FURY 3rd Birthday - Epic Of Hard-Trance 7.9.2007 @ HELSINKI

305 posts, 16 pages, 67,451 views


Posts: 2,361

#281 • • Edited UzU [33100]
Tarjolla 4:42 pitkä kooste Furyn 3v bileistä.
Taustalla soiva biisi on dj RX - Code of Silence.

Linkki youtube-laatuun:

Posts: 81

#282 • • hanabi
tahtoo takaisin! *sydän*
#283 • • Cyrez Guest

UzU, 1.10.2007 14:41:
Tarjolla 4:42 pitkä kooste Furyn 3v bileistä.
Taustalla soiva biisi on dj RX - Code of Silence.

Linkki youtube-laatuun:

Oli kyl tyylikkäästi koottu! *sydän*

Posts: 532

#286 • • SESSIONS2 [ fotogeeninen sielukommuuni ]
Guess what?

The official photos are finally online @ SESSIONS2 *uuh*


It's time to deliver some tough love.

Some of the photographers of SESSIONS2 have had trouble delivering their photos to the site in a timely fashion. Even though as the father of this site I don't believe in whipping my own guys and completely understand the time consuming working process behind delivering a single set of photos to the site after doing years of it myself I've got to say it's just not acceptable that things don't get done. If I could choose a simple slogan for SESSIONS2 it would be "we deliver" - First and foremost I want this site to be known for the outstanding quality of work we do. When the quality isn't that and you have to ask for the photos over and over again during a painstakingly long period of time it's fair to say we've failed to be what we want to be.

Event photography isn't always easy. Actually it can be really damn though and in my opinion it's acceptable to fail every now and then. When that happens the thing to do is to admit the failure and move on. With this set of photos from Fury's event that isn't the case. I mean, look at the photos - many of them are nothing short of excellent. The not so excellent part is publishing them God knows how long after the event.

Even though I don't particurlarly like editing some elses photos that's just what I did with this set so you could finally have them. As our visitors, audience and clients don't accept this kind of delays in the process. If the photos aren't on the site within a week after the event exercise your right to bitch about that.

To the rest of the SESSIONS-team: the purpose of this message isn't to humiliate anyone but to make you understand that being the best (which we are in the narrow field of event photographing finnish raves, clubs and such) doesn't come for free. It requires pushing yourself and I expect that from every single one of you. Push yourself, find new angles and fucking be all you can be. You know I love you all, but sometimes a bit of tough love seems to be in order to wake you up. When I gave you this site and told you to do whatever you want with it I expected you to build something new and better out of it and not to run it to the ground. Let's get back on the right track, shall we?

I'd like to make apology to the Fury organization; sorry - failing your expectations sincerely wasn't our purpose.

Jouni Väänänen
The retired Site Manager of SESSIONS2


Posts: 5,283

#287 • • remotion nostatus guru
Mietin pitkään et mikä niissä kuvissa ny muka niin pitkään on kestäny, okei onhan pari viikkoa toki jo jokin aika... sit katoin vuosilukua :D
Club Fury

Posts: 317

#288 • • Club Fury

SESSIONS2, 23.9.2008 14:48:
Guess what?

The official photos are finally online @ SESSIONS2 *uuh*


Jouni Väänänen
The retired Site Manager of SESSIONS2[/i]

Selkeennykseski vielä - Fury ja SESSIONS2 organisaatiot ovat edelleen erittäin hyvissä väleissä ja varmasti jatkavat tulevaisuudessa yhteistyötä.

Kuvat ovat taattua laatua kuten aina ennenkin. Kiitos.



Janne / Dj Galrav
Club Fury

ps. vuosi 2009 tulee jatkumaan raivolla.
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