KB838905 oli ainakin hyvin otsikoissa, ihme että et ole huomannut
...korjaa ongelmat:
Issues that are fixed in the hotfix package
The following issues are fixed in this hotfix package, but were not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
When you create a PDF file from a Microsoft Office 2003 document, an extra unwanted shape may appear in the PDF file.
The following are examples:
An Office 2003 document that contains a shape may also contain an unwanted black shape under the shape in the PDF file.
An Office 2003 document that contains a color background may also contain an unwanted white shape in the color background in the PDF file.
When you insert an image that contains text in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG) image format and then you move the image over a shape that contains a fill color in an Office 2003 document, the text in the JPG image may appear a lighter color and may not appear as sharp or clearly-defined. The text may appear fuzzy.
Issues that are fixed in the hotfix package
The following issue is fixed in this hotfix package, but was not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
When you run a custom program that uses managed code with a Datagrid control in an Office 2003 program, you may receive an exception error message.
Note Managed code is programming code that is executed by the common language runtime environment instead of directly by the operating system.
...ja noi ylläolevat ongelmat ei liity mitenkään tietoturvaan.
jos puhut GDI+ ongelmasta niin se ei ole Office 2003 liittyvä suoranaisesti vaan käyttöjärjestelmän ongelma jonka komponentteja myös Office 2003 käyttää:
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-028
...eli ei suoranaisesti bugi Office 2003:ssa.