LA Weekly - The hallucinogenic way of dying
According to Dr. Charles Schuster, a former director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, now head of Wayne State Universitys Substance Abuse Clinical Research Division, the federal government sometimes objects to such studies out of concern not only for the patients but for the overall mood of the country. If psilocybin is shown to have some medical value, he says, that might weaken the governments argument against it as a drug of abuse. I understand their concerns and share them, but if psilocybin or MDMA or any of these agents were to prove to have a unique therapeutic value for something we cant treat well currently, ethically we have a responsibility to pursue them.
Ihmiset ovat niin hellyttäviä, kun he uskovat koulutätien, poliisisetien ja kaikkitietävän hallituksen - suoraan sanottuna - propagandaan. "Näin dokumentin jossa näytettiin yhtä ex-narkkaria, se sanoi vetäneensä liikaa lappuja, sitä ei voida päästää enää koskaan ulos laitoksesta" "No hei, jos sienet ei olisi vaarallisia, niin ei kai ne sitten kuuluisi A-vaarallisuusluokan huumeisiin?"
In the early 1960s, Stanislav Grof used another hallucinogen, DPT, along with LSD, to study existential anxiety in end-stage cancer patients; he found that the people he studied developed better attitudes about death, improved their relationships with family members and asked for less pain medication in the weeks and months following the experiment.
None of this figured into the Harbor-UCLA's Institutional Review Board assessment of Grobs study, however when it sent back the first draft of its official patient-consent form, it read, Benefits to Patient: None.
Jutun mukaan sopivia syöpään kuolevia ehdokkaita oli vaikea löytää, koska he eivät halua löytää helpompaa kuolemaa, vaan parannuskeinon. Toisaalta taas, joitakin henkilöitä tällainen tutkimus kiinnostaa kovastikin:
Hagerty says that there has been no shortage of interest in the study, just not necessarily from appropriate candidates. Were getting a lot of calls from people asking if we need any normal controls. Meaning theyd be happy to take the psilocybin they just dont happen to have cancer.