Mikä Matrixin hahmoista olet ?

109 posts, 6 pages, 43,909 views


Posts: 195

#61 • • eyeless Ebeli siinä missä toinenkin lentaja
Oracle.. Wise, kind, honest- is there anything slightly negative about you? You are genuinely supportive of others

Courageous is the one who will follow only his inner Insights...


Posts: 1,329

#62 • • Foxmagon Iso Paha Ad..
You are Neo. You display a perfect fusion of heroism and compassion.

...Fly me to the moon, and let me sing among the stars.. Let me see what spring is like, on Jupiter and Mars.. In other words, please be true, in other words, I love you. *nuotti*


Posts: 821

#63 • • Lauruska nihkee
You are Morpheus. You have strong faith in yourself and those around you. A true leader, you are relentless in your persuit.

Posts: 1,860

#64 • • Wolverine
You are Neo. You display a perfect fusion of heroism and compassion.

Posts: 3,085

#65 • • iam Studying Inner Paths to Outer Space

5452 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 1496219 times.
0% of people had this result.

Posts: 145

#66 • • hannaok investigator of micro things! wonderer of life!
You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You have strong faith in yourself and those around you. A true leader, you are relentless in your persuit.

5454 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 1496234 times.
0% of people had this result.

-nature is ancient, it surprises us all-


Posts: 1,464

#67 • • Miksan

You are The Oracle, from "The Matrix." Wise, kind, honest- is there anything slightly negative about you? You are genuinely supportive of others. Careful not to let people take advantage of you, though.

1723 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 1496242 times.
0% of people had this result.

Posts: 8,190

#68 • • hallucinogen Edain

Optik, 1.11.2005 17:17:

You are Cypher, from "The Matrix." Selfish, disillusioned, you are misguided at times. You deviate from the "right" path.


Lol, mä kans ;D Ollaan pettureita ;D



Posts: 2,226

#69 • • Janisa vaikeasti kesytettävä

You are Trinity, from "The Matrix." Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate heroine.

3839 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 1496278 times.
0% of people had this result.


Maailma ei pelastu nalkuttamalla...


Posts: 303

#70 • • Muhvi- Jätkä on Muumi!

It was once my life - it was my life at one time.


Posts: 1,142

#71 • • kml Keyhole Markup Language

You are The Twins, from "The Matrix." Bad, but with a sexy streak- surprisingly refreshing. You know what you want, when you want it.


Eipä kyllä osunut ihan kohdalleen..

19:36 @terab6 oot koukussa wowiin nuoren ihmisen vimmalla
19:36 @terab6 ihailtavaa

sielu hänkin

Posts: 343

#72 • • sielu hänkin Psykehoitsu. Team Rekkalesbot. ViherPirkko-linnu.
[url][/url] 1053583739_persephone.jpg [url][/url]

You are Persephone, from "The Matrix." Tough cookie, you are, yet there are strains of sadness and desire that lie beneath you- of course, you wouldn't want anyone to know. You're too busy putting up a facade.

HAH! ihan totta!

*tirsk* *tirsk* *tirsk* *tirsk* *tirsk*


Posts: 204

#73 • • Luppis Primus Lapsorum
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You display a perfect fusion of heroism and compassion.

Posts: 4,256

#74 • • Kolera Rumaahinen/Höpötompsu/Mielikuvitukseton vittupää
tällä kertaa tuli sitten

You are Cypher, from "The Matrix." Selfish, disllusioned, you are misguided at times. You deviate from the "right" path.

Itsemurha lopettaa vittuilun!
no drugs, Im just kännissä


Posts: 5,001

#75 • • -xx- Dr. -xx-, PhD
You are Agent Smith, from "The Matrix." No one would ever want to run into you in a dark alley. Cold as steel, tough as a rock, things are your way or the highway.


kiitos ja anteeksi ^^


Posts: 617

#76 • • Sankari
You are Agent Smith, from "The Matrix." No one would ever want to run into you in a dark alley. Cold as steel, tough as a rock, things are your way or the highway.

Posts: 999

#77 • • Aamu you had me at hello

Do you think the expansion will make me fat?


Posts: 300

#78 • • Kukkis K Y L Ä H U L L U
You are Cypher, from "The Matrix."

Selfish, disllusioned, you are misguided at times. You deviate from the "right" path. *ding* *uuh* *tirsk*

No ylläri..

Never say never..?


Posts: 1,965

#80 • • -Santtu- ananas bananas coconuts
Tämän nyt tiesin jo ilman testiäkin..