reinoh, 7.12.2007 12:00:
heti lataukseen! Taas o paljo samoja plättyi omass laukussa. Pitänee vähän kahtoin soitella sit tammikuussa
edit. Kuunneltu (ekan kerran eikä todellakaan viimeisen). Olipa kyllä kerrassaan maistuva setti. Joutu kuuntelee ihan kerta istumalta hytkymällä penkissä raivoisasti. Ainut kyseenalainen biisi oli toi nimikko too much love mut olihan se sittenki ihan hyvä ku oli huolitellusti miksattu sinne sekaan. Mukava oli kuulla tuttuja biisei miksattuna todella hyvin . Jossain kohti oli joku nanosekunnin korjaus vinkasu mikä vaan lisäs löylyä, että tämä on aitoa taitoa. Mulle toimi alusta loppuun todella hyvin. Alussa kivat nousut ja lopussa kivat laskut. Kiitos tästä.
Thanx !
Its always nice to hear the feedback. Everyone tells his own opinion about the mixdown, taking the thoughts from his own dj experience and music experience in his/her life. I suppose influences also take part in this feedback giving process.
J.Kusti:s props were given to Cassy, Dettmann & Clock, Ame & Brikha. Well, as for me them are not my props in this mixdown. The tunes are great indeed, but my idea was to record a set that remind you the dancefloor feeling on the party. When everyone is dancing and cant leave the dancefloor because the music keeps your there. That is how tekno music should work at first place i think...
I always try to keep this "for ya feet" concept while recording my minimal/tech house.
Maybe it's some under-conciousness part of me.
About the "nanosekunnin korjaus" - i think when the mix is recorded without any mixing mistakes it is not so interesting. These mistakes give you a little bit "live" feeling while listening the mix. :)
Reinoh, second time i hear from you that you have the same records in your bag. WTF man!?! ;)
Well i think we'll work it out tammikuussa - > we are different :=)