A bit of market research: ur opinion needed please!

24 posts, 2 pages, 13,134 views


Posts: 61

#1 • • Opulent
If you could go to a night that played the following genres would you go: Breaks, DnB, Electro, Garage, House (funky, soulful) and RnB?
Also if you could add one more genre, what would it be?

Thanks for your time and helpful comments *piis*

Posts: 1,147

#2 • • Snaggo ;__;
all those genres are okay by me, EXCEPT for rnb*poks* :D

And that one genre could be speed garage ;P



Posts: 5,533

#3 • • Edited pirpeli
Too many genres and RnB definitely noNO!

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
-Albert Camus-


Posts: 11,768

#4 • • sapeli jokukukamikä?
I don't think you'll find a lot of fans here for a club like that... *hih* And I can't think of any single genre that would save that combination, sorry.

Elämä ei ole pelkkää lasten leikkiä.


Posts: 61

#5 • • Opulent
so far theres been some good feed back. I'll leave this open for more comments and voting before I post another poll, with the necessary changes, in a day or two. Keep it coming...

Posts: 2,396

#6 • • Amuck dub-i-dub

Opulent, 4.6.2007 22:55:
Breaks *tanssittel*
DnB *sydän*
Electro *pihkassa*
Garage *jiihaa*
House (funky, soulful) *plur*
RnB *sars**eiei**släp*

Pyhä on sekä pohjattoman syvää että pohjattoman hauskaa. Jos totuutesi ei saa sinua nauramaan, kyseinen totuus saattaa olla perseestä.

#7 • • cjet Guest

sapeli, 5.6.2007 14:15:
I don't think you'll find a lot of fans here for a club like that... *hih* And I can't think of any single genre that would save that combination, sorry.

Sanoo Kiksu-Sapeli. *tirsk*

Posts: 4,972

#8 • • -P
I really don't buy that RnB-whine. There's loads of non-comercial stuff that's a lot better than the crap they play on every frackin' radio.

Sota on Rauhaa, Vapaus on Orjuutta, Tietämättömyys on Voimaa -George Orwell

Steven Hoaks

Posts: 5,924

#10 • • Edited Steven Hoaks Stefu täs moi =)

Opulent, 4.6.2007 22:55:
Breaks *tanssittel*
DnB *sydän*
Electro *pihkassa*
Garage *jiihaa*
House (funky, soulful) *plur*
RnB *sars**eiei**släp*


+ Speed Garage *pihkassa**sydän**plur**jiihaa**tanssittel*

Jos puu kaatuu metsässä, eikä kukaan ole näkemässä sitä, niin nauravatko muut puut kaatuneelle?


Posts: 7,969

#11 • • Edited sts Sama pyynti aitta!
Which city? I would go if its in helsinki :)

but no RnB please :D

Posts: 61

#12 • • Opulent
most likely turku, but could be helsinki: depends on availability of venue, djs etc.

Posts: 3,206

#13 • • Claquesous viidettä kolonnaa
R 'n' B definitely.

Ps. Market researches are tacky, useless things.

32. of December


Posts: 7,451

#14 • • Avernian Kerettiläinen

Opulent, 4.6.2007 22:55:
If you could go to a night that played the following genres would you go: Breaks, DnB, Electro, Garage, House (funky, soulful) and RnB?
Also if you could add one more genre, what would it be?

Thanks for your time and helpful comments *piis*

I'd go to a plain old House (yep, funky, soulful) night.
And I'd add happy hc, of course! *hih*

Liian totta ollakseen hyvä.

Let's get ready to ruuuumblee! *sydän*


Posts: 4,525

#15 • • Fyrisch
Turku: no
rnb: no

Posts: 1,574

#16 • • Apo Asiallisen Profeetallinen Oppinut

salaisinko?, 5.6.2007 15:02:
I really don't buy that RnB-whine. There's loads of non-comercial stuff that's a lot better than the crap they play on every frackin' radio.

katupisteet - 2

Posts: 4,972

#17 • • -P


katupisteet - 2


Sota on Rauhaa, Vapaus on Orjuutta, Tietämättömyys on Voimaa -George Orwell


Posts: 1,393

#18 • • Zapa Mr Wrangler
Breaks: no
DnB: no
Garage: no
RnB: no

Electro: yes
House (funky, soulful):yes

Posts: 22

#19 • • Afterglow
Breaks: definitely
DnB: oh yes!
Electro: miksei
House: maybe
Garage: no
RnB: I would definitely not go...

Posts: 37

#20 • • Oku
That actually reminds me of some bars/clubs I used to go when I was young (well they didn't play garage and electro back then), so I would definitely at least give it a try. And yes - house, r&b and breaks can be mixed tastefully, and if the atmosphere is good the resulting evening can be very nice.