Looking for a DJ to do wedding gigs in Soutwest Finland

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#1 • • Edited Atomik

I have a new small event agency and people are looking for a wedding DJ. Are you interested in playing such a gig every once in a while? You can charge standard fee, or if you are very good perhaps a bit more. You should adapt to the wishes of the customer and play also "häävalssi", "paritanssikappaleet", etc. You could also announce (juontaa) what is happening in the event at the time.

You should have your own equipment. I only sell gigs to Southwest Finland. All the current artists live near Turku. Playing gigs for my agency does not limit your own business in any way.

I think my deal is quite good.

If you are a DJ and interested in this, please send me email [email protected], or contact via this forum for more info.

Please move this post to correct place if this is not it.

- Atomik

EDIT: updated email address