Joni Lustig - Booties & Stuff March 2013

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Future Shock

Posts: 15

#1 • • Future Shock
Future Shock resident Joni Lustig gives you a little teaser from his massive booty collection. Enjoy!

1. Sergio Parrado with Yiorgios Magnas - El Abuelito (Aldo Cadiz Remix) / Gia Tous Anthropous Pou (Joni Lustig Booty)
2. Basti Grub with Chemical Brothers - Drunk & High / Block Rockin Beats (Joni Lustig Booty)
3. Benny Rodriquez with Gel Abril - Klippenklappen / Thicken (Joni Lustig Booty)
4. Heath Holme with M83 - Turn It On (Philip Strauss Dub / Fountains (Joni Lustig Booty)
5. Santos with M83 - Hold Home / In Church (Joni Lustig Booty)
6. Charles Ramirez with M83 - Insane / Intro (Yotto Rework) (Joni Lustig Booty)

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