IN MY HOUSE with DANNY RAMPLING & JOKKE - Pääsiäinen 24.3 @ Helsinki Club

37 posts, 2 pages, 7,571 views

Misc Management

Posts: 761

#1 • • Edited Misc Management



Thursday 24.3.2004
A pioneer, an innovator, an ambassador for dance music, a truly globally respected DJ, a house music stalwart, a musical perfectionist, an accomplished remixer and producer, a passionate radio presenter - Danny Rampling is one of the most gifted and illustrious DJs the world has heard.

As one of the godfathers of the global house phenomenon, Danny created the legacy we see today when he launched Shoom in London in 1987 following an inspirational trip to Ibiza. "Saturday 1987 in a strobe light smoke-filled all-night basement Shoom was born. This is where the dj high really began for me."

He was keen to spread the gospel on pirate radio Kiss FM before it was granted its broadcasting licence and continued with his weekly show on the station until he was poached by Radio 1 in November 1996. His Love Groove Dance Party show became the definitive dance show on the BBC until March 2002.

Danny continues to champion house music across the world and has entertained millions over the years. With over 40 remixes, productions and mix compilations under his belt, Danny's sound continues to influence dancefloors. On this special night, Danny will be playing some of his favorite tunes from his long and impressive career.

JOKKE - Hype Club
Jokke Helminen started his DJ career way back in 1979. He was heavily involved in bringing the acid house sound to Finland through his residency at Club Berlin in 1988. He has performed in practically all of Finland's top events and clubs and has influenced hundreds of upcoming DJ's through his performances and his job as the main man in Street Beat. No wonder he is regarded as the techno godfather of Finland...


Stefu & Zacce

22.00-23.00 (invitations only)
Helsinki Club
8 e + BF

Posts: 792

#2 • • nigel
pitää kyl melkein tyhjentää tää ja seuraava päivä kaikesta muusta.. danny's the man. <3
Misc Management

Posts: 761

#4 • • Misc Management
Liput saatavilla huomenaamusta Streetistä ja Vinyl Loungista !



Posts: 2,099

#5 • • Nemes Balearium
pakko kyl tulla :P

Posts: 4,972

#6 • • -P
what?! nyt kyllä tippu silmät päästä ja samalla pakko sanoa, et nyt kyllä miscin kundit ovat satsanneet tähän kevääseen. kulttuuriteko kyllä ramplingin tuonti :)

Sota on Rauhaa, Vapaus on Orjuutta, Tietämättömyys on Voimaa -George Orwell


Posts: 479

#7 • • Kalle Kiusankappale
Tänne vois kyllä tulla, Danny Ramplingin kuuleminen kyllä kiinnostaa eikä Jokkeakaan ole pitkään aikaan tullut kuultua.

Hintakin on suorastaan naurettavan alhainen *hymy*.

Posts: 198

#8 • • Sixtus
Danny olis kyllä ollu ehdottomasti tsekkaamisen arvoinen tapaus! Harmi että lähtee kone juuri samana iltana kohti Bangkokia...
Vinyl Lounge

Posts: 14

#9 • • Vinyl Lounge
Ramblingin ystäville luvassa ylimääräisenä täydenkuun hehkutuksena täysin decottu Helsinki Club, tulennielijöitä ja mitä nyt tällä viikolla satutaan keksimään...
klo 22-23 kutsuvierastilaisuuteen vielä muutama tiketti jäljellä. Kannattaa kokeilla onneaan ja kysäistä meilillä mahdollisuutta kutsuvieraslistalle [email protected]. Hyvillä perusteilla saatat löytää itsesi imemästä ilmaista keittoa...

Posts: 2,010

#10 • • Edited Viltsu noname

Olis kyllä piste iin päälle tulla nyt tsekkaan Rampling & klasarit kun just saanu loppuun kirjan Altered States, jossa Shoominkin konsepti tuli hyvinkin tutuksi <3

mutta ei. ei eieieieeieiei pääse oprkrkrkrlrklrklrklrprkl

teknoheput vaan hölisee bumbumbum ja sit tulee pläppläppläpböm, ihan jakomielitautista - Remu Aaltonen

#13 • • kelasin Guest
hmm. vois yrittää ja tulla mestoille :)

Posts: 229

#14 • • jont-fu Kyny Prinssi
Näis bileissä on kyllä tiskijukkien keski-ikä harvinaisen korkea, mutta tokkopa se tulee musiikkilinjauksessa näkymään - ainakaan mitenkään negatiivisesti! ^___^
Misc Management

Posts: 761

#15 • • Edited Misc Management
Saatiin Ramplingiltä lyhyt meilihaastattelu... Jotain tekemistä huomista odotellessa !

How many records do you own and where do you store them ?
I’ve got over 30,000 records and am running out of space.

I presume the thought of moving to playing on digital formats such as final scratch is out of the picture, for you?
Technology will definitely play a large part in the future of dance music, with equipment such as the final scratch and the DVJ. Not sure I’ll be moving onto those just yet, but in my sets I use CD’s and Vinyl. 50% of my sets are promo’s that are either CD’s or I have burned form MP3, the other 50% is vinyl that I buy in record shops.

With such a long and impressive career, what keeps you motivated?
The constant flow of new music delivered week after week by dedicated dance music producers who spend long hours in studios for our pleasure. Success is also built on passion and motivation. In my career I listen to music a lot and spend a lot of time chasing new music. I still love playing house, it’s in my blood. The longevity of my success has stemmed from my part in shaping the UK youth scene in the early days, which has now been written into the history of youth culture, an achievement which I am very proud of.

When was the last time you felt inspired by another DJ and who was it ?
Some of my favourite DJ’s are, Norman Jay, David Morales, Frankie Knuckles, Louie Vega, DJ Ralph (Italy) Dave Lee, Peter Rauhofer (Star 69) and new up and coming talent are DJ’s Dino Moran from Cape Town and Steve Mac, who is very underrated and is producing some great tracks at the moment.

What can the crowd expect from your classics set @ Helsinki Club ?
Classic House of course and I hope to create a Happy, relaxed, focused, confident and positive atmoshere.

Hope to see you all on the dancelfoor...
Danny Rampling

Posts: 6,049

#16 • • Karski Pomon kätyri

Toivottavasti klassikko-osasto tarkottaa
tällä kertaa muutaki kun ne ihan
ilmeisimmät strings of lifet.

Paid by the Alliance
to slay all the giants.

Misc Management

Posts: 761

#17 • • Misc Management
Ja lisääääääää Dannyä in your face !!!

Huomena 24.3.2005 Klo 15-16 special Danny Rampling miksaus Bassoradiossa... Tune in !!!

caaaan you feeeeel iiiiiiit ????

Posts: 1,393

#18 • • Zapa Mr Wrangler
my house is yours and yours is mine ---> tomorrow!

Posts: 1,423

#19 • • Klabi HUGC

my house is yours and yours is mine ---> tomorrow!


Tuntuu jollan huvittavalla tavalla perverssiltä että pääsalin sedät on melkeistä isukkini ikäisiä...
Vinyl Lounge

Posts: 14

#20 • • Vinyl Lounge
Vinyl Lounge heltyy pääsiäisen kunniaksi seuraavaan:

Kun ostat ennakkolipun Danny Ramplingin keikalle Vinylistä, saat kaupan päälle imaista hanatuotteen ja nauttia Vinylin ainutlaatuisesta tunnelmasta.

Lippuja vielä parikymmentä jäljellä...

Vinyl Lounge
Yliopistonkatu 8, Helsinki Clubin "kyljessä".