with the confidence to develop the ‘Underground Sound of Lisbon’ with close friend DJ Vibe with releases that became underground classics.

Disgruntled with a local club scene that was becoming more of a distraction than an inspiration, he left Portugal in 1999 to immerse himself in London’s booming music industry. Rui believed that this was “where things are happening, where more people are exposed to my music.” London, needless to say, was smitten with the newcomer, and Rui quickly established a considerable following and a high level of exposure, ultimately enabling him to set up a new label, ‘Kismet Records’ in 2000.

‘Kismet’, a Turkish word for ‘fulfillment of destiny’, not only represents anyone committed to that genuine underground house sound, but also heralds the fulfillment in destiny of its label owner, Rui Da Silva. Kismet has garnered praise and a loyal following from the dance industry because of the genuinely underground nature of the tracks. ‘Kismet’s’ success was further fuelled with their fourth release, ‘Touch Me’ which went straight to number 1 in the pop charts and turned out to be a massive crossover success. It subsequently won a Muzik award for being the biggest single in 2001.

A couple of years ago, Rui Da Silva grew out of the progressive house music he was known for to explore new sounds. Technology enabled him to do things never possible 5 years ago. This coincided with the creation of Kismet’s sister label, 64 Records, which offers more space for exploration and experimentation. The genre is a cross between the electro vibe and the minimal sound.

The latest on Rui’s prolific career is the release of 64 Records’ first album, Praying Mantis by the man himself. Released worldwide as a digital album, Praying Mantis finds Rui in wonderfully experimental form; twelve tracks of sonic innovation and electronic dexterity from one of dance music's finest producers. Rui explains: "This album is where my head is at the moment. I've been off using singers for awhile and my intention was to do an album of no vocals at all. Since this isn't a 12" release for DJ's, it has given me the opportunity to express ideas in music that I usually do not have the chance to use."




Posts: 8,775

#2 • • Freja Sihteeri

Let´s see colours that have never been seen
Let´s go to places no one else has been


Posts: 838

#4 • • -Clinic-
Ennakkoliput myynnissä Åbo Diskotekissä perjantaista alkaen.

Posts: 39

#5 • • _wannabe_
miksköhän näissä Åbo Diskotekin bileissä on ikärajana 18 vaikka totuus on jotain aivan muuta?

Posts: 838

#6 • • -Clinic-

_wannabe_, 8.4.2008 18:02:
miksköhän näissä Åbo Diskotekin bileissä on ikärajana 18 vaikka totuus on jotain aivan muuta?

Tähän tapahtumaan on ravintolan kanssa sovittu K-18 ikäraja.

Posts: 39

#7 • • _wannabe_
Niin on vissiin ollut joihinkin aikasempiinkin bileisiin, mutta kuitenkin ovella on porukkaa käännytetty pois koska oli kuulemma 20 ikäraja. Tai sitten poke ei vaa pitäny kavereista.. Vittumaista kun käännytetty porukka oli kuulemma kauempaakin tullut kuuntelemaan..

Posts: 290

#9 • • reb /saloUG/
noniin..parin viikon päästä sitten herätellään diskoteekkia taas koneellisemman musan merkeissä!
tulkaahan ajoissa paikalle ni ei jää mitään näkemättä ;)

julistetta tulossa kesäiseen katukuvaan loppuviikosta :)

Posts: 838

#10 • • -Clinic-
Time table:

21:00 Nenna Vs. Reb
22:45 Burdock
00:15 Rui Da Silva
02:00 Easy Coma

Posts: 402

#11 • • annimari Seniorisarja
uuh sattu yllätysvapaa seuraavalle päivälle duunista joten reissu turkuun menee vakavaan harkintaan!


La Petite

Posts: 1,160

#12 • • La Petite Killed by selfish game, burned by acid rain...
Voi hitto, olisin kyl halunnut mennä fanittaa Rui da Silvaa, mut mä EN fanita Turkua :D

Rem tene, verba seqventur


Posts: 5,533

#15 • • Edited pirpeli
Synttäreitä juhlimaan tänne^_^
Edit. Mun eka Åbo- visiitti :D

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
-Albert Camus-


Posts: 555

#16 • • iBOU marX escobar
Siitä onkin aikaa kun on tullut Turussa käytyä bilettään tai muutenkaan eli täällä sit taas. Edessä siis kesän pakollinen Turun reissu *nauru*

Posts: 105

#17 • • punos luojanne
jjahas. täällä näemme sitten. viimeksi turussa joskus 90-luvun lopussa streetpartyllä

punos // luojanne


Posts: 834

#18 • • drifter RoadMonkey | K1
Tyypillistä, _tietenkin_ tää on samana päivänä kun mä olen lähdössä Portugaliin...


If its dry, smoke it.
If its wet, drink it.
If it moves, screw it.
If it doesnt move, load it into the truck.