CLINIC & BEDROCK proudly present JOHN DIGWEED (UK) 20.10.2012 @ Venue & Playground, Helsinki

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Posts: 838

#1 • • Edited -Clinic-


22:00 Antti Rasi
00:30 John Digweed


22:00 Illschnitzell
00:00 Milla Lehto
01:45 Oded Peled


23:00 Hans Zcykkel
01:30 Jekaterina


CLINIC & BEDROCK proudly present

Saturday 20.10.2012
age 18

Venue & Playground
Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21
00100 Helsinki


OPERATION ROOM: (22:00-04:00)

JOHN DIGWEED (Bedrock Records, UK) 3 HOUR SET

Antti Rasi aka Paul Easy (Clinic, After Hours)

PLAYGROUND: (22:00-04:00)

Milla Lehto (After Hours, Pussy eau de Club)

Oded Peled (Misc)

Illschnitzell (Techstruction)

OBSERVATION ROOM: (23:00-04:00)

Jekaterina (Venue)

Hans Zcykkel



Lights & visuals



Precision Audio Premium Double

More about Clinic:

Event at Facebook:

Club Venue group at Facebook:


Charge at the Clinic reception: 27€

Clinic visits booked in advance:

Early Bird (till 15.8 if not sold out before) ONLY 100 TICKET FOR SALE!!

22€€ from Cybershop (Asematunneli, Kamppi)
22€€ + booking fee 1,2€€ = 23,2€ €(+ service fee) from Tiketti (

Advance tickets:

25€€ from Cybershop (Asematunneli & Kamppi)
25€€ + booking fee 1,2€€ = 26,2€ €(+ service fee) from Tiketti (

100 VIP tickets (Only from Tiketti)
Price 35 €€ including booking fee €(+ service fee)

VIP ticket includes:

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue
-Special gift @ Venue
-No queuing at the afterparty entrance (afterparty ticket is not included to the price)

SUPER VIP ticket only from email: [email protected]
650€ SUPER VIP for 10 people (only 1 table for sale)

SUPER VIP ticket includes:

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue and escorting to the table
-Table reserved for all night next to the stage, best place at the club ;)
-1 bottle of Grey Goose vodka + mixers, 2 bottles of sparkling wine
-No queuing at the afterparty entrance @ Playground (afterparty ticket is not included to the price)



John Digweed biography

Some DJ careers are built on hype. John Digweed’s career is built on substance. One of the planet’s most popular DJs, his sets never fall out of favour with clubbers the world over, as his relentless global gig schedule testifies. From ethereal, swirling cinematic soundscapes to energy-infused bass-bothering tech growlers, a new generation of clubbers are learning what we already know - that there’s nothing quite like being locked into a John Digweed set.

But John Digweed is much more than a DJ. Bedrock – his record label, promotions company and production partnership with Nick Muir – is a mothership of creative ingenuity and integrity that other labels orbit around. His vision for the Bedrock record label has been realized over 12 years, as he continuously seeks out mixes and remixes from the world’s best producers. Techno mainstays like Marco Bailey, Christian Smith and John Selway sit comfortably alongside hot new talent like Guy J in the Bedrock camp.

In a dance scene increasingly inhabited by inflated egos and gimmicks, John’s approach remains all drive, no drama, a heads-down crack-on attitude that has won him the respect of his peers. However, the fact remains that John Digweed has notched up a mighty list of groundbreaking achievements since he first became involved in the embryonic acid house scene as a 15-year-old lad in Hastings. From Top 40 smashes ‘Heaven Scent’ and ‘For What You Dream Of’ (with Nick Muir) to world renowned mix CDs for Renaissance, GU and Northern Exposure, it’s little surprise he was voted No.1 DJ in the World by DJmag readers in 2001.

Ten years on, the excitement John Digweed generates is even more palpable today. With Nick he has scored a Hollywood film (Stark Raving Mad) and Spiderman`s animated series for Sony/MTV. toured with David Bowie and Moby, and transformed Brighton Beach into the UK’s biggest beach party (250,000 people) with Fatboy Slim. His Transitions, Bedrock and Structures albums continue to turn new fans on worldwide, Bedrock’s recent 12th birthday party at London’s O2 Brixton Academy was a road-blocked sell-out and his Transitions radio show is one of the world’s most successful dance music shows, broadcast across 45 countries to a staggering weekly audience of over 14 million.

But the real beauty in John Digweed’s story lies in his unflinching belief in the music he plays. And with new music comes new chapters in an already astonishing career.






Posts: 651

#2 • • Playground
Playground suuntaa uusiin tiloihin 3.8!

Hyvän tovin Suomen elektronisen musiikin skeneä Iso Roobertinkatu 10:stä käsin rikastuttanut Playground siirtyy uuteen kotiin nykyisen Bassmentin tilalle Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21:een. Luvassa on Playgroundille ominaista laajaa ohjelmistoa käsittäen konemusiikin alalajit junkasta teknoon ja housesta hip hopiin. Tapahtumista tulevat vastaamaan useat tunnetut klubipromoottorit sekä muutamat tuoreemmat kasvot. Playgroundissa olevien iltojen tila yhdistyy tarpeen tullen isommaksi kokonaisuudeksi Venuen kanssa mahdollistaen suuremmat ja monipuolisemmat tapahtumat.

Voimme kuitenkin myös ilolla ja ylpeydellä ilmoittaa, että vanhaakaan tilaa ei kuopata, vaan Iso Roobertinkatu 10:ssä jatkaa toimintaansa jo vuosia sunnuntaiaamujen legendana tunnettu After Hours.

Posts: 838

#3 • • -Clinic-
Ennakkoliput nyt myynnissä Tiketissä!

Posts: 189

#7 • • Bedrock
Herra siunaa, näähän on jo ens lauantaina. Huh huh!


Future Perfect


Posts: 838

#8 • • -Clinic-


22:00 Antti Rasi
00:30 John Digweed


22:00 Illschnitzell
00:00 Milla Lehto
01:45 Oded Peled


23:00 Hans Zcykkel
01:30 Jekaterina

Posts: 838

#9 • • -Clinic-
After Hours XL @ Venue, Helsinki

Now that After Hours has moved to its new home, we have a possibility to have some variance in the way we do it. That's why we are introducing you a new concept called After Hours XL. This means that we are invading upstairs. And by upstairs we mean Club Venue.

Sunday 21.10.2012 // 05:00-??:00 // age 18 // 10€

Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21
00100 Helsinki


Antti Rasi aka Paul Easy (After Hours)

Concha (After Hours)

Illschnitzell (House Trap)


Homegrove (Further)

Jekaterina (Venue)


Precision Audio Premium

Facebook event:

Posts: 5,560

#11 • • m1kk3 no-life

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti

Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#12 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.

Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#13 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
Oli kerrassaan mainiot bailut. Tälläkin kertaa Digweed oli just niin kova kun voi olla. Ja siihen päälle Antin lämmittelyt ja Millakin tuli käytyy äkkii tsekattuu. Uus pleikkari on HIENO! Ja se äänentoisto, ei tsiisus.. <3 *kuolaa* En keksi mitään valittamista. Vissiin nyt kun se pleikkarikin on samaan aikaan auki ni venue ei oo semmonen sillipurkki kun joskus. Me like!

Just tämmösten iltojen takia tulee lähdettyä kouvolasta aina helsinkiin. *hymy*

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 257

#14 • • Juge
Olipas kerrassaan mainiot bileet pitkästä aikaa. Digweed ja Milla soittelivat kyllä molemmat semmosta settiä ettei oikein tienny kummassa tilassa olis ollu mut ensin mainittu vei sit kuitenkin voiton. Uus pleikkari on kyl tosi kiva bilepaikka :)

Tällaisten kemujen takia todellakin on mukava matkustaa Kouvolasta Hesaan <3