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#1 • • mack.the.producer
The Revolution of The Electro Swing music is taking Over Europe, and we are very glad to present to all of you for first time in Finland to one of the big names in the Electro Swing world, Mr. “Troy Savoy”. Dj and producer from the Parov Stelar label “Etage Noir” and head of “Cirque De La Nuit”, all the way from Austria to Steam Hellsinki.


A roaring 20s night full of rhythm by 2 internacional artists:

- Troy Savoy:
Troy´s roots are found in the early 90ies. Against the background of HipHop, Jazz and Blues he evolutionated his style over the last 10 years playing breakbeats, house and techno to a colorful mixture. His sets are full of surprises and powerful energetic moments. He´s the founder and creative head of "Cirque de la nuit", a series of events, decorated with the "Electro Swing Award 2012". His musical range us very large scaled, begins with Downbeat/HipHop to Eectroswing, Breakbeat and Ghettofunk. Troy always catches the crowd getting them to theyr lowest common determinator. He played support for Parov Stelar, Caravan Palace, Alice Francis, Swingrowers, Noze, Andana Twins, Michael Maier, Dj Koze and many more.

More info:

- Mack The Producer (back to Finland):
Musician Dj-Producer with over 15 years in the professional circuit with 4 live acts. He began experimenting and learning Piano at the age of 7 years old, changing his studies from Piano to synths at the age of 14 years old, and 3 years later he started as DJ. From the year 1997 he has been producing music and creating events. With his work as DJ or music producer he has been performing countless gigs in many countries like: England, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Czech Republic, Israel, Russia, India, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil.

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Steam Hellsinki, Suomen ensimmäinen steampunk-tyyliin sisustettu teemaravintola avasi ovensa 02.03.2015 Olavinkadulla Helsingissä. Heti ensihetkistä alkaen oli henkilökunnalla vatsanpohjissaan kutina, että tästä saattaisi syntyä jotain suurta. Asiakkaita ja uteliaita ohikulkijoita riitti pitkin viikkoa ja viidakkorumpu alkoi laulamaan. Seuraavana viikonloppuna vietetyt avajaiset “räjäyttivät potin”. Steam Hellsingin asiakkailta saama palaute on ollut vertaansa vailla ja ravintolan ottamat ensiaskeleet olleet vankkoja sekä varmoja. Suosio on ylittänyt kaikkien odotukset. Olkoonpa syynä ainutlaatuinen sisustus, loppuun asti mietitty konsepti, kurkkuleivät tai henkilökunnan rennonletkeä palveluasenne, Steam Hellsinki on jotain, jota on vaikea selittää, se täytyy kokea. Enjoy. Experience. More! Steam!

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Very welcome:
Pearl necklaces / Tall Hats / Flat caps / Feather / Much dance, and all the Swingy costumes. Take part of our first and unique Video And Photo shooting !

“An offer that you can't refuse”
Date: 11 March 2016
Time (Klo.): 21:00 - 04:00
Address: Olavinkatu 1, Helsinki, Finland
Damage: 3€ sisäänpääsy / wardrobe

Tervetuloa !!
Tervetuloa !!
Tervetuloa !!