Loco's journey to the harder styles continues!
The journey has only begun and B2B Mayhem is our second stop on the way. On this stop we will provide a very special treat:
3 x B2B-sets and 1 B2B2B-set in one night!
3 Säde-boys are in town playing back to back with each other and with the other dj's they're making sure 12.03.2004 is a night that will be remembered for a long time.
Our B2B Mayhem-lineup is:

*piru*NEON (Säde, Hki)

*piru*E-NRG (Electrolysis, Lahti)

*piru*PETE INPUT (Millennium, Tku)

When : Friday 12.03.2004 | 21.00 - 04.00
Where : Grab, Läntinen pitkäkatu 21, Turku
How much : 9 euros
Agelimit : 18
Note: Flaban takapuolella on painovirhe-paholainen; bileethän ovat siis perjantaina, eivät lauantaina.

[muokattu 12.2.2004 16:45]