DanceteriA The Summer Experience pt.2 6.7.2007 @ Helsinki

88 posts, 5 pages, 18,873 views


Posts: 2,102

#21 • • Homegrove Further
Varmistui tännekin pääseminen, propsit erittäin ok:sta lipun hinnasta!

Forward thinking house music

JR Ewing

Posts: 985

#22 • • JR Ewing The Oil Men´s Clubber
Katoin ensin et tos flaikus oli perse, mut se oliki kainalo *blush**jiihaa**nauru**sydän*

Posts: 2,098

#23 • • mr.a
Desyn is one of the very few DJ’s in recent years that has stood out and caught the ear of some of the worlds largest DJs (with Deep Dish, Sander K and Danny Howells nominating him as their 'future DJ Hero' in DJ Magazine's Top 100 poll). With many established DJs and nucomer DJs leaning towards a particular style and musical range many are pigeon holed into a 'genre' of music. Desyn, however, has managed to establish his own sound that crosses boundaries and makes difficult to categorize.

Desyn incorporates house classics, deep, tech, funky and progressive in his sets. His musical taste takes inspiration from everything and anything that he feels. "I listen and take inspiration from almost any type of music. Many tracks I find may not be instantly playable, so I use technology such as Pro Tools and Ableton live to re-edit tracks or update them so they will then fit into my vision of how the music should sound on the dance floor”.

Desyn's love of house music began in 1989. Born and raised in London he was exposed to the acid house movement at 16 and a devoted regular at the legendary spiral tribe and traveller raves around the UK at that time. Having bought his first set of turntables in 1990 and working for 6 years as a 'computer techie' his passion and real love in life was music. His DJ career all began with 1 mix CD that he took a considerable amount of time and love preparing, he sent it out to 100 random people that requested the CD from a post that Desyn put out onto various Internet message boards. After a few months the CD had been passed all around the world and ended up on the laps of various promoters and
DJs. The CD made such an impression that Desyn, although completely unknown at the time began to get international gig requests. From his first international gigs in Helsinki and Tampara, Finland 2000, to his chaotic schedule today; it all sparked off from that one mix CD.

In late 2000 Desyn met with Abi Farisi who is today still his current worldwide manager. A great friendship and mutual love of house music saw the two start a DJ agency called Symphonic in 2001, from which Abi started work on pushing Desyn's career along with some other well known DJs that joined the roster. 2002 saw Desyn's career skyrocket; with Deep Dish's exclusive US booking agency, Bullitt, signing him up to their US roster. 2002 kept Desyn packed with tours and performances. Kicking off the year with a cover mount CD for DJ Magazine (WMC issue), headlining at Glastonbury, and performing notable 6-hour sets around the globe and guesting in venues such as Cream (Liverpool), Gatecrasher and Renaissance (Worldwide).

Posts: 2,102

#25 • • Homegrove Further

Kati, 16.6.2007 17:06:

Melko vanhana. :D

Desynin ekan ulkomaan keikan majoitus oli myös Tamperelaisen promoottorin keittiön lattia.

You've come a long way baby.

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 89

#27 • • _samppa

Homegrove, 16.6.2007 18:28:
Kati, 16.6.2007 17:06:


Melko vanhana. :D

Desynin ekan ulkomaan keikan majoitus oli myös Tamperelaisen promoottorin keittiön lattia.

You've come a long way baby.

No oli sillä nyt patja allaan sentään, kuinka epäkohteliaana isäntänä sä mua pidät? :)

Mut pitää kyllä tulla juhlistaan kesälomaa ja moikkaan tutut.

pleasure little treasure


Posts: 2,102

#28 • • Homegrove Further
Viikko enää!

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 3,628

#30 • • alphamagic
Kiva flaikku *slurps* *tirsk*

-Jyri on vähän niinku vanha raveriffi - kaunis ja yksinkertainen.


Posts: 262

#31 • • gobbe skenekuva
viisi yötä jouluun on, ihan itse laskin sen!

Jussi Jii | skenekuva - musiikkitapahtumat kuvina


Posts: 1,939

#32 • • Anime Retrostööpeli
Perkele. Konemehtän kans mennee päällekkäin *nyyh* Oliskohan nää nyt sit toiset tai kolmannet DanceteriAt mitkä joutuu jättää väliin EVER..


#33 • • Galadhan Guest
Voi @#$%! *igor* Miksi näiden täytyy olla juuri tuona perjantaina, kun ei pääse mitenkään paikalle. *nyyh*

Posts: 2,098

#34 • • mr.a

Galadhan, 3.7.2007 13:40:
Voi @#$%! *igor* Miksi näiden täytyy olla juuri tuona perjantaina, kun ei pääse mitenkään paikalle. *nyyh*

elämä on valintoja. :)

yx kesän kovimmista houseilloista luvassa. desyn on tällähetkellä todella tiukassa vedossa.

yläkerta varattu progemammuteille.

hyvät kengät jalkaan, perjantaina mennään 1000 lasissa.
#35 • • Galadhan Guest

mr.a, 3.7.2007 20:59:
elämä on valintoja. :)

Vaan ei aina omia. *igor* No, näillä mennään tällä kertaa, elokuussa sitten uus yritys.

Posts: 2,098

#36 • • mr.a
Ja tältä se näytti viimeksi :


(Suurkiitokset Kusti Manninen @ Tunne Productions videosta)

Posts: 262

#37 • • gobbe skenekuva
Ou yeah! Mageeta...vielä on pari päivää ja sit jalalla koreasti!

Jussi Jii | skenekuva - musiikkitapahtumat kuvina


Posts: 4,542

#39 • • Edited -Kerttu- HUMANOIDI LIFECOACH
Flaijeri on kyl aika HOT! *joo* Nää olis varmaan loistokemut, mut perkule..ei sitä lomalla voi koko aikaa kemuttaa..*nauru*

..Elä niin, ettet myöhemmin kadu elämättömiä päiviä..


Posts: 1,437

#40 • • Tapi Dreamstate
Tällä kertaa jää DanceteriA väliin, ku lähen SUKUKOKOUKSEEN Ouluun. Vähä syö kyl miestä. *hikoil*

mr.a, 3.7.2007 22:16:
Ja tältä se näytti viimeksi :

Mikäs biisi tos taustalla soi? *slurps*