Cosmic City goes Acid with DJ PIERRE 8.12.2007 @ Helsinki

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#1 • • Edited Katerina Snoopy Detective
Cosmic City goes Acid

Lauantaina 8.12.

DJ PIERRE (Chigago, USA)
Acid Kings vs Mr Velcro Fasteners live
Dj Ender & Newhouse old school house set

liput 12 e / 6e b4 23:00.


DJ PIERRE (Chicago, USA)


Back in the days when acid was just a tab, DJ Pierre was holed up in his Chicago bedroom creating a sound which would impact the dance music scene down to the genetic level: House Music. Spartan and viscerally invasive, this disco-stripped-of-disco-trappings was just beginning to reverberate in the club underground when a tweak accident changed everything. Call it synth-abuse or creative lighting, but in DJ Pierre's hands the Roland TB-303—originally a bass guitar synthesizer/sequencer—had become a weapon. Phuture—DJ Pierre's highly successful guise with fellow squelchers Spanky and Herb J—released their epic "Acid Trax" and House Music's evil twin, Acid House, was born and House Music History was written. Twenty years later Acid is as edgy and fresh as ever, rattling bass bins, melting iPods and inspiring a new generation of fans, producers and DJs the world over.

Not many artists in the history of dance music can list Carl Cox, Diesel (X-Press 2), Junior Vasquez, Danny Tenaglia, Michael Mayer (Kompakt Records), Bob Sinclar, and Tom Stephan (Superchumbo) as fans. Not many can claim responsibility for helping kick start the careers of Felix Da Housecat and Roy Davis Jr. Not many can lay claim to giving birth to a genre and pioneering a sound that had the whole world dancing and imitating for over fifteen years. DJ/Producer/Remixer, Nathaniel Pierre Jones a.k.a. DJ "Wildpitch" Pierre is of a rare breed.

Currently he is completing his very first artist album “DJ Pierre’s Afro Acid Project” with artists such as Green Velvet, Tom Stephan, Dajae, Gianni Bini of Bini & Martini, Dawn Tallman, Harrison Crump, E-man, Hanna Hais, Seamus Haji with remixes by Paul Woolford and a few more surprises, Pierre says. The album is slated for release February 2008.

He also has a launched an “Afro Acid/PLUR” tee-shirt line in conjunction with Eyefuel media (www.eyefuelmedia) which currently can be seen on his website In addition he is launching his own digital label Afro Acid Digital distributed by Groovesource. Tracks on this label will be available on Beatport as of October 18th, 2007.


DJ Pierre’s Afro Aid Project- 20 Years In The Making (First full Artist Album due for Release February 2008 on DJP/Simply Vinyl)

"Afro Acid is a culmination of Acid, Garage, Wild Pitch, Disco, Techno, Electro and Rock. It's a new approach to making house music and DJing it. It's about inclusion and fusing together multiple elements of music to get the ultimate club experience! That's who I am as a producer and a DJ." The DJP single, "Paris Collection (Feel Sexy)" featuring Hanna Hais is out now featuring an "Acid Club Mix" and a "Wild Pitch Mix," the single packs a big "French Kiss" of wallop with a darkly hypnotic track as a bed for Miss Hais' impassioned performance. The most recent single "Destroy This Track" is available on DJP Records/Kingstreet and It's already been snatched up by Big Love (Seamus Haji's imprint) for UKdistribution. It is currently available. On most major download sites.

Featured guest artists include Louie Vega, Tom “Superchumbo” Stephan, Green Velvet (Cajmere), Ron Carroll, Seamus Haji, Hanna Hais, Dajae, Harrison Crump, E-Man, Dawn Tallman and more.

AFRO ACID DIGITAL-Digital Label created by DJ Pierre to showcase the “Afro Acid” concept. There is no prejudice when it comes to musical style. It is a venue for new and upcoming Producers as well as veterans who desire a home where musical expression is free and open.

The first release “ Tha Dance” by DJ Pierre is slated for release October 18th, on Beatport exclusively for the first week, then available on all major download sites. Consecutive releases will follow.
Keijo Hujanen

Posts: 1,634

#3 • • Edited Keijo Hujanen Pressiklubi
helevetin huono päivä itelle :(

suomen virallinen totuus


Posts: 1,507

#4 • • CM
Kolkkii, kasii ja viinaa! Eli Mr. Velcro Fastener on kyl pakko nähä myöskin. Keinolla millä hyvänsä tänne

Posts: 1,094

#6 • • antOn° 02200
Ja ennakkoja voi lunastaa mistä?

Menee osastoon -Pakko nähdä! mut täältä en lähde ajelee, enneQ piletti/takuu sisälle pääsystä on olemassa.

BIGUP anyway..

Posts: 2,615

#7 • • Jinx Superfeminine
Kyllä on kova line-up!



Posts: 3,594

#8 • • tomii kallion herttua
Voi paska! Nyt menee pahasti häpeninkiä päällekäin *uuh*

reivaan kunnes kuolen


Posts: 1,552

#9 • • Tyranoid FINRG
Auts, nyt pitäisi jakautua kaksiin bileisiin yhtäaikaa.

Posts: 3,594

#12 • • tomii kallion herttua
Voi saatana!.söfkadlf menee kyl niin pahaksi, kun on hyviä bileitä päällekäin :/// ei olis pitäny kuunnella näitä youtube-linkkejä ollenkaan :)

reivaan kunnes kuolen


Posts: 655

#14 • • paupau Tuhma Bambi
Nyt haistatetaan neljä päivää kestäneelle flunssakuumelle paskat ja lähdetään näihin bileisiin! Haudassahan sitä ehtii nukkumaan niinku ystäväni tokaisi *tirsk*

Posts: 929

#17 • • Hanz Team Lasse
Matti W

Posts: 56

#18 • • Matti W
Hiton hyvää soundia!

Tulipahan vaan huomattua ettei tarvitse enää redrum:iin mennä ennen kuin siellä loppuu lykkäys tupakkalakiin, sillä sen lisäksi että savu yhdistettynä kuumuuteen vei täysin kyvyn nauttia musiikista, myöskin V*****aa se että vaatteet,,hiukset sekä iho haisee ihan He****in ällöttävästi tupakan savulle, vaikka vietti aikansa NO SMOKING alueilla....

Posts: 182

#19 • • eonik graafinen suutelija
Oli kyllä hyvät. Acid Kings ruletti ainakin mitä nyt ehdin kuulla ja Pierrekin toimi ajoittain. Tulipa vaihteeksi tanssahdeltuakin. Miinukset tupakansavusta. Redrum on persiistä sen takia ainakin parin kerran perusteella mitä oon siellä ollut.

Unts, unts, unts...


Posts: 4,793

#20 • • Aurinkoneiti
UUUUuuuu... Hannu soitti illan parasta musaa.*tanssittel*
Huomasin, etteivät mustat naiset osaa käyttäytyä ( en kuiteskaan ole rasisti, vai olenko sittenkin?).