Pinky presents Özgür Can @ Turku 3.2.2007

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Pinky Club

Posts: 70

#1 • • Edited Pinky Club

ÖZGÜR CAN (Furrymusic) Swe

Özgür Can was born in Stockholm 1982 and grew up in a family where music was very present at all times, ever since then a large part of his life has evolved around beats, tones and grooves of all shapes.

From being one of many bedroom producers, Özgür has now turned into being one of the biggest talents hailing from the swedish progressive scene, both as a DJ and a producer!

He has been spinning records at major events and venues in Sweden as well as produced tracks that are being hyped by top labels and DJs around the globe! His true and deep love for music has made him a versatile DJ and producer with a focus on progressive music with an energetic flow, but still with an open mind for other styles such as trance, breaks and house.

PARHAM (Fokused Rec.) Swe

Grooving his way from the early days of the revolutionary sounds of house and sliding into a more electronic and modern sound Parham is undoubtedly one of the pioneers of the dance scene in Sweden and the Nordic region today.

Having spent almost a decade and a half as a DJ, today Parham is busier than ever. With the dance scene in the Nordic region having exploded over the last few years his twisted style of playing and producing have gained him a reputation second-to-none for taking you on a journey into the realms of bliss with an added twist of darkness, being both innovative and forward thinking. That is why his style is much loved and reflected only by experience.

JOHN MAJOR (Resident) Fin

John Major started playing records in 2001 after listening electronic music about 15 years. A few years in the clubs and parties was the inspiration of DJing, being on the other side of the decks. In the beginning the style was trance with some progressive sounds, but nowadays sets contains also deep progressive, tech , house and minimal sounds, stylishly mixed. John has played in few clubs in Finland and is club Pinky´s resident dj.

Lights Lj Tricolor (choon!)

Decorations Amber (Pinky)

in association with:

SPOT hansakortteli

BIANCO - footwear


Date- Sat 3.2

Time- 22.00-04-00

Age- 18


Place- Giggling Marlin, humalistonkatu 6 Tku

More info tba

Posts: 881

#2 • • Nikke Robodisco / Techmu
No voi perhana. Tää ois ehoton nähtävä mut Turussa asti...

Wunderbar... wundervoll... superschön... supertoll


Posts: 345

#4 • • Edited freeve
voe mahoton..

jos tänne koittais päästä

Posts: 32

#5 • • sensuroitu K-18
voi kyllä melkein ehkä jopa venyä tänne =)
#6 • • jesus Guest

Pitääköhän sitä vääntäytyy Turkuun.. *ding*

Posts: 93

#7 • • Ios
Johan on, joutuuko tässä nyt Turkuun lähtemään. Özgürin tuotannot on kyllä olleet niin erinomaisia...

Posts: 181

#8 • • doris Dora Gray | X-Rust
Özgür! *sydän**super*

Posts: 2,846

#9 • • villelope Lope of Lope & Kantola
Ruotsin karvaisimmat miehet feat John Major (onkse sitten turun karvaisin DJ?)

Tänne vois harkita saapuvansa, ellei sitten jostain kumman syystä ajaudu eräälle porauslautalle.

Posts: 2,729

#10 • • akiapina apinaki
Ton Parhamin semiuus biisi Underwater Rivers on kyl melkoinen :) Täällä ollaan!

Posts: 1,435

#12 • • Jahas
Mjoo, ehkä vihdoin se Turun reissu, ihan vaan Özgurin kunniaks!

Posts: 1,435

#14 • • Jahas

drS, 4.1.2007 15:08:
Juki54, 4.1.2007 14:13:
Mjoo, ehkä vihdoin se Turun reissu, ihan vaan Özgurin kunniaks!


sun autolla? tuun joka tapauksessa messii!

ehkä ISIN autolla, mä en omista :´´´´´(

Posts: 5,618

#16 • • thomas
özgurille terkui

Posts: 2,102

#18 • • Homegrove Further
Tännehän on tultava, Parham kun lupasi tappaa jos laitan sen peruukkikuvia johonkin kansainvälisille foorumeille. Pitää antaa jäbälle tilaisuus. :D

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 1,146

#20 • • z
Mainio buukkaus!! Ryöväiskö joku Özgürin samalla Helsinkiin, Turun reissuilla kun on taipumus.. nojoo..