FINRG Presents: Future Bass Festival 2016 Afterparty

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#1 • • Edited Horzi FINRG Recordings
FINRG Recordings Presents: FUTURE BASS FESTIVAL 2016 Official Afterparty

➲ Eryk Orpheus - Official Fan Page - LIVE [UK] | (Hard Beats Collective) [FREEFORM]

➲ B. R. K. [IT] | (FINRG Recordings) [HARD DANCE]

➲ Djane J7 | (FINRG Recordings/ Clublife) [HARDCORE]

➲ SWITCHBLADE aka Leo Laker | (LKRMusic) [HARD TECHNO]


FUTURE BASS FESTIVAL 2016 marssittaa heinäkuun lopussa Tampereella ison nipun eturivin elektronisen musiikin artisteja. Ohjelmaa on koko viikonlopun ajaksi aina Ratinanniemen päätapahtumasta pienempien klubitapahtumien kautta sunnuntain Pyhäjärven risteilyyn. Sunnuntaina bileet päättyvät ja päätetäänkin ne sitten ryminällä Klubi / Tampereella à la FINRG!

FINRG tuo legandaarisen UK-polkan mestarin, Eryk Orpheuksen, pitkästä aikaa Suomeen LIVE-keikalle. Lisää ulkomaan verta lauteille tuo FINRG:n oma hard dance-maestro B. R. K., joka tulee rankomaan dekkejä Italiasta asti! Mukana myös pari lajeissaan kovinta kotimaista hardi-dj:tä, joita ei ole Tampereella nähty hetkeen paukuttamassa kunnon lekaa: Djane J7 pakkaa levylaukkuunsa tätä reissua varten hardcorea ja Switchblade aka Leo Laker tuuttaa sitä itseään, mitä bileissä nykyään harvemmin kuulee: hard technoa!

Edellämainittujen lisäksi haluamme tarjota mahdollisuuden myös uusille hardimman musan DJ-kyvyille päästä soittamaan bileisiin. Kilpailu käynnissä nyt!

1. Nauhoita max. 30 min pitkä miksaus. HUOM! Asenne ja meininki ratkaisee enemmän kuin jokin tietty genre.
Pientä pelisilmää kuitenkin arvon osallistujille tapahtuman luonne huomioiden, hieman kovemmalla piiskauksella saattaa pärjätä paremmin kuin letkeällä kesähousella. ;)
Deadline 30.6.2016. Ilmoitamme voittajan 3.7.2016.

2. Lähetä linkki miksaukseesi (esim. Wetransferin tai vastaavan kautta) sähköpostilla osoitteeseen [email protected].
Otsikoi sähköposti tyyliin "FINRG DJ-kilpailu + DJ-nimi + Oma nimi".

Voittaja saa keikan FINRG Presents: Future Bass Festival 2016 Afterpartyille, ilmaisen sisäänpääsyn FUTURE BASS FESTIVAL 2016-tapahtumaan Ratinanniemeen sekä FINRG-vinyylin. Lisäämme voittajamiksauksen myös FINRG-Soundcloudiin.

4. Onnea kisaan!!!

| 31.07.2016 | K18 | 8 € | Klubi / Tampere |


Posts: 646

#2 • • Horzi FINRG Recordings

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#3 • • Horzi FINRG Recordings


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#4 • • Horzi FINRG Recordings
DJ-kisan voittaja on: A-Narc

Voitto irtosi tiukkaakin tiukemmalla hard dance/nrg/hardtechno-miksauksella! Laitamme miksauksen kohta puoliin jakoon FINRG Soundcloudiin *vink*

Posts: 646

#5 • • Horzi FINRG Recordings
On se!

Leo Laker aka Switchblade

"These days, Leo has two stage names: He uses Leo Laker for his straight-up techno routine, but adopts the menacing alter-ego Switchblade for his hardtechno releases and gigs. -- Switchblade’s brand of Hardtechno is, unsurprisingly, edgy. It’s raw, dirty, industrial, very particular and with solid structure. -- Switchblade is also among a handful of hardtechno artists that builds Live sets and he also branches out into other genres of music. In his career, he has made hip hop, and describes his music as “fast, driving, fierce hard techno. " - Barcelona Techno Sound

Posts: 646

#7 • • Horzi FINRG Recordings


Yllä olevan linkin takaa löydät Facebookissa järjestettävän kilpailun.
Voittajalle ilmainen sisäänpääsy kahden kaverin kanssa FINRG Presents: Future Bass Festival 2016 Afterparty-tapahtumaan sekä äärimmäisen legendaarinen mixtape cd kouraan:
Proteus - Hard NRG VII - Hellfire Club !!!

Onnea kisaan! Deadline sunnuntaina 24.7.2016.

Posts: 646

#9 • • Horzi FINRG Recordings
Future Bass Festival 2016-viikonloppu alkaa virallisesti tänään ilmaisten ennakkotapahtumien merkeissä Yo-talolla sekä Eteläpuistossa! Vaikka itse festivaali alkaakin jo tänään ja viikonlopun aikana ehtii tapahtua vaikka mitä, on jo syytä varautua myös sunnuntain FINRG Presents: Future Bass Festival 2016 Afterparty-päätösbileiden tarjontaan! ;) Tässä illan artistit esittelyssä:

Eryk Orpheus LIVE [UK]

Eryk Orpheus is a living legend of UK Freeform! He has a long history of involvement and success in the music industry. Erics career started at the age of fifteen as guitarist and songwriter in a band called Monkfish who quickly became respected and sought after on the London gigging circuit. The band remained together for ten years and enjoyed playing at some of Londons finest live venues including The Mean Fiddler, Camden Falcon, The Rock Garden and The Bull and Gate to name but a few. He has also supported bands such as Radiohead, The Cranberries and Adorable as well as having performed live sessions for the BBC.
Whilst performing with Monkfish Eric started to gain an increasing interest in the way in which technology was being used within the field of music. At the age of seventeen he purchased his first pro synthesizer (a Roland D5) along with a second hand sequencer (a Yamaha QX21) and started to use the technology to aid his song writing.
Over the years Eric has worked alongside artists and DJs such as, Andy Farley, BK, Lisa Lashes, Captain Tinrib, Pablo Gargano, Lab 4, K90, Chris Liberator, Simon Eve and the list goes on. Some of the nights that Eric has played for include ; Atomic Energy, Sundissential, Antiworld, Roar, Return to the Source, Escape from Samsara, Sunny Side Up and Peach goes Hard.
His production and remix portfolio is continuing to grow and his own uplifting and intelligent style of trance has gained critical acclaim from some of the biggest names in the business.

B. R. K. [IT]

Melting the frenzy of Hard NRG with the extreme violent attitude
of Industrial Metal B. R. K. aka Marko Anzu is the ultimate cyber shaman of Hard Dance. Starting his personal party MASSIVE in 2008. Get signed under the Finnish label FINRG Recordings in 2011. Reaching all of the major nr.1 rankings of the Trackitdown hard dance charts with his last album "Hated" out in 2015.
His trademark sound called Dark NRG combines classic Hard Trance melodies with the negative form of industrial sampling and his collaborations features artists like Lab4, Nish, Cally, Dark by Design and Alien Vampires leading his sound performances through U.K., Japan, Finland and Italy.

Djane J7

Jenni Inberg aka Djane J7 is one of the Finland’s leading female DJs. J7 has already had very successful international performances at events such as Monday Bar in Sweden and State of Paranoia in Estonia. She has also established in Finland's leading EDM festivals like Weekend Festival, Summer Up, Helzinki Hardstyle Festival and Laserpoint/Whiteout and all the best clubs like Clublife, NRJ Extravadance, SÄDE by Proteus, Club Fury, Distortion and 2Ibiza to name few. J7 has made guestmixes for the biggest finnish national radiochannels like NRJ and YleX.
Music and entertained crowd are the things that keeps J7 going. Her performances are full of energy and enjoyment of music which she shares successfully with her audience as well!
Passion for dance music controls everything in her life and she produces her own music with several releases in production pipeline. As said, sky is the only limit for her and her story as an artist has just begun...

Switchblade aka Leo Laker LIVE

Born in Finland, Leo Laker is one of the only hardtechno DJ's to come out of the icy country known for its heavy metal. His image is very much self-styled; posing for the camera in Fred Perry shirts, hoodies and Adidas tracksuits, he looks like a throwback to the mid-nineties rave scene. He’s been making music since 1995, and got his first big break when he recorded a series of demo tapes on cassette. The tapes wound up in the hands of Tresor Records in Berlin. Eventually, they were released on an EP called 6 AM in 1998. The EP was hugely popular, and kick-started Leo’s career. To this day, it continues to be one of the label’s best-selling records. It was nothing short of a sensation.
These days, Leo has two stage names: He uses Leo Laker for his straight-up techno routine, but adopts the menacing alter-ego Switchblade for his hardtechno releases and gigs.
Switchblade’s brand of Hardtechno is, unsurprisingly, edgy. It’s raw, dirty, industrial, very particular and with solid structure.
Switchblade is also among a handful of hardtechno artists that builds Live sets and he also branches out into other genres of music. In his career, he has made hip hop, and describes his music as “fast, driving, fierce hard techno".


A-Narc is more well known from his techno mixes, but he surprised us with an outstanding mixtape in DJ-competition! We'll promise that this diverse DJ from Northern Finland is gonna deliver a perfect warm-up set to start the party!


Posts: 646

#10 • • Horzi FINRG Recordings

Posts: 646

#11 • • Horzi FINRG Recordings
ILLAN SOITTOAJAT! Tänään lähtee vaikut korvista Klubilla! Harvinaista herkkua tiedossa! ;)
