[iso]The 1st anniversary[/iso]
Ali Catin [UK] (Solstice),
Fine (Solstice, The Players Club),
Zwek (Solstice, Ambrosia),
De La Rocha [feat. Hermosaha Live Guitar] (Quality Time),
Punos [LIVE] (Solstice, Harharyhmä),
Unik (Drama, Progbase),
Puistokemisti (Solstice, FSS)
Steven Hoaks (Solstice, Equinox),
Urmaz (Solstice, Drama),
Sts (Solstice, Flush)
Esa (wcdj.org, Flush)
For our first birthday we well give you a special show
thats build around our own artists and some of our good
friends that we have made during the past year...
The one year special will feature a spectacular lightshow
designed by the Harharyhmä-lightcrew, who has worked with us
during the entire year to make all the events worthy to be called a Solstice event.
Solstice 2005 was: 5 venues, 40 events, 71 artists & 40 000 flyers.
[pieni]It has been one hell of a ride but It has been worth it[/pieni]
21.00 - 23.30 Zwek
23.30 - 01.30 Ali Cating
01.30 - _End_ Fine
21.00 - 23.30 Unik
23.30 - 01.30 Urmaz
01.30 - _End_ Steven Hoaks
21.00 - 22.00 Sts b2b Esa
22.00 - 00.30 De la Rocha feat. Hermosaha
00.30 - 01.30 Punos [Live]
01.30 - _End_ Puistokemisti (Back to the 90`s set)
28.1.2006 Solstice: The 1st anniversary
Time: 21-04
Agelimit: K-18
Price: 5+bf Presale (Streetbeat & Mosso), 7 from door
Happyhour: 21-22 Beer, Sider & Long Drink 1
Decorations: Sunrise-decocrew
Lights by: Harharyhmä & J² (Solstice)
VIP, PRESS, INFO: anniversary@clubsolstice.org
Club Volume,
Pohjoinen rautatiekatu 21B, Helsinki
-A little bit of sun into the darkness-