Dj Looney - Vol. 3.03 - Filthy Acid Techno

4 posts, 1 page, 1,232 views


Posts: 96

#1 • • Edited Looney

Posts: 2,449

#2 • • Tarsu
oho, seppä pukkaa uutta!

jostain vanhasta taisin tykätä!

Remember those posters that said -Today is the first day of the rest of your life-? Well, thats true of every day but one -the day you die- !

-Lester Burnham


Posts: 2,009

#3 • • toma Tototoototo
Eipä tuo taida kovin uusi olla. :)

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, its the exact opposite. -P.A.M. Dirac


Posts: 1,701

#4 • • Zwek
Vanha helemi... Laitetaas kuunteluun <3