mikä soi just nyt?

36,749 posts, 1,838 pages, 13,199,270 views


Posts: 224

#14962 • • kanuuna
everything but the girl - The Future Of The Future (Stay Gold) [With Deep Dish]

...in the year 2039, after their complete destruction of Mother Earth, the human race was searching, looking for a new home...


Posts: 249

#14963 • • Mel
Planet Funk - Chase The Sun [Vardran Bootleg]
#14965 • • ikj Guest
perplex vs ultravoice - squat it <3

Posts: 1,393

#14966 • • Zapa Mr Wrangler

Aki A., 10.8.2006 15:41:

edit2: etenkin kun noi hehkuttaa tota äänentoistoa koko ajan. toi digweedin setti oli ihan huikee, kuulostaa varmaan ihan tajuttomalta kunnon äänentoiston kanssa.

spacen discoteca-puolen ääni s-o-i i-h-a-n v-i-t-u-n h-y-v-i-n, varsinkin jos saa slotin siitä keskeltä lattiaa :P

Posts: 5,560

#14967 • • m1kk3 no-life

Aki A., 10.8.2006 15:41:
toi eilinen essential mix, john digweed & carl cox @ space :)

joo just kuuntelen ite samaa, etenki tää Digweedin setti on kyl jotain ihan mieletöntä *hikoil**pökr*


Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 167

#14970 • • Niño Club 96° resident
Luminary - My World (Nikola Gala Remix)*pihkassa*

Aivan sairaan hyvä remixi!

Posts: 4,649

#14971 • • Verano Merituuli
Melody Clubin levy Music Machine. Nyt just Electric. Nostaa kyllä mieltä loistavan ihanasti <3

Posts: 220

#14972 • • Ova
Fiilistelyä iltaan: A State of Trance episode 260

Mielummin liikaa kuin liian vähän!


Posts: 651

#14973 • • Sssan* Kalastaa kalsarit jalassa
Röyksopp- beautiful day without you (Cass & mangan living underdog remix) *joo*

Yy kaa yy kaa, minä olen Hämähäkki..


Posts: 647

#14974 • • Dana
Moloko - Familiar Feeling ... *plur* *vkonloppufiilistel* *plur*

Posts: 4,649

#14975 • • Verano Merituuli
Manu Chaon Clandestino *iloinen*

Posts: 224

#14976 • • kanuuna
Foremost Poets - Moonraker

Please do not be alarmed, remain calm. Do not attempt to leave the dancefloor. The DJ booth is conducting a troubleshoot test of the entire system. Somehow, while the party was in progress, an unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time. And while many of you have been made too brainwashed to comprehend, this frequency is, and has become a threat to our soceity as we know it.

This frequency has been used by a secret society in conjunction with Lucifer to lure and prey on innocent partygoers. With hypnotism, syncroprism, tricknology, lies, scandal, and pornography. While the party is still in progress we will keep you updated on our current status.

We repeat, this is only a test, this is only a test. This station in conjunction with other airwave announcements will conduct this exact test without prejudice, under the juricepurdence of the soul, the mind, the body, the positive, the negitive, the ground, the proton, the neutron, the electron, the ying, the yang, the young, the sun, the moon, the star.

This is only a test.

This station in conjunction with other airwave announcements will conduct this exact test without prejudice, under the juricepurdence of the soul, the mind, the body, the positive, the negitive, the ground, the proton, the neutron, the electron, the ying, the yang, the young, the sun, the moon, the star, the man, the woman, the child, the plaitiff, the defendant, the judgement, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the past, the present, the future.

...in the year 2039, after their complete destruction of Mother Earth, the human race was searching, looking for a new home...


Posts: 749

#14979 • • vinsku huba huba
Armin van Buuren - Universal Religion 2004 -levy. *sydän*

Proge on niille, jotka osaavat iloita elämän pienistä asioista. -Hurjimus


Posts: 11

#14980 • • Sieluton Pierced Maniac
Tällä hetkellä on Long Beachin kuninkaat seuranani, eli Sublime soi...