mikä soi just nyt?

36,740 posts, 1,837 pages, 12,509,034 views

#3621 • • sakk303 Guest
dutch house classics, vol. 3\05 - Transformer 2 - Pacific Symphony, ©1992

niin nätti biisi että ah. kunnon kesäbiisi.

Posts: 1,104

#3622 • • Zeni- Funky Little Man
Metallica - Nothing else matters ja perään The Unforgiven *sydän* *sydän*

Jos on korviaan myöten kusessa, kannattaa pitää suunsa kiinni.

Mikään ei ole niin varmaa kuin epävarma.
Stylet vittuun!


Posts: 350

#3623 • • snoxn
Jeff Mills - Live @ Detroit Ravesatellite 26-5-01 <3

Posts: 220

#3625 • • Ova
Trance Energy 2004 (LIVE) - Johan Gielen in the Mix *jiihaa**iloinen*

Mielummin liikaa kuin liian vähän!


Posts: 294

#3626 • • MADDS T.P.B.Trailer Park Boys(etana)DGGErecs,ZB
Galrav - Uni Promo Mix 2004 *grr* *sydän*

I ´m insane madass Technomotherfuc***&#039; DJ and I will ..



Posts: 528

#3627 • • henkkat
P.V.D - for an angel *sydän*

Posts: 1,102

#3628 • • ravec
Sensation 2004 White:

Paul Van Dyk -sedän setti ja tämä rokkaa.....

Posts: 1,954

#3630 • • Saara #2970
Whiteroom - Whiteroom

Tahtoo omaksi perkele :D

Aikuisena oleminen on ihan tyhmää välillä :(.


Posts: 15,721

#3632 • • UnityF joo just se
sieluveljelle *sydän* & *pus* tästä biisistä...

Underworld - Rez & Cowgirl (live).*sydän*

Posts: 3,628

#3633 • • alphamagic
päässä soi i love rock´n´roll... *iihhih* erittäin klubbaribiisi*plur*

-Jyri on vähän niinku vanha raveriffi - kaunis ja yksinkertainen.


Posts: 701

#3634 • • Gnizhak iku
lackluster - thor's magic bathtub

Don&#039;t Just Stand There


Posts: 1,986

#3635 • • MaSari space jammer
Andain - Beautiful things (Photon Project mix)

Got up early, found something’s missing
My only name
No one else sees, but I got stuck
And soon forever came
Stopped pushing on for just a second
Then nothing’s changed
Who am I this time, where's my name?
Guess it crept away

No one's calling for me at the door
And unpredictable won't bother anymore
And silently gets harder to ignore

I forgot that I might see
So many beautiful things

Beautiful things

Take this happy ending away
It's all the same
God wpn't waste this simplicity
On possibility
Get me up, wake me up, dreams are filling
This trace of blame
Frozen still I thought I could stop
Now who's gonna wait?

No one's calling for me at the door
And unpredictable won't bother anymore
And silently gets harder to ignore

Look straight ahead, there’s nothing left to see
What’s done is done, this life has got its hold on me
Just let it go, what now can never be

So many beautiful things

Now what do I do?
Can I change my mind?
Did I think things through?
It was once my life
It was my life at one time

I forgot that I might see
So many beautiful things
I forgot that I might need
To find out what life could bring


minä kellotan sinuaaa.. *nuotti*


Posts: 1,293

#3636 • • Jusuplussa UG-///
frank kvitta and mario ranieri - 2 days in austria mix ...ai että tää tekno rullaa!

Posts: 35

#3637 • • kESO pikkuprinssi
Motorcycle - as the rush comes (ärmin vän byyren rymix)

The harder you try, the dumber you look...


Posts: 4,972

#3638 • • -P
Deep Dish - GU Toronto Release Party @ Hotel Arena 25.05.2003

Sota on Rauhaa, Vapaus on Orjuutta, Tietämättömyys on Voimaa -George Orwell


Posts: 20

#3639 • • Spaciiba
Raptori vs Caater - Kumitissit (Caater-mix klubiedit) *aplodit**nauru**jiihaa*

Posts: 1,094

#3640 • • micqo
Kalle Miettinen @ YleX *jiihaa**jiihaa**jiihaa*