27 posts, 2 pages, 6,408 views

#1 • • Edited Joe Le Bon Guest
Oliver Klein is a brandname amongst djs and producers worldwide. He conquered the international dancefloors last year with his powerfull single “Rheinkraft”, making way for a plethora of remixes including Tiësto „ Flight 643“, Members of Mayday „ Sonic Empire“ and Harry `Choo Choo` Romero „Tania“.These masterpieces were perfect proof of oliver`s qualities as producer.There was nostopping this german power machine...his follow up single “Timeloop” obtained massive support when international airplays were launched from radio1 key djs such as Seb Fontaine, Judge Jules and Pete Tong. Timeloop was the definitive floorfiller with Ministry Magazine voting it as one of the 15 best tunes in 2001. Shortly afterwards Oliver took a little time out to recoperate from his creative exertion in 2001. Fully recoperated, his time has been spent together with studio partner Jürgen Driessen to produce his new single “Shakedown” due for release soon on Maelstrom UK and Silly Spider in Germany. He also added the spice to Jürgen Driessen`s latest single “Help Me” by co producing the track, which is due for release on their own label Mutekki as well as UK´s leading imprint Hook Recordings. The Dj forefront has been equally action-packed in the past 12 months, spinning with big legends such as Paul Van Dyk, Dave Seaman and Tiesto in Ibiza at Cream. With guest sets in Uk`s superclubs such as The Gallery, Passion, Cream, Type and Colours has won him a solid fan base in the UK. Special apearances with Trevor Rockliffe in NY, Paul Oakenfold at Cream and Seb Fontaine in London`s The Cross furthered his credibility on the decks. Follow up sets in the global clubland made Oliver a well travelled man, with gigs in Japan, Hong Kong, Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, Spain, Turkey, Czech Republic, Russia and many more....
Miami`s WMC 2002 was powered by Oliver Klein`s unique sound when he headlined the Crobar with Timo Maas and Seb Fontaine. Another hot highlight was his set at this year`s Mayday where he shared the decks with Dj greats such as Westbam, Carl Cox, Paul Van Dyk, Lexy K Paul and others.His success is sure to continue with the launch of his much awaited debut mix album “International Sound of… Oliver Klein” released by New State Entertainment, UK and PIAS, germany.This massive mix album due to be out on the shelfs in late autumn in collaboration with UK´s superclub Cream will be a sure sample of Oliver`s dynamic and powerfull mixing skills. If that`s not enough....Oliver will be jetting across the globe on a world tour in promotion of his album from the end of september until the beginning of a highly promising year 2003. In between all these dates Oliver still made it to put his uncopyable remix-spice to the likes of Who da Funk “Shiny Disco Balls” (Cream Rec, Subliminal / entered the UK sales charts at #16), Rob Dougan “Furious Angels” (Cheeky Rec., “Clubbed to Death”, co-producer of O.T.Quartett “Hold that sucker down”) and Capoeira Twins “Lose Control” (Silly Spider, Hope Rec., UK).
And sometimes he sleeps.....!!!!

Warm up team:
Simon London (UK)
xlk (huhuu productions)
disko_joe (huhuu productions)

Posts: 1,641

#2 • • mniittymaki
noi voi huhuu, tännekkös sitten taasen diskoilemaan :)


Posts: 2,099

#3 • • Nemes Balearium
huh huh huhuu... kyllä tää nyt on aika must juttu...

Posts: 1,020

#4 • • krispis Huhuu
jee!!! taas mennään! voi huh huh huhuuu!! *jiihaa* hellanlettas sentään mitä jutskia on tulossa- *aplodit*jeeeeeesus. hyvä jasuuuuu!!!! *plur*

Posts: 2,729

#5 • • akiapina apinaki
Huh..kylläpäs nyt tuodaan kovia nimiä suomeen :)

Posts: 131

#6 • • Hiekka
HOP JA HEI!!! Tänne todellakin..

Posts: 4,525

#7 • • Fyrisch
synttärit just samana päivänä :)))))))))))))
#8 • • Mr. Jenkins Guest
No huh huh!

Mikä kesä tulossa! *jiihaa*


Simoniakin mukava kuulla, piiiiiitkästä aikaa.
ianna ei anna!

Posts: 1,999

#9 • • ianna ei anna! RaittiusYhdistyksen pj / Hullu Joanna-täti

Älä pelkää koettelemuksia, ne ovat maksu jolla
lunastat varsinaisen omaisuutesi.
-Maria Jotuni_


Posts: 1,289

#11 • • MissKoo
Täällä tulee olee hienoa. Läsnä! *nauru*

Posts: 1,507

#12 • • CM
Siis kokoajan huippuäijiä Suomeen wuhuu*aplodit**jiihaa*

Toivottavast pääsen mestoille
#13 • • Joe Le Bon Guest
[iso]Oliver Klein Discography[/iso]

Oliver Klein

Virus / Impfung | Mutekki / Stick Italy
Rheinkraft / Plexiglas | Mutekki / B-Sides / Maelstrom UK / Avex Japan / Leaded Germany
Timeloop / Schallfragmente | Mutekki / B-Sides / Maelstrom UK / Leaded Germany
Shakedown / Circuit City | Mutekki / Maelstrom UK / Silly Spider Germany
Cobra Libre | Mutekki
Rien ne va plus EP | Mutekki

Jürgen Driessen

Testwalk / Counter Culture | Mutekki / Maelstrom UK
Koto Buki / Tenshi | Mutekki / Maelstrom UK / Stick Italy
Help Me | Mutekki / Hook Rec. UK / News BeNeLux
Passion | Mutekki

Oliver Klein & Peter Jürgens

Once you get started / dubbed |Mutekki
Border Colour | Mutekki

Oliver Klein & Martin H

Club Game | Invent Recordings

Aron Akira

Sling Shot | Mutekki / Gekko UK


Sia vs Jigsaw | Drink to get Jigsaw
Teadrop / Zodiac | 4Twenty UK

Panic in the Street (together with Baggy Bukaddor)

T.B.C | Silly Spider Germany

Remixes (in no particular order)

Sebastien Leger : Epoxy | Limited Sounds
Horny United : Love you to love you baby | Silly Spider
Three´n´one : Reflect | Low Spirit
Rob Dougan : Furious Angles | Cheeky Rec. UK
Who da funk : Shiny Disco Balls | Cream UK / Subliminal
Capoeira Twins : Lose Control | Silly Spider
Motorcraft : When time will come | Spot on UK
Fragma : Embrace me | Illustrious UK
James Holden : One for you | Silver Planet UK / Sony
Harry ´Choo-Choo´ Romero : Tania | Leaded
Members of Mayday : Sonic Empire | Deviant UK / Low Spirit
Mauro Picotto : Like This Like That | Virgin UK
Lexy & K.Paul : Greatest DJ | Ministry UK / Low Spirit
Azzido da Bass : Speed | Edel
Moogwai : Labyrinth | Platipus UK
Monoboy : The Music in you | Perfecto UK
Tomba Vira : The Sound of (oh yeah) | Virgin UK
Tiesto : Flight 643 | Maelstrom UK / Zomba / Nettwerk / Blackhole
5 Below O : Club Quake | Kickin´ Music UK
Corvin Dalek : Pounds & Penz | MFS
Robert Armani : Circus Bells | Classics
Sandy vs Housetrap : Overdrive | Beats & Friends
Hooligan : Mama sweet | Kosmo
Chris Lake : Santiago de Cuba (Jürgen Driessen mix) | Hooj Choons UK
Sharpside : Critical freaks (Jürgen Driessen mix) | Mutekki
Loco : Eighty ten (Panic in the Street mix) | Silly Spider / Global Harmony UK
Trancesetters : Saga (Panic in the Street mix) | Silly Spider


Posts: 1,020

#14 • • krispis Huhuu
huhuuuuuuuuuuuu! täällä taas nähdään!! *jiihaa* kaikki mukaan! rokrok! eiköhän nää bileet saa taas sukat pyörimään jalassa *plur*
#15 • • Joe Le Bon Guest

Fyraett, 12.5.2005 00:51:
synttärit just samana päivänä :)))))))))))))

Onneksi olkoon *aplodit*

Posts: 4,525

#16 • • Fyrisch

disko_joe, 1.7.2005 09:34:
Fyraett, 12.5.2005 00:51:
synttärit just samana päivänä :)))))))))))))


Onneksi olkoon *aplodit*

*kiitoskiitos* harmivaan et nää jää väliin työn siirtyessä 3 päivää taaksepäin >:E

Vois juoda kupillisen vettä ja painuu pehkuihin jotta illal taas jaksaa painaa hommia, taitaa tulla 13h duunipäivä taas *jiihaa*

pitäkää hauskaa munki puolest *piis-lööv-and-protection*
#17 • • Joe Le Bon Guest
Illan soittoajat:

02:30-03:45 xlk
00:30-02:30 Oliver Klein
23:15-00:30 disko_joe
22:00-23:15 Simon London
#18 • • Joe Le Bon Guest
oi oi oi mitä kamaa Oliver soitti tänään! Niin uskomattoman hyvää soundia ettei tässä kylässä ole hetkeen ollutkaan. Wow!

Ihania ihmisiä tupa täynnä, kiitos kaikille!

Pian taas uudet kujeet...

Posts: 1,022

#19 • • leenuliinu Kenen kaveri
Oliko kuinka paljon ihmisiä tuvassa?

Local Underground Helsinki

SPRAIT! @ mbar 18.01.2014 ja 15.03.2014


Posts: 291

#20 • • Summerblink 2 vasenta jalkaa
Viihdyin kaapelilla n.30min koska seuralainen oharoi ja [iso]herramunjee onneksi[/iso], koska muuten ois ehkä jääny Oliverin (paras ikinä kuulemani) setti kuulemati. Herra aloitti heti alkuun sellaisella rytkeellä että sitä ois voinu liimata Mummonmuusi-tarrat jalkoihin hetikärkeen*jiihaa*

Jos tuosta jotain negatiivista hakemalla hakee niin siinä vaiheessa kun xlk:n setti alkoi niin jengillä tais Oliverin setti jo painaa jaloissa. Mut ei voinu mitään, oli liian ihquplur-hyvää jytää et ois voinu olla jytäämäti. Krääääh, kiukulla vaan*aplodit*

En muista milloin ois missään tullu noin hyvää musiikkia kovaäänisistä yhden illan aikana.
Suuri kiitos taas ja salettin tullaan tsekkaa uudet kujeet *plur*

P.S ja disko_joe:lle kiitos wanhasta kunnon Guru Joshin Infinitystä, oisin kaivanu stenkun esiin jos ois ollu *piis*