Skin&Bones Present: Invisible Cities x Oded Peled Friday 17.10.14 17.10.2014 @ Helsinki

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#1 • • jayjaral
Invisible Cities & Oded Peled come together for a rare and exclusives club experience at Skin&Bones FRIDAY 17.10.2014. If you're looking for some all around the world House & Techno, then this is your ultimate destination.

★ Skin&Bones present: Invisible Cities

★ Invisible Cities (KMS, Toolroom, Get Twisted)

★ Oded Peled (Misc, Basso)

★ Friday 17th October 2014

★ Narikka 3e

★ Entry: 3e

d a n c e i n y o u r s k i n b o n e s