Cielå - Oxidación 23.2.2013 @ Turku

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Posts: 32

#2 • • Cielo High quality house music only!

Posts: 32

#3 • • Cielo High quality house music only!
Time for a change in the Cielå-organization. The other resdent DJ Jarier will move to the Domincan Republic at the end of March, leaving the club. The February-party will be his last. Replacing him as a resident will be Homegrove. This is what he had to say about it:
When I heard that Jarier was leaving for warmer climates, I was saddened by the news, I'd be losing a good friend and Turku would be losing a great DJ. That said I look forward to joining Cielå and hoping that I'm the right match for the club. House music forever.

Posts: 32

#4 • • Cielo High quality house music only!
... next Saturday ;)

Posts: 32

#5 • • Cielo High quality house music only!
Tänään Cielåssa... Residenteiltä odotettavissa oxinoituneempaa soundia, Marialta elektroonista & discoa ja Hexeltä voikin sitten odottaa jo aivan mitä vain ;) Pidätämme kuitenkin taas kaikki oikeudet muutoksiin!


Posts: 32

#6 • • Cielo High quality house music only!
Houska meininki taas, joten suuret kiitokset jälleen kaikkille ja erityisesti vieraileville artisteille. Seuraavalla kerralla mennäänkin sitten jo uudenlaisella kokoonpanolla, ja hyvin keväisissä merkeissä ;)