After the success of our last domestic ambassadors night, it's time once again to bring some local talent to the 'lauteille'. Get your sauna towel and experience the progressive house and trance playing duo from south Helsinki, Kaiu and Sakura. This is their second visit to club Pussy, and those who witnessed the first time know that their sound suits our frames like no other. Unik is one of the old timers, promoting warehouse parties in early 90's and since then he has earned his place in DJ'ing side as well. Not forgetting his ultimate talent to party like it's last day on earth, do not miss your share of that! The heat is rising again...
The evening will naturally include some additional magic by;
Lights by Tea & Severi (Unity)
Nexus dancers
##General Info:
Pussy eau de Club @ Fever, Annankatu 32
Helsinki, Finland
Date - 21-01-04
Open - 22-04
Age - 20
Admission - 6/8 eur (Members 6 eur, all others 8 eur)
Advance - Street Beat
Alle viikko enää ja hyvä niin koska alkaa olla jo Pimnpiä kovasti ikävä hänellä, nam.
"Not forgetting his ultimate talent to party like it's last day on earth, do not miss your share of that!"
No heh...aika hilpeästi sanottu kyllä
Mutta party, party, party siis lähestyy.
Hieman esimakua Kaiun & Sakuran setistä tarjoillaan Bassoradion taajuudella huomenna torstaina kello 20-22. Tunettakaa siis toki kanavalle osoitteessa Pebansheikkausraitojen lisäksi luvassa totuttuun tapaan myös eklektistä otantaa musiikillisen spektrimme eri osa-alueilta sekä rasvaisia juttuja!