Re-form -Live- (Hard NRG/Freeform)

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Posts: 10

#1 • • Edited Re-form Re-form
Re-form -Live-
(FINRG, Electronic, RFU Recordingz)

Antti Toivanen (Cloud-C) & Lasse Toivanen (LAZ)



Re-form on facebook

Booking for gigs
[email protected]fo

+358 50 3670 944
[email protected]fo

+358 50 5463 993
[email protected]fo

Re-form was founded in the year 2001 by two brothers, Antti (Cloud-C) and Lasse (Laz). They had both had several years of experience in music making, and electronic music has always been close to their hearts.

At first Re-form made melodic trance with various kinds of atmospheres. First release in the spring 2002 was a vanity press edition CD called Well-being, containing 9 different melodic trance tracks. After the first release Re-form ventured to create some harder and darker tracks, and soon the new style of Re-form - unique-sounding, mind blowing, brutal hard NRG and freeform - was born. The track ‘Extremely Dangerous’ made a furious breakthrough in Finland and all around the world giving the brothers more and more inspiration to develop their sound and technical skills. So far Re-form has released tracks on Electronic and RFU Recordingz.

Re-form's energetic live acts can be seen all around Finland, and hopefully also abroad in the near future. Re-form has played live in big clubs and events such as Säde, Impulse, Loco, Fury, Finrg Tour and Movement.

Forthcoming gigs
FURY & Lahti UG Collective > Wappu 2011 - 30.4.2011 - Lahti @ Telakka (fin)

Past gigs
FINRG > Barbwire Apocalypse Tour - 10.11.2006 - Turku @ Klubi (fin)
SONICRADIO > Midsummer Marathon Broadcast 2006 - 23.06.2006 - @ SonicRadio
PAINERECORDS vs. SAFEMODE - 10.03.2006 - Helsinki @ Gloria (fin)
FAST - Speed of Sound - 17.12.2005 - Helsinki @ Kaapelitehdas [Hima&Sali] (fin)
FINRG > Comminatio Arctica tour - 05.12.2005 - Lahti @ Nightclub Diva (fin)
FINRG Radio Show > Netradio - 01.09.2005 - @ &
IMPULSE > Infection - 18.2.2005 - Lahti @ Cumulus nightlife (fin)
LOCO > 1st Birthday - 14.1.2005 - Turku @ Klubi (fin)
FURY > The Resurrection - 9.10.2004 - Helsinki @ Kaapelitehdas (fin)
CLUB SEQUENCE > Connection - 29.5.2004 - Joroinen @ Kanavan lava (fin)
SÄDE > Hard NRG & Hard Style - 22.5.2004 - Helsinki @ Gloria (fin)
MOVEMENT > 2004 - 6.2.2004 - Lahti @ Grand arena (fin)
ETANA > Elektaasi - 6.9.2003 - Lahti @ Sokoksen lastauslaituri (fin)
FINRG TOUR > Lahti - 12.4.2003 - Lahti @ Kasisali (fin)

Releases on
Electronica Exposed
RFU Recordingz

Posts: 2,505

#3 • • NextAce Alienated
Miksi listasta puuttuu purple? Antaisin oman ääneni sille.



#4 • • gnomex Guest
Näyttäisi puuttuvan monta muutakin.

Posts: 2,040

#7 • • enrg
hienot sivut poijaat

Posts: 337

#9 • • pietari -..-
kivan näköset ja selkeet sivut *hymy*
(livekeikkaa odotellessa)


¡ Previous post about a year ago !

Posts: 10

#10 • • Edited Re-form Re-form
Tiedote 15.8.2007:

Re-form jää tauolle musiikin parista kevääseen 2008 saakka muiden kiireiden takia. Tänä aikana emme tee keikkoja, vaan yritämme löytää uutta inspiraatiota ja sykettä musahommiin. Ensi vuoteen, olkaa kuulolla *vink*

-Antti & Lasse / Re-form-

Posts: 914

#11 • • Mikcore Eternity has passed
Hienot sivut jäbillä 8)

Toivottavasti kevät 2008 on pian... *hymy*
¡ Previous post a couple of years ago !