Senzation - Summer Session's Starter 27.5.2005 @ Lappeenranta

45 posts, 3 pages, 15,176 views


Posts: 1,828

#1 • • Displacer
Hyvä et jätkät jaksaa järkkää...

Posts: 140

#2 • • Edited Senzation

[iso]Senzation - Summer Session's Starter[/iso]

* Here is the beginning of our summer season........................
* And we are going to give you something special at this time..
* This is the 1st time for AR52 behind the decks......................
* You'll be having almost 3h with them...................................
* Be sure not to miss this one................................................

date >> friday 27-05-2005

venue >> Nitetrain

city >> Lappeenranta

time >> 22:00 - 04:00

tickets >> 4e (incl. bf)

agelimit >> 18 and over

decorations by >> senzation

:::::: DJ's LineUp ::::::

AR52 [a.k.a DJ TAB & Miika Kuisma] [pieni](Subtraxx, J00F | Helsinki)[/pieni]

AR52 is a collaboration between the Finnish DJ/producers Miika Kuisma and Dj Tab. Their first single 'Timegate' launched John 00 Fleming's JOOF label back in 2003 instantly growing into a small anthem. While 'Timegate' was been licensed to all major compilations (including Gatecrasher, Godskitchen, Euphoria..) the flipside 'Hibernation' was also played by all the top jocks including Armin van Buuren who played it on his very first Essential Mix. Year after they came back with 'Enigma', one of the most forward driving tracks ever created. This time AR52 made it to UK dance chart (#14) making sure everyone on the business wouldn't forget this duo. The third release 'Piiska' is yet another club monster everyone is dying to have on their hands. This summer we'll see if it's one of the hottest tunes in Ibiza or not..

Meanwhile Miika and Tab both built strong solo careers making this collaboration even more interesting. Dj Tab is internationally well known Anjunabeats artist who's music is always filled by positive vibe and energy. When you see Dj Tab playing it's easy to say he truly loves this music. By combining all that with Miika's driving, haunting and aggressive backgrounds you'll always get something you notice! In their home country Finland it's hard to find a clubber who doesn't recognize these guys. While Tab is the resident DJ of the two most popular clubs Miika just won the best artist/producer and the best new DJ titles on Finnish Club Awards 2004. This year you will find these guys playing their unique sound in clubs and radios around the world, if not as pairs then solo. For example Miika Kuisma makes his debut appearance in UK when he and John 00 Fleming are taking Passion by storm (4th of June 2005). Among dj and live gigs the boys are running a webcast! on ETN network. It's called "AR52 presents HelsinkiVibes" and it will feature back-2-back DJ sets by HelsinkiVibe studio community. This studio is the bed of finnish trance giving birth to productions by Super8, Dallas Superstars, Aalto, Miika Kuisma, AR52, DJ Tab, K-System, Tripguide, Modulation, Fluid in Motion, Peaktwins and Raymond Wave.

Mick [pieni](Senzation resident, B:E:R:U:N:A | Lemi)[/pieni]
Nic'Silver [pieni](Senzation resident | Espoo)[/pieni]
Wegez [pieni](Senzation resident | Helsinki)[/pieni]

:::::: TimeTable ::::::

22:00 - 23:30 Wegez b2b Nic'Silver
23:30 - 01:00 Mick
01:00 - END AR52


...And summer continues with...
Senzation Summer Sessions Part 2

::More info::
E-Mail: [email protected]


Posts: 140

#3 • • Edited Senzation
Ja uudet bileet taas edessä!
Kesä kauden avajaisissa saamme loistavan tilaisuuden esitellä AR52 ensimmäistä kertaa deckien takana!

PS.tsekkaa meidän aivan uudistuneet sivut ->

Posts: 148

#4 • • Nic.Silver
tääl ollaa sit kovassa...*känni*....*iloinen**jiihaa*

Posts: 1,750

#5 • • Dave Team Teknolipat :) / The Bunk

Nic.Silver, 6.5.2005 13:54:
tääl ollaa sit kovassa...*känni*....*iloinen**jiihaa*

Luuletvaan olevas *juonittel*

a veteran police of means and talent can wear whatever the fuck he damn well pleases.


Posts: 719

#6 • • lilius
Jopas on nimellä paiskastu.. *iloinen*

Posts: 760

#7 • • 0-scar Team Teknolipat :)
Jeeei näidä odotellaan *plur*

Jos joskus murhe painaa, se painaa, se painaa, voit silloin multaa kaivaa ja huolet hukuttaa!


Posts: 728

#8 • • T0mbstone The Process.
lolzation =)

~If you understand, things are just as they are... If you do not understand, things are just as they are....~


Posts: 515

#9 • • Pauha
Voi pojat... Rova kutsuu, ei pääse paikalle *poks* Olis kyllä mielellään tullu...

Leave me alone, I am doing my rum and noodles.


Posts: 760

#10 • • 0-scar Team Teknolipat :)
Tyylikäs flaikku :)

Jos joskus murhe painaa, se painaa, se painaa, voit silloin multaa kaivaa ja huolet hukuttaa!


Posts: 2,141

#12 • • Wegez
Täällä tosiaan...hieman vaan peloteltiin että mulla olis töitä tuolloin... *igor* No mut toivottavasti ei oo... *hymy* Täällä kuitenkin!!! *jiihaa* *plur*

...we´re all made of stars...


Posts: 1,464

#13 • • Edited Dneya Sizkolizko.
Pitää tulla kyl katsomaan kun pojat päästetään lavalle.. *nauru* *lmao* Toivottavasti tulee hyvät pileet *hymy* Tuo lineup kyllä hyvin pitkälti kuullostaa oikein mielenkiintoselta, varsinkin loppuillasta *plur* ja muutenkin... odotellen. *nauru* *iloinen*

The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.


Posts: 760

#14 • • 0-scar Team Teknolipat :)
*Tamp tamp*

Jos joskus murhe painaa, se painaa, se painaa, voit silloin multaa kaivaa ja huolet hukuttaa!


Posts: 2,141

#15 • • Edited Wegez

Pitää tulla kyl katsomaan kun pojat päästetään lavalle.. *nauru* *lmao*

Häh...haiskahtaa v*ttuilulta... *vink* *hihu*

Tuo lineup kyllä hyvin pitkälti kuullostaa oikein mielenkiintoselta, varsinkin loppuillasta *plur* ja muutenkin... odotellen. *nauru* *iloinen*

Hei..eiks alkuiltaki oo mielenkiintonen... *vink*

...we´re all made of stars...


Posts: 287

#16 • • Tronic
Tuo lineup kyllä hyvin pitkälti kuullostaa oikein mielenkiintoselta, varsinkin loppuillasta *plur* ja muutenkin... odotellen. *nauru* *iloinen*


Hei..eiks alkuiltaki oo mielenkiintonen... *vink*

Mielenkiintoisin on juurikin se alkuilta*plur*

Posts: 1,464

#17 • • Dneya Sizkolizko.

Wegez, Häh...haiskahtaa v*ttuilulta... *vink* *hihu*

*nauru* En mie nyt sillai tarkottanu *lmao* mut teidät nyt kuitenkin on nähty ennenkin *vink*
Ja joojooo, eiköhä se koko ilta oo ihan paikalle saapumisen arvoinen, toivon ainankin *jiihaa*

The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.


Posts: 26

#18 • • teemu~
*jiihaa* weeeeeeeee

Posts: 140

#19 • • Edited Senzation
Infoa päivitelty!

Tickets: 4e (incl. bf)

PS.timetable on julkaistu Senzationin sivuilla!

Posts: 2,141

#20 • • Wegez
Mulla on vapaata! Ja pääsen 200%:sesti tänne! *plur*
Eli senzation kännit tiedossa ja loisto musaa!!! *jiihaa* *plur*

...we´re all made of stars...