ACES feat. WEEKEND HEROES (Toolroom, Sprout, IL) 16.1.2015 @ Helsinki

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#1 • • ACES

Tammikuussa ACESin kunniavieraaksi saapuu progressiivisen housen artisti Weekend Heroes. Israelista kotoisin oleva Weekend Heroes on villinnyt klubikansaa jo vanhasta Playgroundista asti ja heidän biisit ovatkin soineet paljon Milla Lehdon seteissä.
Illan pääsalissa aloittaa Flink tumman rullaavalla soundillaan ja pelin viimeistelee Milla Lehto tutulla tyylillään.

Alakerran Ässästä meiningistä vastaavat Venuen residentit Kari M ja Zachrian, sekä Varasto klubilta tuttu Doep. Ässät ovat pöydässä ja peli voi alkaa!

Aces is a strong and emotional club concept which started at Venue in June 2011. Our goal is to bring here the hottest artists from the House music scene. Our Game Dealer is Milla Lehto who personally selects the Aces for every night. All the main artists are her favorites and have inspired not only her, but also her audience throughout the years on her gigs.

Aces is all about variations of the house music and emotions.

For those about to Dance we salute you!



WEEKEND HEROES (Toolroom, Sprout, IL)

Milla Lehto (Venue, ACES, Pussy)

Flink (Candyland)


Kari M (Venue)

Zacharian (Venue)

Doep (Varasto)



Friday 16.1.2015 // 22:00-04:00 // Age 18


Venue & Playground
Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21
00100 Helsinki


Door: 10€ before 23:00, after 12€


From Lippupalvelu:

9€ (+ service fee starting from 1,5€, minimum total price 10,5€)

VIP tickets (only 100 ticket for sale)
19€ + service fee starting from 2,5€, minimum total price 21,5€)

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue
-Special gift @ Venue (ask from ticket seller)

SUPER VIP ticket only from email:

450€ SUPER VIP for 10 people (1 table only)

SUPER VIP ticket includes:

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue and escorting to the table
-Table reserved for all night next to the stage
-1 bottle of Vodka + mixers, 2 bottles of sparkling wine











Weekend Heroes bio

Weekend Heroes started their way as collaboration project between 2 electronic scene veterans Felix Nagorsky aka Timelock and Eli Baltsan aka DJ Zombi. They met first in 2009 with goal in their mind to create music which will be different but in same time speaking easily to wild audience, a perfectly balanced blend of Progressive House, Techno and Trance.

Their first releases (Supernova EP – Echoes Records and Eat My Apple EP – Plastik Park Records) did quite buzz around the globe and guys filled up with great energy to go full time with the new project. Following releases scored directly to the Top 20 and been recognized by all-star DJ’s and clubbers all around the planet. Beckers & Hatfield – Excuse (Weekend Heroes RMX)(Plastik Park) and Ticon – Models on Cocaine (Weekend Heroes RMX)(Iboga) turned to big hits actually and been spined by resident DJ’s at any occasions, as well sold lots of copies on Beatport and other relevant shops, can be said those 2 releases made a name for Weekend Heroes in that very first year of exist 2009.

Since beginning of 2010 started Weekend Heroes frequently touring the world with their dynamic and pumping well Live Act. They play quite often to crowds up to 10000 clubbers at amazing stages as Playground Events Brazil, Atmosphere Festival Mexico and many others prime events. Never stops a productive studio sessions, new best sellers been made, countless new EP’s and Remixes hitter the market. Sidewinder EP (Iboga), Endless Candy(Baroque), Fear Factor EP(Plastik Park), Ne”X EP(Echoes) – those releases been most recognized in 2010 and probably opened lots of doors for the guys. Remix requests and collaboration request started achieve their mail and some very interesting results came up – Remixes for Tim Healey, Tomcraft, Jerome Isma Ae, Wally Lopez, Gai Barone introduced WH as serial top sellers remixers and collaboration trax with Jerome Isma Ae, Paul Thomas, Sebastian Kreig tells about their network abilities.

In 2011 totally new level achieved with massive gigs at venues like Pacha Sao Paulo, The Gallery London, Neo Club Moscow and quite many others top spots around the planet, from Russia to Japan to Brazil and back.

Meanwhile Global Underground realized the potential of the band and signed them to their booking agency and music label, many goodies will come throw this way during next year.

So if u are a promoter and about to decide what main act will pump you event don’t hesitate to check Weekend Heroes Live Act and if u clubber just put your dance shoes on and come check one of the gigs near your home! Weekend Heroes is about to be there soon!!!

Based in Tel Aviv, Israel