New Fsr Vsts!

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#1 • • nuphorm
Check out these sick new pluggins from FSR!

FSR Morphix is a Graphical waveform morphing synthesizer, capable of full
interpolation ["morphing"] between user loadable waveforms. Waveforms and
FFT spectrums are "freehand" drawable via several selectable modes, allowing
users to add harmonics and shape waveforms instantly and visually. Morphix also allows for FM synthesis using any oscillator as and operator, even while morphing.
The signal is then filtered by a "Z-scape" morphable filter block allowing for extreme wide band to extreme narrow band lowpass , bandpass, and highpass filter morphing. All Controls are fully
automatable via midi learn and assignable via modulation matrix with four assignable envelopes and dual tempo-synced LFO's

Cell VSTi was developed as an alternative to the hugely bloated
"atmosphere" type sample library/players which require
gigabytes of rom samples as layers for ambient synthesis.
We adopted a different approach based on creating large
evolving samples out of smaller bits of whatever samples
you feed into it. Basically can take the frequencies from
any short stab or sample, and "smear" the audio into an
evolving ambient swell with the same base characteristics,
as well as instantly recapture it as a keymapped layer in
the resultant layered patch, ready to play.. intended to be of
use as an atmosphere generation studio as well as a standard
vsti, cell features live capturing of base & processed samples
direct to disk for easy external editing or using your processed
samples in other samplers or applications.

Posts: 2,527

#2 • • DJ Rx FINRG Recordings
wanha *nauru* tää on ollu jo kuukausia jaossa... :)

Due to graphic nature of this post viewer discretion is advised.


Posts: 3,929

#3 • • hrdkvr KURGO
joo tuli uusimman "alan lehden " mukana

-keep it hard-