akir0, 22.2.2007 07:06:
Steve Ballmer viittasi puheessaan Windows Genuine Advantage -ohjelmaan, jonka toimintaa tiukentamalla Microsoft saattaisi onnistua vähentämään laitonta levitystä ja kopiointia. Ballmer sanoi Microsoftin tavoittelevan GNA:n avulla hyvää kasvua juuri kehittyvillä markkinoilla, joissa piraattituotteiden osuus ohjelmistoissa on perinteisesti ollut iso.
GNA:lla käsittääkseni tässä tarkoitetaan juurikin WGA:ta.
In an effort to provide an affordable and simple introduction to personal computing, and as a result of ongoing collaborations with governments on PC access programs and increasing digital inclusion, Microsoft Corp. has developed Windows XP Starter Edition, an operating system designed for first-time PC users in developing technology markets.
Joo ja ei, ensinmäinen yritys kehittyville markkinoille oli Windows Starter Edition
http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/newsroom/winxp/WinXPStarterFS.mspx aivan WGA ohjelman syntyajoista saakka ja perus idea WGA:lle on alla olevissa quottauksissa joita on nyt turha ruveta suomentamaan. Ballmerin puhe taas on luonnollinen jatke minusta tällä kaikelle, jos kiristetään WGA ohjelmaa niin silloin taas automaattisesti myynti lisääntyy juuri kehittyvillä markkinoilla jossa piratismi on suurin kun yllättäen... piraatit eivät pystykkään kopioimaan softaa
Mutta, onko tuo WGA juuri ainoa ja oikea keino nostamaan myyntiä niin ei ole.
Jos luet tietokonelehden artikkelin niin se on "pohdintaa" eli kiteytettynä jos WGA tasoa nostetaan niin nostaako se myyntiä kehittyvillä markkinoilla vaiko tekeekö se hallaa myös samalla nykyisille markkinoille ja taas et missä menee sopiva kompromissi.
Tällä taas ei ole mitään tekemistä itse WGA:n olemassaolon kannalta yhtään mitään sillä sen perusperiaatteet ja ideat eivät ole muuttunut mihinkään. Ainoastaan miten sitä voi soveltaa uusiin asioihin (eli tässä tapauksessa Ballmerin pohdintaan puheessaan miten se vaikuttaa myyntiin).
Alla on quotattu muutama kohta WGA FAQ sivuilta:
What are the benefits of genuine Microsoft software?
Q: Why is genuine Microsoft software better than non-genuine software?
By using genuine Microsoft software, you can be confident that you will have access to the latest features, security, and support, which will help to improve your productivity and expand the capabilities of your PC. You will also have access to new innovations and offerings available only to genuine Microsoft software customers.
Q: How does piracy affect Microsofts customers?
Every year, millions of consumers and businesses are hurt by counterfeit software that they have acquired unwittingly, and many companies that license legitimate software have difficulty competing with artificially low prices offered by software pirates. Consumers, businesses, and resellers continually ask Microsoft for help in mitigating the threat posed by pirates. Microsoft works to educate the software ecosystem about piracy, to engineer products that address these concerns, and to enforce anti-piracy policies and laws.
Q: What is Windows Genuine Advantage?
The Windows Genuine Advantage program (WGA) is part of Microsofts commitment to protecting its customers and partners from counterfeiters through education, engineering, and enforcement of policies and laws. WGA differentiates the value of genuine Windows software from counterfeit software, allowing customers to enjoy the capabilities they expect, the confidence that their software is authentic, and the ongoing system improvements that help them do more with their PC.
Q: Whats the benefit of WGA for small business?
WGA gives small businesses the confidence that they are running Microsofts reliable, dependable, and more secure software, which is critical to meeting their customers needs. Small businesses that validate their systems as genuine have access to additional free downloads, tools, and content to help them be more productive. In addition, small businesses can take advantage of the resources available to them through the Microsoft Small Business Center, where they will find case studies, videos, and other valuable resources.
Q: What is the Office Genuine Advantage program?
The Office Genuine Advantage program (OGA) is part of Microsofts commitment to protecting its customers and partners from counterfeiters through education, engineering, and enforcement of policies and laws. OGA differentiates the value of genuine Office software from counterfeit software, allowing customers to enjoy the reliability, additional value, confidence, and peace of mind that come from using genuine Microsoft Office software.
Q: Why is Microsoft doing this?
Microsoft is committed to protecting its customers and partners from counterfeiters through education, engineering, and enforcement of policies and laws. Microsoft expects that these programs will cause customers to ask for, and sellers to be more likely to provide, genuine Microsoft software.