The TDC presents BEDLAM DJ’s Chris Humpreys, Lunar Chic, Lee Osbourne - 17.09.2005

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#1 • • Edited TDC
The TDC presents BEDLAM DJ’s Chris Humpreys, Lunar Chic, Lee Osbourne


Line Up

Twisted Drum Club [main arena]

Chris Humpreys
Lunar Chic
Lee Osbourne
Nemes [Resident]
Benn [Resident]

02.00 - 03.30 Chris Humpreys
01.00 - 02.00 Lunar Chic
00.00 - 01.00 Lee Osborne
22.00 - 00.00 Nemes B2B Benn

Twisted Drum Lounge [upstairs]

Markus S [Resident]
Samppa [Liekki]
UrmaZ [Såint]
TommyDeeJay [Såint]

02.00 - 03.30 Samppa
00.00 - 02.00 UrmaZ B2B TommyDeeJay
22.00 - 00.00 Markus S


VJ Move
LJ Parker Kane
Decorations TDC Crew, Dekomania


Venue: Nightclub Diva, Hämeenkatu 31, Tampere, Finland
Date: 17.09.2005
Time: 22.00 - 04.00
Age: K18
Tickets: 8 & free mix cd for first 50 entries

The Twisted Drum Club - Vol.1 (2xCD)

The Twisted Drum Club - Vol.1 available @ The TDC 17.09.2005

CD1 - Mixed by Nemes (Techno)
CD2 - Mixed by Markus S (House)



Chris Humpreys [Bedlam / UK]

Chris is one of the most experienced and tallented DJs in the UK, having played almoust every party in London, he is a respected and popular Dance DJ. He also held a two years residency at the legendary beach party, Sandstorm in Kavos, Corfu. After 2 years working alongside some of the biggest names in the business, Chris decided to concentrate his efforts on his own promotion, namely Bedlam. The party was an instant hit, and is still growing in popylarity with every night. Chris have flawless technical talent that has been recognised by many promoters and clubbers alike. A real crowd pleaser, his track selection always leaves clubbers wanting more!

Music Style: Techno, Funky House


Lunar Chic [Bedlam / UK]

At just 20 years old, Lunar Chic is already one of the most respected female DJs on the London scene, as well as one half of the promoting duo responsible for Bedlam at the Fridge, Brixton, London. With a versatile and varied style, Lunar Chic can start a night off or bring it a pounding finish. She also become a regular guest at European clubs, including 3 trips to Poland last year and a tour of Austria booked for May 05. She will also be venturing to Brazil in April, where her Techno influenced sound has gone down a treat! Lunar Chic can read a people, she will create an electric atmosphere, and you crowd will centainly leave satisfied

Music Style: Techno, Funky/Progressive House, Electro


Lee Osborne [Bedlam / UK]

Lee started DJing in 1999 amd soon received his first booking for a small promotion at the Blue Room in Kingston, and after playing his first set was asked to become resident, which he maintained for a year, and strated his career as a DJ. His Ability to provide clubbers with the tunes they wanted to hear, coupled with his mad antics behind decks made his popularity grow and before long he had secured slots for some of London's mojor promotions: Frantic, Bedlam, Chemistry, Convergence, X-static & Smile to name but a few. In 2002 Lee achieved a residency for Bedlam at the Fridge, and towards the end of the year he turned his hand to promoting, working alongside the crew of Bedlam to organize some of most memorable parties of that year.

Music Style: Techno, Funky Techno

Posts: 528

#2 • • A-E Detroit Techno Militia
Hot tip....................

The true rebels always walk alone anyways...

-- Derrick May


Posts: 4,117

#3 • • Unik
Pirun mukava tulla pitkästä aikaan Tampereelle soittamaan *joo*

Posts: 22

#4 • • TDC
nyt on ulkomainen artisti varmistunut...

Posts: 237

#5 • • Grass fiilistelijä
*sydän* tänne *sydän*

Posts: 673

#6 • • diskoeno
Tätä on odotettu!

Nyt kaikki parantamaan maailmaa ja tukemaan klubia, jossa soi oikeasti hyvä musiikki!
Todistetaan että BILEET voi tehdä ilman trancea ja polkkaakin, eiks vaa? :)

Posts: 4,972

#7 • • -P
oho, tässäkös olisi hyvä syy tulla mansesteriin :)

Sota on Rauhaa, Vapaus on Orjuutta, Tietämättömyys on Voimaa -George Orwell


Posts: 5,381

#8 • • Edited Timce
Umekin jälkeen tämän vuoden kovin ulkomainen tiskijukka Suomessa. a Must

-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss

#9 • • Hexe Guest
#10 • • ikj Guest
oho stanny franssen :) respect.

Posts: 22

#11 • • TDC
valitettavasti Stanny Franssen joutu perumaan meidän syyskuun keikan... Eli Stanny Franssen on sitten lokakuussa TDC:ssä... tällä kertaa tuomme kokonaisen klubin englannista meille vieraaksi...

Posts: 186

#12 • • tr3montt
luukin veerry guD ;) teknoilua

Posts: 1,260

#14 • • placiq Jorkki
Vaikuttaa kyllä oikein lupaavalta *pihkassa*

Posts: 5,381

#15 • • Timce
Täytyy tulla kyllä tukemaan näitäkin. Hupreysin soundi on enemmän kuin kohdallaan.

-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss


Posts: 22

#16 • • TDC
flaba lisätty...

Posts: 22

#17 • • TDC
Juliste lisätty

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#18 • • TDC
pääareenan soittoajat lisätty

Posts: 22

#19 • • TDC
loungen soittoajat myös lisätty...

Posts: 5,381

#20 • • Timce
Kaikki tulevat varmasti tukemaan, niin saadaan jatkossakin nauttia vastaavanlaisista ulkomaanherkuista. Eikä ennakkolipun ostokaan olis pahitteeksi. (Muistakaa Umek)

(Pakko avautua hieman, ettei joudu pettymään. Olen tälle vuodelle kärsinyt jo tarpeeksi vitutuksesta.)

-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss