DJ Progression & Biga Rane - Moments Of Time [Old Skool :: H.Hardcore]

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Posts: 2,691

#1 • • Edited Progression
[iso]:: DJ Progression & Biga Rane - Moments Of Time ::[/iso]

drum'n'bass, happy hc, jotain


This new Old Skool Orientated mix (Moments Of Time) was compiled in
cooperation with Biga Rane. The Emphasis of this mix is based on the first
four years of the 1990's. This for me was the turning point for more melodic
(piano and vocal orientated) underground music which ultimately surfaced to
stardom. Together we have selected Old Skool classics that still touch the
dancefloor to this day! Not bad for music produced on the ancient Atari
520ST! But Enjoy... here are over 70 minutes of pure 90's Nostalgia... At
least, for those of you who remember!
Progression :)


Krome & Time - This Sound Is For The Underground [Suburban Base]
Blame - Music Takes You (2 Bad Mice Takes you) [Moving Shadow]
DJ Seduction - Rhythm Take Control [Impact]
Jonny L - Hurt You So (The Full mix) [Yo! Yo!/Tuch Wood]
The Prodigy - Everybody In The Place (Fairground remix) [XL Recordings]
Smart e's - Loo's Control [SUburban Base]
Qbass - Deepa [Suburban Base]
Acen - Trip II The Moon [Production House]
Sonz Of a Loop Da Loop Era - Skratchadelikizm [Suburban Base]
DJ Seduction - You Can Dance [Impact]
Acen - The Life And Crimes Of a Ruffneck [Production House]
Subway - Launch Pad [Rising High]
Force & The Evolution - High Life [Kniteforce Records]
DJ's Unknown - DJ's Unknown Volume One [White Label]
DJ Seduction - Sample Mania [Impact Records]
DJ Slam - Influence [Just Another Label]
The Fat Controller - Incomplete Darkness (94' Mix) [Uphoria Records]
DJ Red ALert & Mike Slammer - You Are The One [Slammin' Vinyl]
DJ Vibes - It Feels So Good [Ravers Choice]
Naughtee Naughtee - Naughtee Naughtee Volume 5 [White Label]
DJ Vibes & Wishdocta - We Are Flying [Kniteforce Records]
4AM - 4AM (4 o'clock in the morning) [White Label]

details - listen

Posts: 5,618

#5 • • thomas
gotta get this one. comments follow.

Posts: 563

#6 • • Edited juGis
tight shit *piis*

up-pitched (chipmunk) vocals, crispy old school piano sounds, ragga-rave atmosphere and enough amen breaks..

nice *hihu*

Posts: 440

#7 • • Yoni Tyhmä Vartija!
Let's see if there's anything that brings up memories of my childhood!

Posts: 4,064

#9 • • jeesboks p u p u
Old Skool *sydän* Great stuff! *pepsodent*

sen pienen hetken kaikki on täydellistä... *sydän*


Posts: 3,929

#11 • • hrdkvr KURGO
my wife'll love this!!

she just love old school uk breakbeat...
and overall this mix bring smile on face and makes this day better..i think

-keep it hard-

#12 • • astaroth Guest
i'll check this out tomorrow :)