Niin, ja ORGAN DONORS-kaksikko tulee soittaan normaalista dj-seteistä poiketen exclusiven DECKS 'N' FX - hybriidisetin. Sen lisäksi, se on poikien ensimmäinen visiitti Suomeen. Ja lopuksi, tamä tulee oleen PROTEUKSEN ensimmäinen keikka Tampereella vuonna 05'. Että sellaista.:)
Mites noi kaikki meinaa mahtua sisään? Kivahan on mun huoneen kokonen. Onkohan mahdollista tietää joskus,kuka soittaa mihinkin aikaan?
Ravintolan kapasiteetti on muistaakseni 500 ;)
Teknot siis yläkerrassa, ja polkat alakerrassa.
Soittoaikataulua ei mun kristallipallossa näy,
mutta eiköhän sekin sieltä aikanaan tule.
Koskakohan liput tulee ennakkoon? ja mistähän ne sais sit hankittua. Pakko kyl päästä tänne Bilettään
Lippuja ei tule ennakkoon lainkaan, vaan niitä saa ainoastaan ovelta. Tampereella kun ei pahemmin tän kokoisiin paikkoihin ennakkolippuja ikinä ollutkaan. Ainakin imo.:) Mut jos tulet tarpeeksi ajoissa, niin eiköhän sitä nyt sisälle pääsee.:)
Brothers, Matt & Scott Harris age 27/28 make up the Organ Donors and have been producing professionally under different guises now for 10 years. They were tweaking keyboards from an early age and had their first set of decks at the age of 15. The rave sound of the early 90's was their inspiration and was to be the start of a life long passion for Dance Music... Their studio, "Back on Plastic" was well into production by 2000 and the boys soon notched up over 100 song productions on respectable dance labels. Their excellence in production, great ideas and rock star attitude caught the attention of Nukleuz head honcho, and they joined superstars BK, Mauro Picotto and Nick Sentience as one of the key artists for the label. As some of the others have left to pursue other directions, The Organ Donors now rank alongside fellow producer BK as the princes of the hard scene. With a string of killer releases heard across dancefloors worldwide- on the underground with amazing bootlegs, big trance tunes like Locked Tight,, Black Out, 99.9, In Power and most notoriously everywhere their track 4 Tribes, (their wicked remake of a Michael Jackson tune we know and love) which was the first vinyl-only Top 40 for a decade and this became a smash for a broad range of headliners including Carl Cox, Judge Jules, Eddie Halliwell, Fergie and Eric Morillo. The Organ Donors have already left a big-foot sized imprint on the dance scene, and my feeling is that they are only just getting warmed up!
Their ripping, technologically advanced live act, tongue in cheek posturing and serious stage presence lets you know that although they might be deadly serious about tunes, they will never forget how to party. They have already taken their brand of wickedness to clubs from Las Vegas, Hollywood, Tokyo, Osaka, Holland across Canada and played key performances at The Fridge, Heaven, The Soundshaft, The Scala, and at many other Nukleuz Events and key hard events. Around the UK, Never to be pigeonholed, these boys brand of hard music, mixing quality trance, with hard Style, snippets of techno and their own totally originally pumping productions when played live gets a serious tweaking through real time samplers, effects units, mixers, sequencers, and turntablizm that will blow your mind and your ears while keep your feet seriously moving !