Testaa mikä Pulp Fiction -hahmo olet

71 posts, 4 pages, 35,886 views


Posts: 3,054

#41 • • Jutu Blondi

Pinski, 23.2.2007 12:01:
No olipahan pakko munki testata!


"You're a hardworking individual enshrouded by an overwhelming sense of mystery, beauty, and intrigue. Though always on the go, you keep focused, helping -- often rapturing -- those you meet."


Samis! *pepsodent*

Ja onnesta kilahtaa, onnesta rakastaa, onnesta laulaa saa, tyttö pojallensa.


Posts: 3,206

#42 • • Claquesous viidettä kolonnaa

Your inner child screams for cartoons and sugary cereals, but your adult tastes love the buzz of quality mind altering substances. Sooner or later, you're going to have to grow up, at least a bit.

Niin kai sit.

32. of December


Posts: 15,721

#43 • • UnityF joo just se

There's no doubt about it: you're eccentric. You wear your heart on your sleeve. You don't hesistate one bit when it comes to talking about squeamish topics. Although you like to have peace and quiet, you often find excitement in a random crisis or two.

Posts: 568

#44 • • %

Tired of being underappreciated and manipulated by powerful "others," you fight back. Though possesssing a cold, violent outside, you have a soft, scentimental inside. You love your partner, you cherish family heirlooms, and you want nothing more than to be geniunely happy -- but you don't mind having to kill a couple of nimrods who happen to clutter your path.

Vittu juurikin näin.

Elä niin kuin haluat, äläkä niin kuin yhteiskunta haluaa sinun elävän.


Posts: 276

#46 • • deena tenukeppi
Fabienne meikäläisestä. Hassua, kun poikaystävä vertasi joitakin piirteitä mussa häneen pari viikkoa sitten *nauru*

Vaihtarit koulussa nimesivät mut kuitenkin Miaksi. Polkasta se vaan johtuu...

Tee se tänään, huomenna se voi olla laitonta.

#48 • • SinjoritaSol Guest
Here I am..

Posts: 2,578

#49 • • Edited Anselmi And sell me
Wolf on kyl the Man. Mut kyl Vincent Vega olis ollut kans Vitun kova.

sen pituinen se


Posts: 1,291

#50 • • WiljamiDzay Nyypiö

Jaa että Lance... *nauru*

Nimim. Viherpeukalo, tiedät kai missä.


Posts: 933

#51 • • unoha Lti-/UG Collective

k1mm0, 23.2.2007 11:46:

"You are the king of smooth -- enough said." *piis*

No Prkl...

Never Quit !


Posts: 2,227

#52 • • xl8r synkistelyä suu korvasta korvaan


perspektiiviä pitäisi voida ostaa ja nauttia suonensisäisesti -- Erlend Loe


Posts: 4,117

#53 • • Unik

" You are the king of smooth -- enough said."

Posts: 489

#55 • • Edited johnnytys idän pikajuna

An Elvis man, you like you women dangerous and your steaks bloody. You often get wrapped up in landscapes and fail to realize the danger you put yourself into. Don't get cocky, and don't get caught. It might be good to lay off the drugs every once in a while. Just a suggestion.

Fire is what i am
Fire is what i breath
The heat is what I bring


Posts: 246

#56 • • Temazepam Forever N00B
Honey Bunny
It has to be YOUR way. When it isn't, you panic, but hold your ground. You keep your gun pointed and trigger finger ready, but you'd never really hurt anyone. Though you like being tough, feeling control, you often enjoy blending in and being part of the ordinary human ra

Harmi, kun taa lehva on tullu katottua kauan sitten, ei oikein heit tullu mieleen kukas tyty taa on :D

-Your Lordy Mistress-


Posts: 955

#57 • • Progress
The Wolf....tietysti! *nauru*

Mulla on ikävä sua Samu. *sydän*


Posts: 2,923

#58 • • Edited rec


Posts: 281

#59 • • Edited _-JackaL-_ Käyntikortissa lukee Asiantuntija

The Wolf *pepsodent*

_- Elä hetkessä, muuta ei ole -_


Posts: 1,495

#60 • • KeijoK Member of L.I Groovecommunity | 1845 Celebrity Ale
Lancen näköjään pukkasi! *hih*

On myönnetty se että nämä mekanoidit ovat syntyneet valmiiseen maailmaan joka on katettu voittopositioilla