ESCAPE. Presents: Fehrplay (Mau5trap) 5.6.2015 @ Kotka

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Juha Pulli

Posts: 36

#1 • • Edited Juha Pulli
ESCAPE. presents: FEHRPLAY (Mau5trap)

FRI 5.6

Kotkan kesä aloitetaan isosti, kun Escape tuo ensimmäistä kertaa Suomeen Erick Prydzin "oppipojan" FEHRPLAYN!

Deadmau5n Mau5trapille levyttävä ja tiuhaan tahtiin ympäri maailmaa keikkaileva progressiivisen housen suurnimi FEHRPLAY saapuu Suomeen, Kotkaan ja Sooloon perjantaina 6.5.2015!

Rakkauden kesän 2015 kunniaksi Escapen toinen huone muuntautuu karnevaali stageksi, joka tulee tarjoamaan mieleenpainuvimmat kesämuistot kesästä 2015... ;)

ESCAPE Room & ESCAPE Carnival Stage


FEHRPLAY (mau5trap)

BAR SOOLO, Kirkkokatu 8,Kotka
TIME: 22.00- 04.00


Music is your ESCAPE.

What do Billboard and the sleepless city of New York hold in common? For one, they have all bowed to the uplifting talents of Norwegian breakout Fehrplay. With his name cemented to the lifeblood of progressive house and the global club circuit adding to his 360-degree explosion, 2013 has set the young European trailblazer into one of his most prolific streaks to date.

Never one to talk down his Norwegian roots, the life and times of Jonas Fehr have not been limited to one global locality. Taking to the dance mecca that is Manchester as a student, the young producer quickly found solstice in the city’s underground nightspots. Upon realization that education could never provide the hands-on experience Jonas craved, a degree in music production was promptly replaced by a first-hand ascent of the UK club circuit. The pieces would form together to see ‘Meow’, Jonas’s breakout offering, rack a considerable milestone and the first of many seals of approval from Pete Tong. An infectious landmark by all counts, Fehrplay has gone on to emulate that initial thrill of industry approval into his every musical venture.

But for all his musical triumphs, a spot on Pryda Friends buoyant roster of talent has not hurt the young Norwegian’s chances at reclaiming the world of progressive house with unprecedented force. Whilst championing the sound of his peers within the Pryda Friends stronghold, his own sound has continued to differentiate and added to the label’s powerful grasp on the digital market. A concoction of cinematic scores and melodic composure, his lust to evoke emotion in a coherent manner for the club floor has made this a tough sound to box, but one that continues to thrill amid the cookie cutter generation. With an ethos that a good melody and poignant groove can reign indestructible, the journey from 2012’s ‘Incognito’ to ‘I Can’t Stop,’ ‘Phantom’ and the deep and melodic ‘Monte’ has kept fans and industry tastemakers in awe. From outspoken euphoria to cuts from the playbooks of deep house and techno, his studio repertoire to date plays with unlimited calibre.

In the club, Jonas has shown an encyclopedic musical knowledge. Relishing the opportunity to play personal favourites, new and old, and cuts that never quite broke into the digital market, his ability to draw music from across the dance music spectrum has proven an undeniable asset. It is this approach has seen him successfully captivate the American market with an agenda as educational to fans new-and-old as it is indicative to fuelling global club land and its ever-expanding dance floors.

His industry laurels, however, are yet to be rested upon. Expect high profile collaborations, further North American unearthing, an extended global spree and a considerable return to the uplifting progressive sensibilities that first established Fehrplay as one of the hottest Scandinavian talents to not only reclaim, but redefine the sound of modern progressive house.
Juha Pulli

Posts: 36

#3 • • Juha Pulli
Lisäys line-uppiin: HOLLE & RADIAC.

Holle vs. Radiac (Beach X)
Fehrplay-illan yllätysakti on monelle pitkän linjan klubbaajalle tuttu dj-kaksikko Holle vs. Radiac. Miekkosten tarina vie kauas 90-luvulle, jolloin Grand Old Man Holle aloitti soittamisen mm. legendaarisessa Club Lighthousessa. Vuosituhannen vaihteessa mukaan kotkalaiseen dj-ryhmään hyppäsi myös Radiac. Tuolloin Kotkaan oli avattu ravintola Madeira, josta useat kotkalaiset klubit löysivät kotinsa ja reivaajat toisen olohuoneen.

Hard house, trance, freeform ja muut energiset konetyylit tanssittivat kansaa housen lisäksi ja ylikapellimestareina ”heiluivat” tuolloin useasti myös Holle vs. Radiac. Madeiran taru loppui aikanaan ja se antoi kaveruksille hyvän sysäyksen riisua bilejärjestäjän kaapu hetkeksi pois ja alkaa tuottamaan musiikkia. Vuonna 2008 syntyi myös Beach X, perinteisemälle aidolle trancelle omistautunut tuottajaryhmä, jonka pakista löytyy lukuisia julkaisuja ja remixejä mm. Orkidealle. Supportia on tullut trance-perheeltä ympäri maailmaa ja träkit ovat soineet isojen dj-nimien, kuten Solarstone seteissä. Kyseessä ei ole kuitenkaan mikään vanhan lämmittely, vaan täysin moderni trancefiesta, joka kyllä saa kannat ja korkkarit kattoon tanssilattialla.

Mutta ei trance tietenkään ole tämän dj-kaksikon koko kuva. Tekno, old skool ja breaksit ovat myös niitä elementtejä, joilla Holle vs. Radiacin keikkakokemus luodaan. Tunnettu teknolabel System Recordings julkaisi viime vuonna Radiacin Ray Morqeez- aliaksella tuotetut erittäin rullaavat teknoraidat ja Hollen kynästä ovat lähteneet useat mielenkiintoiset remiksit.