Säde Presents GARY D 28.5.2005 @ helsinki

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#1 • • Edited DJioni

Säde Presents GARY D 28.5.05 klo. 21-04

Gary D (Ger)

Gary D started his DJ-career under the name Gary Dee in Hamburg in 1980.
In spring of 1994 Gary had to act and agreed to the offer of Georg Roll, owner of the "Tunnel Club" in Hamburg, to work there as resident dj. That was the final breakthrough in Germany. Gary´s legendary longsets were formed by Techno, Trance and mainly Hardtrance. During that time he also performed more and more at big events in Germany and Europe such as the "Mayday" and "Loveparade" as well as at the "Energy" and "Goliath" - just to mention a few.

In spring of 1997, after 3 successful years, Gary quitted his resident job in the "Tunnel" to become more flexible. In the end of the 90ies until the new millenium Gary D played in almost every big and popular club in Germany. In addition to that he also performed in numerous other countries like Switerland, Austria, Great Britain, Benelux and Spain as well as South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, USA, Canada, Russia etc.

In summer of 2000 the renowned agency "Sun and Stars", meanwhile well-known under the name "X-clusive STARS", paved Gary D the way to Holland. Gary, who at that time played elements of a new style - Hardstyle - became one of the most booked German djs in the Netherlands and performed between 2002 and 2004 countless shows in many locations and at many main events as "Qlimax", "Defqon", "In Qontrol", "Hard Bass Extreme", "Decibel" and "Mystery Land". Alongside he continued playing successfully in Germany.

One of Gary D´s favourite clubs the "Bridge" in Meppen near the border of the Netherlands offered him in January 2005 to work as a flexible resident dj from March 2005. But he will, of course, also be still present nationally and internationally.

Proteus (Säde, www.djproteus.com)

Neon (Säde)

Friik (Säde, Hellfire club, Undertaker)

Triton (Säde)


Friik b2b Neon 21.00-23.30
Proteus 23.30-00.30
Triton 00.30-01.30
Gary D 01.30-End


28.5.2005 klo 21-04

Gloria. Pieni Roobertinkatu 12


From door: 20
Advance: 18 +bf. Street Beat, Tiketti.

Lights By Haba & Gloria
Sound By Haba & Gloria
Screen by Suvanto


* SÄDE *


Posts: 1,186

#3 • • Maihku neiti hankala
#4 • • astaroth Guest
No johan pomppasi O_O Must!

Posts: 1,293

#5 • • Jusuplussa UG-///

Individual, 1.5.2005 15:11:
Tais mies käydä Reactorissa Kaapelilla edellisen kerran soittelemassa.

sielläpäsiellä *plur*

Näihin bileisiin on jo _pakko_ päästä *hihu*

Posts: 269

#6 • • Plaque
MUST! *joo*

Posts: 182

#7 • • eonik graafinen suutelija
onneksi ton äijän takista ei helposti huomaa että on peilikuva :)

Unts, unts, unts...


Posts: 3,171

#8 • • Illustrator
"Saksamätön" maestro saapuu suomeen. Onhan tää nähtävä..*jiihaa*

Posts: 2,552

#9 • • Edited blender Arcade | KAIKU
vois kai sitä piipahtaa kun tuolloin varmaan siellä päin suomea :)

Toivottavasti soittas enempi tunnelia kun d.trancea :D

Posts: 3,137

#10 • • serotonot Paul Easy
Miks tos flabas toi gary d:n kuva on peilikuva tolee et kaikki tekstit on väärin päin?

nimim. oleellisiin seikkoihin paneutuja :D

hitto pitäiköhän melkein lähtee tsekkaamaan ku on stadissa kuitenki pe...

Posts: 796

#11 • • Rels setämies
gary d näyttää ihan bruce willisiltä ! *ding*

mutjoo., olis aika bueno jos tänne pääsis.


Alcohol - cause and solution to all life´s problems, Homer Simpson


Posts: 3,137

#12 • • serotonot Paul Easy

Renell, 2.5.2005 12:25:
gary d näyttää ihan bruce willisiltä ! *ding*

joo katoin kans ihan samaa :D sit huomio siirtyikin siitä noihin peilikuvana oleviin mainosteksteihin :D

Posts: 1,558

#13 • • PoisoN
Hart! Härter!! Noch Härter!!! *jiihaa*

Posts: 3,973

#14 • • onni3mk Onni on.
*joo* täällä *jiihaa*

Onni on.


Posts: 2

#16 • • -Blade-
tänne on aivan pakko tulla. Gary D on aivan mahtava!!!!!

Posts: 1,020

#17 • • krispis Huhuu
eieiei *eiei* kun tällöin on huhuu-bileet biorexissä!! miks nää on aina päällekkäin nää kaikki jutut. *grr* *dissaa* mut huhuu on paljon parempi,onneks.
#18 • • astaroth Guest

krisi, 2.5.2005 14:45:
mut huhuu on paljon parempi,onneks.

Muiden klubien hehkutukset varmaan voi pitää omassa topikissaan?

Posts: 593

#19 • • Rivakka T2xikerien
No huh hu*kuolaa*Gary D:tä on joskus tullu kuunneltuu aika helvetisti!!
Eli pakko olla paikalla!!

Posts: 1,020

#20 • • krispis Huhuu
ei voi *hih* *kivatsulle*