L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S + 'BAR LOOP' pres :: "Vibrance" 29.3.2008 @ Helsinki

28 posts, 2 pages, 5,884 views


Posts: 1,828

#21 • • OCS
Pieni krapula seurasi mukana junamatkalla Helsinkiin, mutta ruoka ja "muutama" tasoittava rauhoitti tilanteen. Hyvin ehti muutaman tunnin rauhoittua, ennen kuin LCS:n pojat saapuivat Cargon kanssa paikalle.

Pienen säädön jälkeen alkoivatkin ensimmäiset biisit soida. Alkuilta menikin vähän rauhallisemmissa merkeissä, mutta pian baarissa olikin tungosta. Hyvin ajoitettuna Cargon settiin. Sen verran kova meno oli dj-kopin edessä ja porukka ihan fiiliksissä.

Kiitokset mukavalle baarihenkilökunnalle, kaikille jotka olivat paikalla ja järjestäjille :)

Kuvia tulossa perjantailta ja lauantailta piakkoin.
Papa Lazarou

Posts: 682

#22 • • Papa Lazarou Lippis on Jumalan tapa merkata idiootit.

nin@, 31.3.2008 12:37:
Liquid Crystal, 31.3.2008 11:48:
Ladies & Gentlemen...

All the DJ's played their hearts out and the star of the night: "Chris Cargo" played a true scorcher. Another inspirational set from a DJ who proved his status as a jock reknowned worldwide. A really energetic, driving and captivating batch of tunes with a sprinkle of his own productions dropped in!


I couldn´t agree more. A brilliant set and sound that you don´t here too much of in Hki.



Posts: 2,691

#23 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

OCS, 2.4.2008 07:46:
Kuvia tulossa perjantailta ja lauantailta piakkoin.

Yeps... Cheers Ville for taking all the pics in Bar Loop. LCS always appreciates your efforts. It's a nice touch to have the night captured on camera. Really looking forward to seeing those *nuotti**piis**hihu*

Posts: 666

#24 • • Anny Hurricane-Munster
Tulipa todistettua, ettei hyvissä bileissä tarvita erillisitä tanssilattiaa! Maistuvaa musaa tanssii vaikka ovensuussa *joo* *tanssittel*

Kiitos Helsinki! Kivaa oli! *sydän*

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde

Liquid Crystal

Posts: 437

#25 • • Liquid Crystal www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com
..... Hi :)

LCS forgot to mention the following just before Chris Cargo's arrival in Finland:

CHRIS CARGO had been DJ'ing at the 2000 capacity mighty LUSH in Portrush, Northern Ireland.

He span an Easter Saturday set (22nd March) in front of a packed out club! We were privileged to have had him over :)

Here's an older video of Chris Live @ Lush:
CHRIS CARGO - LIVE @ LUSH (18.08.2007)

Posts: 1,668

#26 • • jaywink bass warrior
yeah! was interesting to see how Loop was transformed - well done guys & gals *piis* truly nice atmosphere!

thanks lcs + loop *hih*

Posts: 5,618

#27 • • thomas
greece 2000 we love !

Posts: 61

#28 • • LaHna Please, be gentle.
Olipa tosiaan mahtavaa menoa ja musiikkia! *sydän* Kiitos LCS & Loop *aplodit*

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