I wish my ... was emo so it could cut itself!

7 posts, 1 page, 2,056 views


Posts: 1,167

#1 • • kap-pu the amazing suction cup boy
Silläkin uhalla, että topic jää lyhytikäiseksi: en voi vastustaa! Korvatkaa puuttuva sana!


I wish my coke was emo so it could cut itself

Some of us have a greater destiny. Some of us were born with a suction cup on our head.

Aziz Combat Fighter

Posts: 6,592

#2 • • Aziz Combat Fighter
I wish my posting would be so emo it would stop itself.

Posts: 1,167

#3 • • Edited kap-pu the amazing suction cup boy
:( you're no fun.

Some of us have a greater destiny. Some of us were born with a suction cup on our head.


Posts: 2,553

#4 • • tumpsi rekisteröitymätön

Posts: 1,142

#5 • • kml Keyhole Markup Language
I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself.

19:36 @terab6 oot koukussa wowiin nuoren ihmisen vimmalla
19:36 @terab6 ihailtavaa


Posts: 5,636

#7 • • Epailija Physicist, 2nd class.
I wish my hair was emo so it could cut itself!

Life is complex - it has both real and imaginary parts. -Anonymous