F/X - FIKSAATIO. 19.1.2008 @ Seinäjoki

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Posts: 1,141

#1 • • Edited C-Hill Syna / Deck Jagger


Vuosi 2008 aloitetaan upeasti 19.01.08 Seinäjoella! Järjestyksessä toinen Fiksaatio-tapahtuma tuo Rytmikorjaamolle jälleen hienot audiovisuaaliset puitteet decoineen ja valoineen. Esittelemme ylpeänä vuoden ensimmäisen tapahtuman esiintyjät...

.: LINEUP :.

0030 - 0230 MIKE SHIVER [Captured / Armada / Anjunabeats]
2230 - 0030 KIMMO KAUPPINEN [K-System / Push Up!]
2100 - 2230 LOOPY [Tremble / Finity]

Producer, DJ & Label Manager; Mike Shiver has been one of the most talked-about upcoming talents over the last years. Since breaking onto the scene in 2003 with one of the year's most exciting productions: 'Mike Shiver - Feelings (Lost Language)', Mike has worked with labels like Armada Music, Nebula Records, Euphonic Records, Lost Language and the list just goes on.

December 2003 saw Mike start his own label, Captured Music (www.captured,nu). The first release on Captured 'Sonicvibe & Mike Shiver - Lunation' received massive support from many of the world top DJ’s.

Since the label launch of 'Captured Music', things have really taken off and Mike is currently DJ’ing throughout Europe & the states as well as spinning on various radio stations. Mike has also broadcast his own radio show entitled 'Captured Radio' on Digitally Imported (Di.Fm).

With excellent remix work from well known acts such as Solarstone, Ronski Speed (Sun Decade), Mike Koglin, Lost Witness, Alex M.O.R.P.H, Markus Schulz, David West (Antiloop), Darude, Mark Pledger (Smith & Pledger), and Benno De Goeij (Rank 1), a long with keeping you constantly updated with fresh material. Mike has reserved himself a spot amongst the most promising of tomorrow's DJs.

Kimmo Kauppinen, a Finnish DJ/producer, started a
project called K-SYSTEM in 1999. Although young,
Kimmo is truly a seasoned dance-music professional
both in his live performance and his songwriting abilities:
Kimmo has been DJing since the age of 13, developing
and working on his own style and material along the way.

One of the rising DJs in the Finnish trance scene, Ville Lope aka Loopy, began DJing in 1999 at the age of 18. Gaining skills and experience for a while and known for his sense of new talent and fresh sound, he joined the Finnish label Finity Recordings as an A&R manager.

Being skillful in networking he has not only raised Finity to the playlists of various international artists but also earned the respect of various labels and artists nationally and internationally. Besides the label work, he has started to learn the art of production and is also heavily engaged as a promoter. While residency is still awaiting, he has got his first productions signed to UK-based Neuroscience Recordings.

Although Loopy’s roots lie in uplifting and progressive trance, his trademark sound is a blend of both with a fresh twist of gritty electronica.

19 : 01 : 08
Where | will | you | be?

Posts: 4,064

#2 • • jeesboks p u p u

sen pienen hetken kaikki on täydellistä... *sydän*


Posts: 121

#3 • • py555
Niin täällä taas jos armeija vaan ei sotke asioita *pahis*

Posts: 143

#6 • • Edited jansqu
Taas alkaa armoton odotus.. *jiihaa* Pitää pikkuhiljaa alkaa kaiveleen sitä hullua luovuutta, että saadaan jälleen kunnon decot! *nauru*

Missä äidit oppivat kaikki ne asiat joista he varoittavat tyttäriään?


Posts: 156

#7 • • Kaminowits Tekninen Bugi
Taas mennään kohti uusia ongelmia...*piis**lohduttel**senkin*

Kaikenlaista harmia


Posts: 33

#8 • • Forecast Levyhuoran vaimoke
Just tänään mulle & kaverille tultiin baarissa tätä mainostamaan, eiköhän sinne matka käy :>

Posts: 1,937

#9 • • anniharha
Oi kyllä! *sydän*

and though my words could save the world they never come out right


Posts: 5,618

#11 • • thomas
pitäisköhän juhlia synttäreitä !
#12 • • Sunshine^82 Guest
oih! *sydän* let's see what happen *vink*

Posts: 74

#13 • • MiksuK hmm
No tottahan toki oon paikalla. Viimeks oli kyllä niin mainiot bileet *jiihaa*

There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish.


Posts: 162

#14 • • C-Girl
Ehdottomasti paikalla! Kaikesta muusta voi joustaa jos tiedossa on yhtä mageet bileet kuin viimeks. Artisteja??

Posts: 14

#15 • • axl83
...jä tällä kertaa vähemmän väkijuomaa nauttineena ku viimex :)

Posts: 156

#17 • • Kaminowits Tekninen Bugi
Taas tiedossa mahtava ilta...*aplodit**aplodit**aplodit**jiihaa**jiihaa**jiihaa*

Kaikenlaista harmia


Posts: 2

#18 • • piupali
Wuhuuu!! I'm in! :)*plur**aplodit**jiihaa**sydän*

Posts: 78

#19 • • Morloc Onko mun koti täällä?
Lineup ainakin lupaa hyvää... Yhtä hyvää meininkiä odotellessa kun edellisissä. *hihu*

Posts: 478

#20 • • laeski^ LaiskaLäski
viime kemut oli kyl niin loistavat et huh *hikoil**sydän*
eli tännetänne *joo*